Monday, June 1, 2009


Slept fairly well last night so I felt good today.
However, at work this morning, something triggered in my mind: I started painting her room yesterday and realized that she has taken my Direct TV receiver and remote control.
I wrote her 2 emails today about getting it back to me - immediately.
No reply.
Just 2 more items to add to the lawsuit list. I have contacted a handyman about getting the drywall repaired properly - my fix jobs don't look too shabby, actually, but her fix jobs are incredibly BAD. She just gobbed spackling over the holes and didn't bother to either smooth it out or sand it down. I have no intention on fixing the stuff - she will have to pay for it.
I started burning - really - when I realized she had taken my receiver and the remote. About $75 worth of electronics plus shipping and handling if ordered from Direct TV's site.
As soon as I get a written estimate of the damages from someone, I'm going to the courthouse and file a lawsuit. She is not responding to any of my demands to fix the walls; pay back-rent or get my electronics back to me. I will not sit on this - at all.
Meanwhile, Ken wrote her via her email address and asked if he could have the dresser. He forwarded her reply to me - which said yes, definitely you can have it. That's all I need - something in writing from her that says it so in case she tries something, I have proof of her approval.

Enough about Mary. It's just seemingly a never-ending pile of crap that gets heaped higher and higher.

Really not much else going on. I am waiting for this potential tenant to stop by or call - well call first, she said anyway. If she doesn't show up today, there is another guy that has written that is definitely interested in the room. I would rather she did stop by - I have a good feeling about it at this point and I think it would be longer term than the guy that wrote that only needs a room for 2 and a half months (but I'll take that over nothing!). I also keep getting the idea that the other female tenant already in here is going to be leaving sooner or later - she is always looking at houses for sale online and I hear her talking about it to whoever about going in on the house in terms of renting rooms or something like that.
It just puts the fire on the feet to get someone else in here quickly.

Anyway, I think I'm going to go in the room and start painting again - I bought a regular roller versus that sponge thing I accidentally bought yesterday - I'll never buy one like that again!

Actually, a wave of fatigue just swept over me - I think I'll go take a nap instead.


Fijufic said...

She was a mess...

BenB said...

Unfortunatly, she STILL is.

Sooo..... After fixing the brakes on the trailer myself, I headed down to Nacogdoches. After getting the trailer washed out, I was talking w...