Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday 7/12/2011


Another busy day at work ahead. I may end up with some good hours this week the same as last week and the week before : )

So, I finally HEARD from Caleb (my son)! Not just Facebook or emails, but he called me yesterday. I was REALLY bummed when I saw I had missed a call from him. I tried to call him back to no avail. I left him a message and 30 minutes later, he called again.

The boy has FAR more free time than he has been letting on. I asked, he gave in. There is a good down time between when one batch of campers leave and a new batch of them come in. Like about a day and a half, or even 2 days.

So, I guess the counsellors all take off to Showlow - a town that is not actually that close, I think it's at least 60 miles away. A nice diversion, I guess, they go bowling there and do whatever else. In other words, they have their own family going up there and so they spend their free time together. No problem, just a little communication with family here and there would be nice, though I definitely say THAT to him, lol. It was just good to hear from him.

He also indicated that he wanted me to go up there and bring him home. Which is cool, I definitely would love to do that. So, he is done on August 30th and unless something changes, I will be going up there to get him. That's on a Saturday, so I don't have to take time off of work, either.

I have no idea what is going on in Quartsite, AZ. That one took me totally by surprise. Ousting the mayor and apparently in times past, arresting him? I don't quite get it, it appears there is ill workings in the town council, I would hope the State would intervene, start an investigation and find out what's going on there. Yikes!

Iran's president's "half brother" is killed. I don't know anything about the man, but if he is anything like their president, I won't be shedding any tears. In fact, from my perspective of it, that nation's president's views on things does not necessarily even come close to how at least some percentage of it's populus see things.

Tempe is turning off the cameras. AZ DPS shut them off quite a while back on the freeways and then, finally, Redflex was forced to remove the cameras altogether off the side of the road. Good riddance. Now Tempe has voted to turn the damned things off as well. The story stated that "any tickets received between now and the time the contract officially ends must still be paid". Bunk. I didn't pay the only one I ever got from a freeway camera and beat it, even if by default, I wouldn't pay another one, either. My little book I bought that shows you how to beat them has so many ways to beat them that you are likely able to get out of it without the help of a lawyer.

Where is my mind REALLY at right now? Vacation. I really do NOT want to sit home the entire time. I will undoubtedly go down and visit my dad at his new residence for a day, but that can't be the ONLY thing I do, can it? I mean, really. If it just means renting a cabin for a day or two up in the mountains, that's better than nothing. I dunno, I'm really thinking about what I can do to get out of this hot town for at least a few days without having to break the bank to do it.

With that, I must get offa here, work day has arrived.



 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...