Friday, September 6, 2024

 Friday - early

I dunno what it was, I think the neighbor's dogs, but I woke up at 11:00 pm last night and it was a long, long time before I could finally get back to sleep.  I'm going to have to figure something out here because this is getting ridiculous.  Like, maybe I should just get up and do something until I get sleepy again and then try to go back to sleep.  

I don't care how tired I am after work today, I'm forcing myself to do 25-30 minute walk around the back 15.  It's one full loop, then a smaller loop and then finish a partial full loop.  That's 25 minutes. To make it 30, well, backtrack I guess going the other direction after I get done with the partial small loop.  

Lol, I'm watching Fox News atm and Joel Osteen is coming up.  That guy is a wolf in sheep's clothing and all of conservative/Christian America knows it.  I could go into a list of things, but who cares.  I'm not sure I want to hear anything he has to say, but I might subject myself to a little bit of it to find out why Fox bothered to bring this man on.

As for everything else?  You know, I got onto an SBA list and these people called me.  I don't trust anyone anymore, if YOU are calling ME, I want your full name, business address, etc. THEN< I can look it up and call them back independently.  These scammers have gotten so good at what they do know - which is lying to you to get your personal info - that seems to be the only way to be sure that you aren't being scammed into giving a hoard of personal info that will give them the ability to open accounts in your name and then you being the person responsible for their theft.

So, these people text me, I ask for that info and then they want to call me. No, thank you, I will look up your info later and call you back.  So what do they do? Call me anyway. I reminded the lady of what I had said in the text, she got snippety with me and I unfortunately gave her a huge dose of it right back.  I'm just sick of scammers.  They have infiltrated everything, everywhere. Even local Facebook groups are spammed continuously with their crap.  They try to get you to make a partial payment up front for services they are going to render.  Around here? Constant and I do mean constant ads for air duct cleaning.  I ban one from my group and another pops up. And another, and another. It's daily.  And it's in all the other local groups.  They just don't do a very good job clearing out that stuff. I find that in my group, once you clear out all the scam junk, there isn't even that much legitimate stuff in there.

But, it gives the reader less to have to filter through to get to the real stuff.

Well, I just realized it's almost time to go. Was just getting started lol.


 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...