Friday, March 22, 2024

 Friday - night

I wish I could tell everyone that calls that I have a spot for them. Especially the lady that called today asking if I have 3 spots available for long term? Business looking for space for employees.  I wish I could have told her yes, for those are the types of people you really want for long term. They stay a long time and no issues. 

No, I can't take 3 right now. 2?  Well, I might be able to in a week.  Ok, well they aren't coming until the 28th.  I can get back to you in a few hours? I was driving, no access to a computer. Sure!  Well, 30 minutes later I get a text: we found a spot.  The RV industry. Get them in when they call or lose them. I couldn't take them in I knew that. You know, people come and go, maybe some are leaving in the next week? I couldn't tell ya.  Maybe on lot is, for they were only staying 2 weeks. But as it happens often, people say they are leaving and then end up staying much longer.

The park is full.  But it's not going to stay that way.  I've also had to turn away lots of overnighters.  If I'm full, I'm full.  One asked, well do you have anything that has 30 amp hookup? I did but it's that motorcoach and I don't know what she did with the keys to it.  I could move it out of the way and have a spot there.  Anyway, I didn't tell them that, they asked if I had any recommendations so I gave them the name of a competitor across town.  

I've come to the determination that I absolutely need a tractor with several different attachments.  It's just a necessity with land.  It's that or endlessly rent one at near $400 per pop.  I don't know about getting into payments right now, but the driveway is messed up again with all this fresh rain.  I wouldn't rent their tractor again, their box doesn't have teeth and I won't waste my time and money with another stint without those teeth on there to tear up the soil.  I don't know what I'm going to do about this need, if anything, but it's been raised up to a "top priority" situation.  

Work again tomorrow.  This is going to continue on for another week, when i will - tell them - I am taking 2 days off for that weekend.  I'll have missed 2 weeks straight of church, the kids going on 4 weeks.  And time off.  I don't mind this job that much, it's light on hours at anywhere from 6-1/2 to 8-1/2 on a typical day, but it's still work and I get up at 5:30 am for it.  

This paycheck was absolutely pathetic.  I mean, so small it was a kick in the teeth type of thing.  The work I am doing now is allegedly going on the new pay scale.  We'll see.  I've been patient waiting on this, but my patience is wearing thin. I have a couple leads on new jobs.  I wasn't really looking, they just come through either social media, text message or my inbox.  One of them claims a local job and yes, I am researching that one.  

Well it's getting late. I am tired and I want to go to bed early. Gurdon in the am, hopefully a uneventful day, meaning nothing weird, wild and highly time consuming occurs. 

Fortnite - My View Of Things

 I will first say here that I am new to the game having only had played it about 9 weeks now.  Compared to most other players I have been en...