Sunday, September 20, 2020

 3 low paying runs in a row and finally I  get a Brownsville run for tomorrow - Monday.

Yesterday was spent going around town with Taylor and the boys doing this that and the other thing. I mean, we spent like 4 plus hours going from one place to another.  How the boys were able to manage all of that and keep smiles on their faces I have no clue - tho that changed after we got home lmao.

One of the things we did yesterday at the end was go get the boat out of storage, bring it home and park it in the driveway.  I have had the battery charger on it - tho it wasn't dead it wasn't fully charged either.  Put the rest of some 2 stroke mix I had in it and now about to go to the gas station and get another 5 gallons of gas, mix it with the 2 stroke oil and pour as much in there as I can.  I have no idea how much fuel the gas tank holds on the boat and I have no idea how much fuel is in it, excepting the 10 gallons I have already poured into the thing.  

I don't figure we'll come anywhere near burning up all the fuel, but when you don't have a functioning fuel gauge, better safe than sorry.  One of the things I like about this boat insurance policy is that they'll send a boat to save you, lol, if the thing stalls and won't move, you know, like in the middle of a lake?

We haven't decided which lake to go to yet, but we are going today.  The boys are going to maria's and we are either going to Lake O' The Pines (yes, that's it's actual name) or Lake Caddo.  I'm opting for Caddo since it shows a lot more varieties of fish and reports that people are actually catching them.  I never did purchase the fish sonar.  I just dumped that money from the deposit on the house into savings and haven't yet touched it. 

Still trying to learn about those things and buy something that works that people agrere is good enough to do the job without spending a truckload of money on it.  Oh, it's just Taylor and I going, James is still up northing doing some project that his uncle asked for help getting done and since James isn't employed atm, might as well take advantage of a money making opportunity.  

Oh, and this Brownsville run?  names written on it and scratched out 3 times before it was given to me.  My name first, another driver, then another driver, then finally back to me.  I don't know what the manager thinks he's accomplishing by doing that.  Irritating drivers, for one thing. Second time he tried to bump me off a brownsville list without starting over on the paperwork - versus scratching names out and showing that he was going to give my run to fully two other drivers before it came back to me.

One of those drivers went to South Carolina this week, there was no reason on earth he should have even been on that Brownsville run after I just did 3 garbage runs in a row.  It really doesn't set well with me that this manager is engaging in this type of foolery.  His error is in leaving paperwork in the bin in the office. IT's in the "driver lounge", if you can call it that. After every run, drivers put their paperwork in that bin. He hasn't been emptying it lately so I have gone through all of that stuff to see who is getting what.  Some other drivers are also getting the shaft with consistent low paying runs, but none of those were forced to do any Chenier runs, much less 2 in a row.

Whatever the case, I'm going to be looking through that pile of paperwork simply because it's there. No one told me I can't look at it and it's not in his office, so I have no problems seeing who is getting what.  There are some drivers from other divisions that are now "in" our division, tho they are still hauling other products that are also ending up in there, but that stuff doesn't count. Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, - other types of chemicals.  

Well the queen of the house just texted me, she's taking a shower and getting ready to go, so I need to go to the gas station quick and fill up the can one more time.


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