Well now I understand why this process with my fate at work is being drawn out. The security guards flat out lied through their teeth about what occurred the other day. They tried to claim I refused to give them ID, which is just plain false, and whether I should have taken the video of them ignoring it or not, it's proof that my ID was dangling out the window of the truck for at least 5 if not 10 minutes and asking them to look at it.
They also claimed I said my name was Mike something or other. No, not only did I tell them my name, I also spelled out my last name for them. Then they claimed I refused to stop videoing after being asked. No, I turned the camera off immediately after they asked.
It just went on and on into a litany of lies that went up the chain of command all the way to the parent company corporate, of which I won't name here, who said I wasn't allowed on ANY of their properties from here on out, as long as I'm employed by my company. That stops me from going to 5 faciliites, 4 of which I don't like going to anyway, the 5th is an up in the air thing, I"ll take it if given but it certainly isn't on my top 10 of places I like to go to.
So, I really didn't expect that, the lying that is. An it's my word against theirs besides that video showing me holding out my ID card. But with the story they fabricated, I can see what the mother company would want to ban me. It became obvious, quickly, that the only real thing I could do is simply humble myself, apologize and eat it. So I did. To keep the job and not get fired, yup I just apologized for things I didn't do, tho I did deny all of it. What could you have done differently? Just hand them the ID without asking them about it. Security guards can get pissy about their authority being questioned, even if you aren't actually challenging their authority.
I have had enough interactions with them over the decades of truck driving I've done, far and beyond just the current job.
The mid level manager wasn't opposed to my staying in the company after seeing my demeanor. I wasn't about to argue with them, it became crystal clear what my only line of action could be to salvage my job. But, even with all of that, the manager said they would ask for a verbal warning - the least amount of infraction I could get and not go on my record, but that HR could come back and say they want - more. Such as a written warning or worse. Worse would be to be let go. So I've got another couple of days sitting around, according to him, to find out my fate.
Here I figured they would have already decided that. My manager had made his decision - he lauded my performance and my work ethic and said he would be stupid to want to let me go. So I got that much of a concession at least. I would, if kept on, be getting mostly gravy runs, such as the people I have continually complained about coming from other divisions lol. The worst run I can think of I would get is Oklahoma, which is at the top of the "worst runs" list. in other words, it's as too as it gets when thinking about bad runs. I wouldn't have to go to Ohio - where you are held up a day and don't get paid for it. The other drivers tried to claim we are going to get paid for the layover, but that didn't turn out to be true.
The other thing he stated is that I wouldn't be able to go out back to back runs like he sends me out now. Good, I thought I don't like that anyway, but certainly said nothing about that. I mean, I've gone extremely long periods of time before he came along with getting a day or 2 days off in between runs anyway and still making bank for yearly earnings.
So, if I get to keep my job - that's still up in the air, actually - this will actually work out better for me even tho I will have a stain on my record with them. And if I decide to move on at some point, they won't be able to show that information to any potential employer for reasons I won't go into here.
So I have at least another day off, maybe two before I even find out my fate, but at least my manager IS pulling for me. It was really left into his hands to make the decision of what kind of discipline to give me - but - then he has to submit it to HR and HR has to agree with it.
BTW, losing a job isn't the end of my life. But getting fired from a job? That can affect your potential for future employment - greatly - with any decent company. That, is why I ate this stuff, swallowed it whole and will live with it. And even with that, no guarantees that I will still have a job there? Well I tried at least. I was honest, that is also something that counts with me. Those guards obviously don't care what they have to say in order to keep their jobs. They are probably making a lot of money at that facility. It's out in the middle of nowhere. The nearest town going to Louisiana is about 45 miles I think. Going the opposite direction it's Port Arthur, but apparently none of them live there - people at the plant anyway that I've talked to - they don't like it there and live much further out. We're talking 2 hour drive times for many of these people.
Anyway, enough of that. I will be home tomorrow, babysitting the boys but probably spending about 4 hours with Phoenix doing school work. He just finished monday's work tonight and of course it's Tuesday, so tomorrow I will work with him on both today's and tomorrow's work. I expect about 4 hours of work. So, we'll do Tuesday's work - in it's entirety - and then play time outside. Do half of Wednesday's work and then naptime - which is when I can also start making dinner. They sleep, I cook. They're good for 1-1/2 hours of early afternoon sleep.
That's my plan for tomorrow. I am undecided about setting up the pond now that I have it all cleared out. The leaves are falling. The trees are dumping lots of leaves. I bought some netting to go over it, but just undecided about having to deal with all of that. Or, I could just do a setup like I have at my house in Phoenix, put 4 posts in and drape it with sunscreen material which will let light in but keep most of the leaves out. Tomorrow won't be a good day for that regardless since I will be babysitting, doing school work, cooking and wondering about my job.
Anyway, it's been a rather long day. Oh, today is my 3 year anniversary at this employer. I found that out because I asked how many vacation hours I have left. The middle level manager called payroll and they informed him that they had just dumped - however many hours -back into the system. I really wasn't listening too well at that point, the meeting was over and I was attempting to digest everything I had just heard. I knew my start date was around this time of the year, I wasn't sure what the exact day was.
It's not time for bed, but I'm getting off the internet for the night.