Sunday, May 12, 2024

 Sunday - late morning

Happy Mother's Day to any moms that read this blog!  Happy day for you!  Y'all are awesome!

Church in 20 minutes. No great plans here today, parents are going out together, the kids are going to church and then coming with me - to Applebee's, our weekly outing.  They made it right from that horrible experience there and the new GM got rid of a bunch of deadbeat employees who have no more concern about the customers than they do a dead snake in the middle of the road.  That was a good move.  Finding people to replace them, however.....pretty hard in this area.  One of the worst after-effects of Covid and the government giving away "free money" is the fact that a lot of people will not work now because they think they are being underpaid, especially in the restaurant industry.

We are quickly heading towards Communism in this nation and I wonder what it's going to take to stop this parade.  We are already well established in Socialist ideology - at least with the "ruling elites" who think us peasants should just listen and obey. Pelosi is still mouthing off about stuff like this even tho she is no longer the House Speaker.  It's not just her, she was the first one that came to mind after seeing an article last night about her going off yet again.  She thinks we're all too stupid to think for ourselves, the federal government just make decisions for us.

The end results is a nation with a large swatch of people who have become completely lazy and have zero motivation.  Who have been led to believe that the government can just print money endlessly and give it away.  People actually believe this and that the money is "free".  You have Biden continuing on with his college loan forgiveness executive orders that are helping to cement this belief.  He is simply trying to buy votes. We all know this but they would never admit to it. 

Anyway, Applebees has improved, it remains to be seen whether they can get the type of help working there that they need to actually turn that place around.  Applebee's announced they are going to be closing some restaurants this year.  I actually hope it isn't the one in town here.  Their food is great, it's the service that needs substantial improvement.  Anyway, if the kids decide they want to go to El Taco today instead, I'm good with that as well.  I like that place, their Mexican food is authentic. 

I'm both looking forward to and dreading tomorrow/Monday.  Looking forward to having a working AC system, not looking forward to getting up at 4:30 am.  And sitting in a trucker's lounge isn't conducive to taking naps.  Usually a lot of noise with a TV blaring and drivers on phones talking loudly.  Maybe I'll get lucky?  I wonder, if I'm having to stick around there half a day or longer, if I shouldn't be getting an Uber and going and checking out some tractors?  They have a couple of dealers in town if I recall correctly.  It's something to do....

Some people called late yesterday, do you have 2 spots available? This was after the people called before that yesterday asking the same thing.  Except, the first wanted the lots for last night, the latter wanted them for tonight. Yup, 2 lots rented for 2 nights in a row.  It's money.  

The family of 3 is moving out Friday, allegedly. They keep moving it back, that's the bank/mortgage company playing paperwork games.  That's going to leave 3 long term lots empty.  I am going to post another Facebook ad here probably today when we get home from church and dinner.  Well, maybe I'll wait until they leave so I can take pics of it and tout it as a huge lot - which it is and highly desireable. It's because that's the last lot on the south side.  So, you come out of your trailer door and and you aren't looking at the side of another trailer, you are looking at a large yard and then the doggy park.  I charge more for that, $50 more to be precise.  If I can get it, I do it. 

The workamper did a bunch more work yesterday and the wife asked what else he can do? What do you need done? Well, the overhanging branches along the driveway need trimmed and a tree cluster needs a few trunks taken down.  Note I didn't say take the entire tree down, I better explain that a bit better.  He is a good worker but his listening skills aren't all that great.  Still, it's a pleasure to have someone actually doing something for the exchange of free lot rent versus others I have had that won't even work for pay, they just sit there when I turn my back and play on their phones.  I stopped using paid help quite a while back, more trouble than it's worth.  These people are getting about $450 per month in freebies so I don't expect him to be working every single day.

At the same time, I don't want to say that to him.  You give people an inch and they take 100 miles in this current environment of entitlement.  I don't suspect he feels entitled to anything, never know. 

I'm thinking of advertising the huge lot for $500.  It's the one across from the family of 3. Those 2 end lots are the prized lots to have.  I figure to try it for a while, I'm looking to get money out of the prime lots, not just give them away at the same price. Many RV parks do this, there is nothing unethical about it in case you think it is. It's just a way to get a little more money.  Many of the people coming into my park are not poor and broke. Some are, yes, but most are well off or middle class on the upper end of the scale.  

Anyway, it's time to leave for church.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...