Saturday, September 9, 2023

 Saturday - morning

The last time a service person was supposed to come out to look at the dryer, it wasn't something that happened within a few days.  Just throwing that out there, because the dryer apparently isn't pumping out heat.  The panel works, the switch does what it's supposed to do, it turns on, the barrel spins but no heat.  It's under warranty until February, I believe.  

But having said that, what good is a warranty where you have to wait weeks for service?  I now have a useless dryer sitting in there as reported by the family that uses it on a daily basis.  They have a 4 year old who has issues at night soiling the bed, fairly normal for that age, so they do laundry every single day.  I said I would get a service ticket running on it, but it might be a while before they even get out there, much less fix it.

Well, he offered to take a look.  Dryers are not particularly complex machines and I know a lot of people that will take the entire thing apart, fix it and put it back together again.  I have no desire to mess with it.  I have enough on my plate, if they want to look at it, fine. He's mechanically inclined, I know that for a fact.  So, he is attempting to figure out what's wrong with it. It's likely either the heating element or the thermocoupler. It just tells the machine that the barrel is overheated and it therefore, it's going to fry itself and stop a potential fire.  

Those are the only 2, real things I can think of. Neither of them are particularly expensive and there is a huge appliance parts company over in Longview that basically carries "everything" to repair all things appliances.  I'd eat the cost and warranty be damned if that's all it is.  Washing machines, I likely wouldn't let them start messing with that. Lots of components can go wrong, some of them expensive, don't want the warranty voided.  I don't even know the terms of these machines as far as working on them myself, but probably there is a clause saying if you do any repairs, you void the warranty.  

The family is highly motivated, apparently, to get it running simply because of the fact that they have that little boy and the issues that arise daily.  The other alternative is to buy a cheap dryer, move the coin op one out of the way and there ya go.  I mean, I just found one that "works great" for $50. It's just a matter of convenience, those machines aren't making me any money.  Maybe after I get them paid off they will.  

Whatever the case, I am going to remember to take that notice with me today and leave it on the doorstep of the now 3-day late guest who apparently is nowhere to be found.  Oh how I wish I would have written their phone numbers down, I usually do or I put them in my phone.  Why I forgot with them no clue.  From now on, any long term guests will have their phone number posted in the credit card data so I can easily access along with my note book I have for everyone. 

I still have this issue with the shower stall to fix and I may at least go get the drywall out of the way today and look at what's going on. Probably nothing serious, but the fact that it's leaking at all is serious enough. You start getting black mold and you end up having to tear down the drywall altogether and chuck it.  No, I don't see any evidence of black mold.  The shower was getting quite a bit of use, not so much atm.  

The dog wanted to go out early this morning.  He isn't like Addler was. Addler wouldn't even "say" anything.  This one? He started whining and making little noises to let me know it was time for him to do his duty. Which is fine, I'd rather a dog let me know what's going on, actually.  He's conked out on the floor atm.  I figure to give him pain meds through today and that will be it.  I've got a bottle of them but I really don't think he needs pain meds that long?  I've never actually given a dog pain meds for a foot injury, the vet insisted so I just said fine.  

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...