Monday, December 26, 2022

 Paying that gravel off to the contractor kind of set things in motion.  It depleted my bank account to a point that started to become - uncomfortable, we'll say.  There are no more 401k's, cash-out refi's, bank loans.  About the time I start feeling better from this latest sickness, I will be finishing up some things at the property and then I will be looking for a new job. 

I want the doggy park completely finished and the firepit social area.  I need gravel for the main driveway, but that is going to wait until after I am working again.  I'm not spending that kind of money right now, it would put my into what I consider "dangerous" money territory where you start to wonder about the viability of all of your payments and financial responsibilities.

I just hope I don't have to take some s*** job. I also hope I don't have to take some job that keeps me on the road all the time.  When it comes down to brass tacks, however, a person will do what they have to do.  I am not averse to working, I"m just averse to the trucking industry as a whole.  It's made me some money, but that is as far as the perks go.  Beyond that? It totally sucks.  I won't even go into all of that today, why ruin an otherwise perfectly fine day?

It's still quite cold outside and so, the space heaters are running constantly.  The heat never turns off on them - but they are doing their job at least.  They are waiting on a part for the central heat.  I know what the part is and how it works, but since a new one was just put on there, I suspect that another new one is just going to burn up as well.  The house needs a new central heat/ac system. It's been needing one for a while now.  Not my house, they can make their decisions the way they like, if it were me, I would have replaced the system at least 2 years ago.  Certainly now, especially with an offer from a family member to pay for it and have them make payments back to that family member.  ;

Anyway, it's Monday and I have no plans. I am going to sit here until this stuff passes. I know bronchitis well and I know how you get rid of it: You do nothing. If you try to do any physical labor, you will just extend it indefinitely.  I've had it last months in the past.  I don't have months here, I need to be well so I can go back to work and spend 14 hour days out on the road.

Anyway, I do intend on taking a drive over to the property today, just to make sure everything is good. The water is off so I don't have to worry about busted pipes leaking all over the place.  I'll turn it back on later this week when the temps will rise back up significantly and we don't have to worry about it.  I find if I haven't been over there in a couple of days, I start getting antzy.  There is money tied up over there. The only thing really destructible is probably the power pedestals.  

Those were pricey - supply-demand issues, good luck finding any right now.  You'll pay for them, I'll tell ya that.  3 month wait is what I'm hearing currently.  Makes me want to have an extra one available in case one gets run over.  But not now.  Once I get a job, I'll save up a few thousand dollars and get the rest of the gravel issues finished.  Then I"ll start paying down credit card debt and get my score back into an acceptable range of excellent. But I won't be looking for any loans until I see if this park is going to do anything.  

I've had a couple people inquire about the ads I've placed locally for long term, but no real bites yet.  It might take a while to get any in there.  

As for jobs, I'm going to apply at fuel hauling places to begin with. I have no experience with it, but I do have the tanker and hazmat experience.  It's a matter of trying to find a place that would train me.  That's all local stuff - but usually a person new to a company will start out with a graveyard shift.  If I can't get one of those gigs, then all bets are off.  Chemical hauling, flatbeds, dry vans - no reefers please.  Even heavy haul.  I'll take a pay cut to stay local, I will say that. But if I"m going regional I want 90k per year and that's that.  80k minimum. Regional still keeps you out on the road a week at a time.  

Enough.  I really want to get out of this house.  At least just a drive in a pre-heated vehicle (remote start) and just go over there and look.  I've been in this house almost entirely since last Sunday.  It's getting old.  

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...