Sunday, March 12, 2023

 Sunday - Late afternoon

Daylight Savings Time. A thing I could do without and did without in Arizona for decades. It's especially this one where the clock moves forward where you basically are losing an hour's worth of sleep.  Not that I have to get up particularly early on a Sunday morning anyway, it's just the psychological effect.  It's an ancient ritual as far as I'm concerned that they need to get rid of.  I can't fathom the necessity in politician's minds to want to affect the sleep cycles of hundreds of million of Americans twice a year?  

The credit card for the incoming last night was declined - they still owe over $50 - whatever the exact amount is, the software does all of that for me.  Well, after church this morning, the man was walking his dog and I caught up to him. They had gotten rid of that credit card, he said, he could "go get one right now".  Uhh, no, you are staying 2 more days, I can get it tomorrow.  As long as I get paid, I don't really care at what point I get that money.  

We did chat or a bit, he is one of the few that has actually walked the entire circumference of the walking trails.  He really liked it and complimented me on it.  Thank you! Not many people use it, tho I built it for the Park use, it's basically my own little paradise back there.  He commented on what looked like tent camping sites.

Yes, there is a big one back there but atm, I can't run it because the only real way back there is to walk.  He commented that many people wouldn't mind walking back there for that kind of scenery and deep in the woods. Hmm.  There are no facilities - but I spent a good portion of life dry camping in areas with no toilets, water - nothing.  You take a shovel, a roll of toilet paper, go into the woods, do your thing and cover it up.  I just wonder how many people would be willing to do that in this current age of amenities and have-to-have's where people can't be inconvenienced by much of anything?  

I do have one of my tent camping sites on both Roverpass and Hipcamp. So far, only one person and she couldn't find the site.  

Speaking of Roverpass, my second reservation for that came through 30 minutes ago. This time? It's for one of the RV sites, not tent camping.  I take a bit of a loss on Roverpass, their fees are pretty high.  My $25 site even with them adding fees to the customer still only gets me $21.75 back.  But, it's on a date that had nothing reserved. I'll take that $21.75 over nothing.  It's a done deal, confirmation letter sent and date blacked out on the software reservation grid.  

I was really delighted tho that the guy, his wife and doggy had strolled through the woods.  I really don't want it all to myself, I like to share treasures and I do think it's a natural treasure back there.  Interestingly, the people I was hanging out with last night said they hear coyotes howling back there at night.  They also said the older couple warned them to not let their dogs roam around without being on a leash at night.  That was the first I had heard of that, I have never heard coyotes howling back there.  ?? I keep forgetting to get my trail cameras out back there and potentially see what's lurking around at night.  People should probably know there are coyotes roaming the woods at night if they want to tent camp back, bring a pistol.  

People that are gun lovers will bring their firearms regardless of whether there are warnings or not.  

I slept a little better last night, tho the coughing started around 3:00 am and I was up almost 2 hours, it wasn't as bad as previous nights being up all night long basically.  Still, I need a good night's sleep. I would really like to get a good portion of this stuff done tomorrow for the laundry setup. Note that I didn't say I would finish it, just get some real progress.  I will also be mowing down 2 or 3 more lots worth.  I'm just do a few a day until it's all done and then when the grass grows back, start it all over again.  

I'm just hoping the rye grass will last a few more months. I can't be trying to figure out what to do about summer grass right now, I'm too busy. That will be an entire project in itself. Even if I try to grow the grass myself (versus getting sod), it requires much more prep work than rye grass that you just throw the seed and as long as it doesn't wash away in a storm, it will grow.  Probably going to have to aerate the ground and definitely fertilize it. So, growing grass like that will actually take months.

That's because you have to water it every day, a couple of times a day.  It's just not as easy as rye grass, unfortunately.  I'm not going to be watering the entire park every single day.  Watering the lots will be a problem in itself. With guests using the water hoses, where am I going to get water from? I can't just unhook their hoses, sorry folks, it's only going to be for 20 minutes?  I never even thought about that until just now.  Oops.  I am very likely going to have to pick certain lots, turn the water off to the park, cut the pipe coming out of ground, install a T and install a separate outlet for watering purposes.  I could probably get away with 5 of them if they are offset on each side of the driveway.

The doggy park? I have already installed a spigot next to the shed, which is 10 feet or so from the dog park entrance.  

Well, grass issue is on the horizon. Have to start thinking about it including where to get the seed.  It's very expensive, not like rye grass.  Unless the place I am getting the rye grass also sells summer grass seed - I will definitely be asking them soon.

April bookings for the 3 overnight spots are slim pickings.  It's only got 5 bookings so far.  REALLY need to get that shed completely finished. Just feels like pressure. I've got a national company offering me a job, meanwhile. I didn't apply, I just asked a question on their facebook thing and they contacted me.  It's "home multiple nights per week". It's probably loading out of the same plant I was loading out of last job.  They have a yard that's 2 miles away from the plant. They have been desperate for workers for a long time now.  They don't pay as much, but that doesn't mean the pay isn't as good. 

I don't know if it's hauling cryo or what, but it's definitely hazmat.  I'm not really wanting to go back to that life, but I feel like I'm going to have to.  Just need to get the shed done and probably the grass done - which means I won't have months.  I'll have to figure out how to do the grass without it taking forever to get all of it growing.  I dunno what a truckload of sod costs, but I imagine that's out of the question.  

I can tell ya, tho, if I could keep those 3 lots full all the time plus the long terms, I could make it work.  I just don't see those lots filling up without those amenities. Yes, I'm working on it, but the work is often frustrating and I find myself scratching my head and having to look up info on Google or watch even more videos on Youtube.  I'll get it done, it's just taking much longer than I had hoped for.  I would be surprised if I even have the laundry done this week. It really shouldn't take that much more - but that's what I have been saying and then I run into a problem that I have to really sit there and think about before I can proceed. 

At this point, I am not giving any estimations of when the laundry will be done.  When you think about hooking up the rest of the water line - it's at least 17 more holes I have to drill in the framing to run the pipe through, so much cuts that I went and bought a high quality hole saw to expedite it - and running electrical line to all of the outlets, installing a switch and at least one of the overhead lights, cutting a large hole in the shed for the dryer outlet - etc. - well, it's going to take a minute. 

Cutting those holes takes much more time than I had wanted it to, hence going to Lowe's and buying the new holesaw drill attachment.  

Well that's enough.  I don't want to start defeating myself with an "impossible" task by listing all of it, dwelling on it and wondering if I'll ever get it done, I just need to keep on with one thing at a time until it's all done.  Tomorrow I'm continuing on with the water line, which will include more holes in the shed to get water line in and out - cold in, hot out - which is what I'm doing now.  

That is, running the line to the water heater.  I'm a few holes to be drilled, a piece of pipe, a 90 elbow and pipe going through the hole out to the water heater away from getting the cold water to the heater and then reverse back to the laundry box.  

However, before I do anything tomorrow? I'm going to Walmart and getting a new belt. The old want snapped in half and it's getting too long anyway.  Like, too much sticking out at the end.  I put my 34's on and they are fitting well enough. Just did that because of the belt situation and thought tight pants will hold better.  I wasn't prepared for the 34's to actually fit.  

Monday's a coming. But, it's Sunday evening and we are going to watch some sort of anime stuff. 

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...