Saturday, January 6, 2024

 I was looking at the camera for several hours this morning - Mark's lot is clearly visible. He was out there with his buddy. They put in the slide outs, unhooked the water hose, sewer line and the electrical line. It was about an hour later and he was gone.  Shortly after that, the lady he was calling a slut, cu** and other lovely names sent a video of it.  

It is a liberating feeling to force him out of there and be rid of him. Whatever the aftermath is with other guests who liked him, it is what it will be. I hated going to the park with him being there, honestly, because the first thing he'd do is come over, start calling me an ass****, a grumpy old man and interrupting anything I tried to say to him.  I had had it out with him numerous times and was done with him as it was, but finding out he was harassing this lady to the point of calling her foul names was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Now I can go over there and not be bothered by this shell of a man. I actually feel sorry for him, for he has no clue, apparently, how abhorrent his behavior is.  I told him, trust me, I told him several times over but it never sunk in.  He had plenty of chances to straighten up his act, he was getting too drunk, too often and that was and is that. He is gone and I will never have him back there. His lot is now available and I already have an overnighter coming in tonight, I had to turn another one away unfortunately, I only have that one lot available for overnighters.  

It may change if Mark was trash talking me as I have heard he was and had an effect on the handful of partiers that liked him.  It won't be shocking to me if, when their rent is due, they up and move to wherever he went. However, his work is far from my park and it isn't likely that people will want to move so far away just to - be near him or spite me or both?  No clue.  I just prepare myself for whatever may come, maybe nothing will happen and everyone will stay. 

As I said in a previous post, I have nothing against anyone else there. I haven't had the kinds of problems with anyone else as I have had with Mark, unless you consider the guy that beat the s*** out of Mark a problem.  I don't think he is, but I haven't had a chance to talk to him. He was home when I got back from my run, he took off before I could go over to his trailer.  I do want to his side of the story, highly unlikely I will do anything, highly likely Mark started it by mouthing off to him in a drunken stupor.

Mark claimed that some of the guys were sick of him, but he doesn't really hang out with those people. I think Mark was shooting off at the mouth yet once again. 

Now then, we had the birthday party today for the 8 turning 9 year old.  Just cause' it's easier to have birthday parties on the weekend and the actual birthday is on Monday - school restarts after 2-1/2 weeks off. Still astounding to me that a school would have kids off that much time for any holiday break.  It's got to be hard for the kids to get their minds back into school mode after having that much time off.  It was fun, lots of cake, money and gifts to the kid and a bunch of people came over to celebrate it. 

As for me, tomorrow - Sunday - work, Monday, work, Tuesday off, Wednesday and Thursday - work and after that? No idea, but I want Sunday off.  If I miss one weekend, I'm getting the next off.  It's non-negotiable and I've let them know this in no uncertain terms.  As for all of these new viewers that showed up out of the blue? Apparently they left as quickly as they showed up, lol.  Kind of strange.  

Tuesday I'm going to have to assess my pipes and get covered back up any of them where the insulation has come off. It will likely be  along day.  Friday slated to be 22 degrees low overnight, that's getting into hard freeze territory.  I'm thinking re-cover the pipes where it's come off and then potentially just get 5 gallon buckets to turn upside down over top of the pipes. They don't stick out of the ground that much, a bucket would help keep the frost off at least.  

What I'm worried about, however, is this polar vortex situation and the idea that the jetstream holding it back over Canada is going to buckle and allow it to move into the US, including southern states.  You get down into single digit territory and you have a real threat of frozen, burst pipes without serious and even drastic measures being taken.  In this case? I would likely turn off the water to the park, drain the water out and not have to worry about it.  Fire it back up the next morning after the temps rise.  I haven't seen any forecast for anything that low - yet - they were saying about a week and a half and we'll see what's going to happen. 

My water meter is down low, at the bottom of the hill, the water in the park would naturally drain back down to it and if there is no water pressure and no water in the pipes, there is nothing to cause the pipes to burst.  

Ok. It's bedtime, up early even tho I know I'm not going to want to work tomorrow.  

 Saturday - early

Weekend working is not my favorite thing to do, small paychecks aren't my favorite either.

On that note, last paycheck was substantially higher than the previous one and has me rethinking the idea of going and finding a new job. If I were to get that kind of pay every paycheck, it's just on the cusp of the minimum amount I want to make at any given company for the hours given to it to perform the tasks the company requires of me.

Today is Gurdon. The temp outside right now is 41 degrees, cold (my version of it anyway), but not near as cold as it has been.  

The man causing the problems is leaving "this weekend". I told him to be out no later than the end of today.  I just want him gone at this point, he has caused too many problems and has broken one of my own personal rules of cussing out ladies,, calling them vile names and acting like a child.  Much of this has to do with his constant drinking problem.  He's bored, he drinks, he opens his mouth, a bunch of shit starts pouring out and then all hell starts breaking loose for those that he dislikes.

He's lucky that dude he followed up to the store didn't bust his ass.  He's also lucky the state of Texas hasn't caught him with the booze considering his status with the state and he's further lucky that this lady that he called a cu** didn't report him, for she was tempted to do so.  If he leaves today, I'll wash my hands of this, hope that I never have to deal with a person like this again. I actually had one a while back something like him, but his drunknenness caused him to lose his job and the problem fixed itself.

This guy was laid off, or so he says.  I don't really believe a word he says now and I really don't want to hear him speaking at all.  The amount of lies that spilled from his mouth along with the vile speech crossed my line a while back when I had it out with him the way he was talking to me.  Yes, I'm still agitated with this situation, it will dissipate once he's gone. Other people in the park like him, that's fine and that's their choice, but his incredibly foul behavior is making life hellish for several people including the ladies in the park and I won't tolerate it. 

I do ask people if they have any felonies on their record that are of a violent nature.  I don't do that just to keep that kind of person out of the park, I also do it because my previous insurance required it. I don't know what the current insurance requires, the insurance agency had to switch companies on me after the last one declared they weren't going to insure RV parks anymore.  I haven't received the paperwork yet from the new one to read over.  

As for this blog, a sudden influx of viewers has come onto this page and I'm wondering who, what and where.  I have never seen Facebook or X or other social media sites giving suggestions for people you may know about their blogs, otherwise I would wonder if park people didn't find this page. Not that it matters, if that's the case, you now know how I feel about this situation and my mind isn't going to be changed about it.  

Regardless, my time is up. I was sitting here watching a Bar Rescue show, lol, some of it is highly entertaining.  Jon Taffer just goes straight for the throat with his criticisms of the owners, usually, of any given bar and how they aren't really running the bar.

Anyway, all the new viewers? have a great day as well as the regulars.

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...