Someone has an interesting idea, I only found it because I have been looking for RV's. This park has several RV's - for sale. So, they make you put X amount of money down, looks like 2 grand is their standard and then they charge you varying rates per month apparently according to the overall price of the unit. The last one I looked at was $475 per month for payment on the unit plus $375 per month lot rent. That's pretty pricey for overall monthly payments. And they have a stipulation that they cannot leave the park with the unit until the entire thing is paid off.
Delicious food and good company at the graduation party. Went to the Park afterwards to collect money. The man was as delighted as many before him with the peace and quiet my park offers away from Interstate noise. That over with, people are showing up for a card night. I actually think it's going to be a pool night since we got the pool going and it's very clean and nice looking. No one has been in it yet since we got it going, but this is the first weekend since we cleaned it out and dumped chemicals into it.
Ok, lol. Pool and card night over. Pool water is freezing cold, I didn't even think about getting in, it was very cool out tonight and very nice. I only get into water like that when it's warm or hot. The kids were freezing, the adults that got in were freezing, I was fine sitting in a comfy, rocking patio chair. Done with that, inside to play cards. Hilarious, even if half the people were worn out from the graduation stuff all day long.
The grumpy dude. He's in the shed doing laundry and says something I couldn't understand. Listened to it 5 times and then played it for everyone. He's going OW! OW! every time he leans down to grab the clothes out of the dryer. No idea, I assume he must have back problems. But that wasn't the thing: as he's walking out the door, he says something like: Makes you want to take a soaper scrubber and throw it over the fence, bye!
Bad knees on her, bad back on him and bad marriage? Maybe I'm misinterpreting this situation. Well, no, not really. It became obvious they had a bad marriage early on. Or if they think it's good, more power to them but that kind of heated yelling and arguing at each other? Just the idea that they are taking it out on everyone else. They are, actually, to some extent. Maybe they need to get out of the RV life, get a house and do something different.
On another note, the State of Texas DOT sent me a notification: Your medical card is going to expire July 12. It's nice they send a notice, you know what you need to do and ample time to get it done. Yes, I am definitely renewing it. Not renewing? Your CDL is revoked and you are put back to a regular driver license. And from what I've heard, to get your CDL back, you are mandated to go through training again.
I intend on keeping my CDL whether I am using it or not as long as my health will pass the tests to get the medical card. It's every 2 years. My CDL doesn't need renewed until I'm 62 years old. The only hard part about renewing my CDL is the hazmat test. There is no other test to take. They just renew it otherwise.
I'm tired of the whining. I laid it down on the line again today to the 8 year old: make up your mind. Go to church or go play D&D. You can't have both. He wants both. The timeline doesn't necessarily accommodate for it. They come with me to church. I go, we leave, I go the property. It's a mile and a half away from the church. I then go out to eat -not always but sometimes. And on some Sundays, there are other things that keep me out until late afternoon. I don't go home, I go do the things I need/want to do. Need to do first.
I don't feel the need to listen to an 8 year old pouting and whining and complaining. D&D came after we started going to church. In fact, he just started going last Sunday. We've been going to church for quite a while now. In my view, it's God or some demonic game that isn't anything in the Christian realm. I don't put it to him like that exactly, tho I did say you can choose between God or a game. It's truly his choice, but the pouting! But I still want to go to church! Yes, church comes second. You can go with mom to D&D tomorrow, I'm fine with that.
You can't force people to God, learned that long ago. Doesn't matter what age. They will accept or reject and there's nothing you can do about that. His next demand? Let's go to church at the 9:30 service. No. I go to the late service for a reason. I want him to have to make a choice between the 2 and whatever his decision is, I won't deride him for it, that's between him and God. I just want him to make his own decision. But I truly do not want to go to church at 9:30 am. I spend Sunday mornings perusing and thinking about things and taking my time to get up, get awake and get real for church.
He never had a problem with it - until D&D. Games always come first. Whatever. Shrugs shoulders, moves on. If he does go to D&D tomorrow, I'll take the younger one to the movie theater after church tomorrow. Seems only fitting, right?
It's late. Time to go to bed.