Monday, January 9, 2023

 Well I certainly don't want to come off sounding like I'm giving up or dejected or anything.  It's not that at all. I'm just looking at everything going on around me and attempting to assess what the correct move/s will be next.  The only thing I will not allow regardless of what the property turns into - is a place full of trailer trash.  Trailer doesn't mean any particular skin color or income level. It's more of a mindset.  It's not a particularly good mindset and it becomes obvious around that type of person's dwelling place.   I will throw people out before I allow that kind of nonsense.

At the same time, there are a lot of mobile home parks that are kept immaculately clean both by management and by tenants. Tenants have no choice in these types of places, but for good reason.  You start seeing a lot of junk laying around a person's place and it is an eyesore and becomes irritating, to say the least.  

Anyway, I have 2 people that say they want to move in now. That is, of course, nothing to me until they actually show up, hand me the money and park.  My Google ad is getting some clicks and it shows where they are coming from. Most of it is from Tyler (Texas) which is about 60 miles away.  Look, if someone is looking to make a move, I'm going to make sure that if they are moving my way, they know about my place.  It makes sense to advertise in surrounding communities and in 3 counties.  For long term anyway. 

It makes sense to have it listed all over the country for travelers or tourists. There IS stuff to see and do in our area.  I don't know if that equates into people making it a destination. We do have some small town appeal in the downtown area where lots of small town stuff goes on.  Parades, farmer's markets, all kinds of stuff. 

I don't know what reputation our town has in the region.  It's about 22,000 population, it's got lots of restaurants and some major chains.  Lots of service industry as well. A majority of the jobs here are pretty much low paying stuff mixed with rich ranchers and people that have acquired a large amount of wealth through royalties from natural gas leases.  There are gas wells all over the place, there must be a dozen of them on my property street alone.  I assume they are connected into the same gas reservoir so I don't know how it works out that you need that many wells accessing one reservoir.

The biggest problem with our town is housing.  Build a house - it will sell quickly.  It was a secondary thing I was thinking about doing instead of an RV park.  Not necessarily building them, but buying up whatever is available and renting it them out.  Lots of poverty - 25% worth, that is more than double the national poverty rate.  And the neighborhoods where they live show it.  

My property street has a few places that are in disrepair. One house is so bad  that no one can or does live in it.  Another house is used for horses. No one lives in the houses, the horses get up on the porch, the property is not well kept. And another one, a person has a bunch of cars out front.  The rest of the street, however, is nice.

Anyway, the day isn't getting any shorter, it was freezing cold when I woke up this morning. 36 degrees outside, didn't feel much warmer in my room, the new heating/cooling unit with new ductwork? Yeah, that didn't do much for this room, my bathroom or the pantry - which is a very large room for everything from a freezer, washer/dryer, food storage, tools, etc.  It helped nothing and even going from 3 ton to 5 ton it's not doing anything different. Now, the system was old and was completely broken, it needed replaced, but all of this extra stuff they did that was going to heat/cool the parts of the house that weren't getting it?

I'm going out this morning and working on finishing the gate on the dog park - the concrete should be set by now, probably putting the park bench together and installing the dog dung bags. After that I can start on the fire. Well wait, I need to go get the new signs and the lumber to install the sign on the main highway. The fire may very well have to wait. I'd rather get this other stuff done first.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...