Tuesday, March 12, 2024

 Tuesday - early

You know, some nights sleep is so poor and you wake up yet once again, you might as well just get out of bed.  So, instead of getting out of bed at 5:30, I got up at 5. 

I think it was all the physical exertion yesterday.  It took a long time to get to sleep and I kept waking up.  Digging out that post hole was no small effort, topped with mowing almost everything along with a trip to Lowe's and later on, a trip to Walmart, dealing with people, lots of people, it just went on and on yesterday.  

Also included texting a person about their dogs pooping and them not cleaning it up.  I was push mowing that giant yard next to lot 1 and saw pile after pile of dog poop. Small dogs, not obvious from a distance, but amazingly ridiculous to think that man can bring those dogs out, let them shit everywhere and not clean it up. 

My text was pretty direct,, for this is a pet peeve of mine.  "I do not clean up other people's dog poop.  When you take your dog out to let it do it's duty, it is fully expected that you will immediately clean it up." etc.  

The couple staying for 2 weeks said something in gentle terms about the guy next door, who plays his music and/or video games obnoxiously loud. So, I texted him as well.  Please turn it down a couple notches.  He was cool with it, I haven't heard anything - yet - from these people so we'll see.

Then there was the ant hills.  I was mowing and noticed them on one of the pads itself.  So I was going to get to it before the next people came in, but, they showed up before I got the grass mowed.  It's a family of 5 in a rather small trailer, lol. With a dog.  They also asked for a picnic table. They were here last year for the same thing: their daughter is an acrobat and is competing in a tournament at one of the local universities.  I dealt with that -that was the trip to Walmart in fact.  I am not going to concern myself with every ant hill out there, that's too much, but I will deal with it ON the pads themselves or possible in the lots next to the pads.  

I did, indeed, buy a bag of Bermuda grass seed yesterday. This was a bag big enough to cover 15,000 square feet, or so it says.  It is not a 50 pound bag, it's much smaller.  I guess that seed has a lot more coverage than the same amount of rye grass seed.

I'll put that out tomorrow.  I am still working on that pole for the router.  The 4x4's are out there, I just need to connect them together and put it in the hole. Yeah, that couple that came in? They work out of their rather large 5th wheel and I will accommodate the man in not making too much noise next to his rig, that's where this setup is.  I actually wanted them in the available pull through lot tho. Too late!

So today? Just truck down to Nacogdoches, wash out the trailer, over to Lufkin, fill the trailer and come back. IF the schedule holds out, it will go on like that the next 10 days.  Every time they try to load me up with this much work? It always fails. Something happens along the line and that is the end of that.  I don't wish it, working this job is necessary for now.  

I can tell ya that when I get back today? It will be up in the air if I actually do anything else. Not with the sleep I had tonight.  The lack of it, I should say.  I get naptime in Lufkin tho. The driver's seat is pretty comfortable and it reclines as far back as I want it to go. I usually sit there a while before they even start loading it and then 50 minutes to an hour or longer to load.  It makes no sense, the same product taking 50 minutes 1 day and then an hour and 15 minutes the next time.  Cold has something to do with it, the product thickens up considerably in colder weather and obviously makes it slower to move.

Anyway, it's time to get the thermos filled with hot coffee, get a lunch together and get out of here.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...