Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Well enough of that - the previous post that is. Excepting that I found out the hard way this morning that there is ammo hoarding going on, even the online suppliers are out of the most popular rounds. I was specifically looking for 1,000 rounds of 9mm and found none of it available on 2 handfuls of popular ammo sales sites.

I did find 40 caliber, but there is only one of those in the house.  I think there's 3 9mm's here.  I used to just go to Walmart for pistol ammo.  Academy Sports probably has it, but driving 37 miles one way is not on my list of things to do.  I'll just have to wait and see if they all get their supplies back up.  Like, check it every day on certain sites with the best deals.

Trip to West Virginia tomorrow. 3 day trip - usually - sometimes 4 depending on a variety of things that can slow down the process, not the least of which is the loading plant and traffic.  Really would like the option of having a firearm in the truck, now that I'm thinking about self defense. 

Anyway it's first load, the worst one IMO and I think 4 of those in a row now?  Like they think I'm some sort of early bird out for the worms? I'd take the 9:00 am loading slot and be very happy with that.  But I never say anything to them about it, it's not worth potentially limiting loads I am getting if they think I am just going to complain. 

The call did come from the lady in Amarillo tho, as the new setup has been implemented and underway.  3 days off this time including today.  Not complaining about that tho, I really wanted a longer rest.  Our industry and our particular division is finally being affected by the virus and economic shut down. I knew this would be coming sooner or later, I'm thankful we were as busy as we were up until now.

With that, time to finish laundry, dishes and mow the front lawn. 

The Desolation of America: COVID 19 and Cancel Culture.

About to pull the trigger on 1,000 rounds of ammo.  No pun was originally intended.  That will be 9mm.  Probably 500 rounds for the 40 and whatever I can find for deals on 12 gauge.  But the 1,000 rounds comes in a big box and handily stored.  Also going to get a couple of high capacity magazines for the pistols and looking at perhaps obtaining either a .45 ACP or a high powered rifle. 

Why? Well, if y'all think this situation is going to just disappear, I have news for you.  Okay, I just have an opinion.  I'm going to be prepared all the way around for come what may. Food, ammo, buns, water.  Hunting rifle.  That can both be home self protection and deer hunting.  Lots of deer in these parts. Good eating too. 

I've never been a prepper in the true sense of the word, I've just liked to keep enough food around to last a few months.  In case something happens.  I usually think of natural disasters when thinking of that.  But now? The price of meat has skyrocketed.  They are still rationing certain food items at the grocery store and meat is still being rationed, but probably not many people hoarding it at the current prices. We've gone up to $17 for a 3 pound chub of 70% "lean" ground beef.  It's good for hamburgers, but not much use for dishes that you don't want a lot of fat drippings getting into everything. 

I've got 3 months worth of food if rationed correctly.  That's everything from dried beans to rice, tuna fish, all kinds of canned and dried goods and 2 freezers almost full of meat.  I've got a new generator to run those freezers if the power goes out.  Really, the main thing we are not necessarily fully prepared with yet is ammo.  You can have all the guns in the world but if you have no ammo for them they are useless in a combat situation. 

Call it overreacting and being paranoid if you like, I'm just calling it being prepared for the worst. These people want to tear down a statue in our little town and surrounding towns.  I believe it's all confederate statues, I have no personal interest in them excepting they are a part of American history.  The one near us I think has been there 100 years. It's made out of granite, I believe, some sort of rock anyway, it wouldn't topple quite as easily as you are seeing those statues being toppled in the news.

The point? We are not immune to this nonsense and opportunists in the name of protesting - otherwise known as domestic terrorists - leave no opportunity behind to loot, burn down buildings and assault people.  They aren't coming into this neighborhood and engaging in that s*** without a battle.  People will die and blood will be shed if they come here to burn down our houses or steal/.oot our home and inflict carnage.  And that's perfectly legal in Texas - the castle doctrine here is amazingly good. 

What's going to happen if we get wave 2 of the COVID-19?  People are already facing the end of the federal government stimulus for unemployment at the end of July.  Some states the rent is due again - and people without jobs have no way to pay it.  The stimulus checks were a speck of dust in the pool of outstanding bills for people who are no longer working and have no source of income.  Couple that desperation with the increasing demands for defunding the police, calling white people racists and white supremacists and creating a hostile environment for law enforcement in this nation.

There is a great divide forming.  You are either a part of this outrageous cancel culture or you are a patriotic citizen who stands up for the heritage of our great nation and to let people live freely as they please - with certain constraints of course - but still free to live their lives as they see fit.  The cancel culture is demonizing far more than just monuments and statues. They are now targeting Facebook - which has lost many billions of dollars in ad revenues as they cancel culture ramps up it's attempt to coerce FB into censoring white propaganda.  What is that propaganda? Trump and his supporters, I found out after reading several articles to try and get to the bottom of it. 

Will Zuckerberg bow to their demands? I'm guessing yes, his wealth is literally dropping off a cliff in front of his face on a daily basis.  All major corporations have been bowing the knee to this notion that most if not all white people are racist and that we should bow in repentance to people who are claiming to be affected by actions from our forefathers centuries ago.  Welcome to the age of the people who got participation trophies, were coddled when they should have been spanked and are spoiled brats that have had no real hardship in their lives. 

I can tell you unabashedly that I am not bowing to anyone, regardless of race, and taking an oath.  I am not a racist, I don't need to repent for something I am not engaging in and if I did feel the need to repent, it would be on my knees in front of the Lord Jesus Christ, not mere mortal men and women.  These people have been emboldened and are taking it for every inch they can get out of it.  If you feel the need to repent to mortals, remember there is scripture in the bible if you give that book any credence at all that says you are to do otherwise.

Exodus 20:5 “You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me.”

This is referring to idolatry, which in my estimation is exactly what people are being coerced into doing when they are bowing before another race and making an oath.  There is a spiritual war going on here, most people don't understand it.  There is always warfare going on in the heavenlies, but now we are seeing a battle for the souls of men and women that I haven't seen in my lifetime.  God's will will always prevail, He has a plan and it will be executed. But that doesn't mean you just sit around and do nothing. He who has ears to hear, let him hear! 

I'm not imploring anyone to do anything. I'm just looking at the writing on the wall and understanding that we may very well be in the end times.  Whether we are or aren't, the reality is that anyone that has the ability to should stock up on food, water, basic supplies that will ride you out through the coming storm.  I'm taking this as far as going to the store today and buying up all kinds of vegetable seeds.  They aren't expensive and I want them around.  I have a greenhouse - unused at the moment and I was going to get rid of it but I have changed my mind since all of this rioting and virus has come around and literally transformed the way we live our lives. 

There has never, IMO, been a stronger case to at least stock up a few months worth of supplies than what we re going through and seeing in front of our faces right now.  I live out in the country, there is a cattle ranch that sells beef on the outskirts of town. There are farmers that grown all kinds of produce - they show up at the farmer's market every Saturday.  I scored 2 giant tomatoes the other day, I mean big big tomatoes.  This area is filled with deer and wild hogs.  Food is in abundance out here, populations are low and the chances of any rioting happening out here is probably pretty low compared to big cities.  But, if COVID continues to interfere with food production - namely the meat processing plants - then what?

We're already seeing inflation, I said this a month ago but in the meat department at your local grocery store, you can see it for yourself.  I'm taking other steps as well.  Things that can be bartered if money becomes worthless. 

Look, I'm watching right now a conference of these "officials", Fauci in particular, going on about staying 6 feet apart, wearing masks, avoiding crowds etc etc etc.  How long do these people think that we can keep America shut down?  This is simply an ingredient to the recipe of chaos in America.  When people start getting desperate enough - and that will start to happen when government stimulus disappears unless they extend it - the s*** is going to hit the fan.  These are unelected officials telling the entire nation how we are to live and engage ourselves in society.

Y'all do what you will.  There are numerous people I know that are doing the same thing.  If nothing becomes of it, I'll do the same thing as I always do with the food. Eat it all up and start over. 

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...