Monday, November 4, 2024

2024 Election Eve Night

 I find it a bit disheartening so many people fighting with each other over this election. I don't mean complete strangers, I'm talking people who know each other.  Whether it's "real" friends or Facebook friends, or other internet social media connections where people have known each other for years or even over a decade. 

What is going to happen tomorrow, or actually, whenever they determine who the winner is? One FB friend posted on her timeline: "In case anyone needs a reason to delete me, F*** TRUMP!".  Another tells everyone you shouldn't own TV's and they don't like either candidate (which is fair enough).  Then Christians bickering with each other. 

I've done my share of debating about this, but not really with people I know, excepting making a statement to a particular person who got on my FB after I made a post about this upcoming election. I consider her a friend. We may not be best buddies but we've certainly known each other since JS (Journalspace) days.  

The thing about this whole situation is, is that all of this hatred, anger and vitriol has been created - and I believe intentionally - by think tanks and media elitists and politicians who want civil unrest, who want the citizenry to be at odds with each other.  This kind of thing is straight out of the pages of Marxist Communist Manifesto.  

I don't think the outcome of this election is going to change any of the hostility that is being goaded by those who have the ears of the media outlets.  I think it will worsen 100 fold regardless of who wins.  

I just shrug my shoulders. God is in control. There is plenty of scripture to back up the idea that whoever is in a position of governing, and usually referring to kings but it applies to whoever is in control of any given nation, that person is installed there by God.  That none of what is going on in any particular place with whoever is ruling or governing isn't there by accident.  

Simply because one candidate represents evil, or appears to anyway, doesn't mean that person isn't the choosing of the Lord. He sees the end from the beginning, the entire thing is all laid out before Him.  We don't see that and we cannot understand that. That is where trust comes into play, you trust the Lord to do whatever is in accordance with His word and for the ending He is looking for and has already decreed.  

Not some mere mortal man or woman.  

So, if Harris does indeed win, I have to trust God that that is His will and it will somehow bring glory to His holy name and expand His eternal Kingdom.  I'm not voting for Harris, I will say that here and now.  Unless I get something from the Lord that tells me to do so - vote for her that is - I am voting for Trump. Not because he is a saint, he clearly is not, but then again, neither is Harris.  I'm voting for Trump because he will take back the rightful position this nation has in this world, including standing up for our ally Israel.  Harris has proclaimed her sides.  She may say she's anti-Hamas, but she also stands for this idea that Israel is somehow committing genocide against the Palestinians.  The war over there is not targeting innocent civilians by choice. 

But, even if the US didn't stand with Israel at all, a thing I hope never happens, God is still sitting on His throne and He will have His way regardless of what any nation or group of nations standing together in defiance have to say or do about it.  

That's it.  It is election even night, literally night time.  I will vote after work tomorrow.  I'm not going to lose my mind if Harris wins and I am not going to be gloating if Trump wins.  This is not a time for that.  It's going to rain and there is going to be thunder much of the night if the forecast is even remotely close to being accurate.  

So, I'm going to go to bed soon and not worry about what tomorrow brings, the Lord specifically tells us not to do that anyway, certainly with things that are completely out of our control.


 Monday - semi-early

I woke up in the middle of the night last night. This is not at all unusual for me, but this was different.  Something was bugging me and I couldn't figure out what it was.  Then something hit me: jury duty?  Wasn't it this week?  I couldn't just lay there wondering, so I got up and started looking for the envelope with that info in it, couldn't find it.

Then remembered I had snapped a photo of the paperwork, found it in my photo library on my phone and sure enough: this morning at 8:30 am I am supposed to show up at the county courthouse and do whatever. Probably be released from what I've heard endlessly, not that many people actually end up on a jury.  It hit me that it was jury duty today because I thought, this is why the manager gave me today off and other drivers are going back to work today.  

So, in an hour I'm leaving here for the courthouse. It's maybe 5 minutes away.  I'm very close to downtown, fortunately.  

I got quite a bit done on my room the last several days and happy. It feels clean in here again. I was getting pretty lazy about cleaning and now that I have it back up to snuff, I'm going to keep it that way.  What started me on it was the dog smell in here. That dog gets down into the soil and rolls around and gets all kinds of dirty.  I can't stop him from doing it and he sometimes comes in here smelling like a sweaty horse.  

I have more to go - papers will take quite a while and I need to go through the closet and clean it out.  The bathroom has been scrubbed completely excepting the shower stall. I will get to that today.  

Anyway, we are sitting in election day eve.  All of thise horse-hockey will be over with at least temporarily.  I don't wonder if there will be lawsuits filed by either side concerning outcomes in certain states and asking judges to overthrow whatever, wherever.  I don't actually expect to see a winner declared tomorrow night. I'd love to see that of course, I just don't think it's realistic.  

Meanwhile, I posted a somewhat lengthy dissertation about what's going on right now with the election and such on my Facebook feed and an old internet friend from JS days got on there and blasted me for watching Fox news.  She then posted something that stated she's sorry she got so emotional...but...

People put buts in their apologies they aren't apologies at all.  My FB feed is purely friends only, btw, I don't allow random strangers on there at all, too many trolls and too many people with ill will.  So when a friend on Facebook blasts me and comes out swinging from the gates instead of attempting to have a civil, adult conversation about it, I tend to get a bit annoyed.  I started a reply but it got wiped out because I accidentally clicked off of Facebook. I will get to it later.  I can write 50 paragraphs out of memory concerning all kinds of issues regarding this election, the major players and the events that have occurred and what led up to them.  I don't fall for propaganda, I research things out.  Or, more often, just wait things out until the truth of any given situation comes out.  While people blast Fox News for being their own version of propaganda, I don't hear these same people blasting CNN and the rest of the alphabet outlets for the Russian collusion hoax - and it was clearly identified as a hoax once all of the facts came out.

The problem is, those facts didn't come out until well after the aftermath of it was already done.  The Clinton Foundation, GPS Fusion and Christopher Steele. Or burying the Hunter laptop story and censoring republicans on social media for "misinformation".  This is the communist utopia the left wants and if it weren't for a SCOTUS controlled by the right, they would have gone to hell and back with their intentions to control the narrative.

Look at what the left has tried to do to stop Trump this election season.....

I was going to do the early voting thing but it's too late now.  The polls will open tomorrow morning, I will get to it in the afternoon after work.  I suspect work will take longer than normal for the tanker has been sitting 4 days and will be 5 by the time I get to the washout.  I  am going to move the truck today close to the hose at the park and do a preliminary washout to get the stuff watered down at least and hopefully come off of there tomorrow relatively easy. 

Realistically, it will cost around grand to buy a Yurt tent, build a platform, fill the tent up with higher quality stuff, get the electricity over to it and likely going to have to install an outdoor bathroom as well.  I dunno what I'm going to do, I'm just sitting here wondering about this loan situation and whether I should even go that route....I decided I would at least try since the contractor went to the trouble of producing a quote for all the materials and labor involved.  

I have 2 people that "for sure" are going to move in and another that is staying a month starting a couple of weeks from now.  If those 2 move in, they are super long term. This isn't a month or 2 thing, it's a "permanent" setup.  

I think I made the right decision about holding off on the rye grass.  I need a good week of cool weather and abundant rain. We have had some rain, yes, but it's been spotty and not regular enough to keep grass seed moist. There is a chance of rain today but there is a slim chance tomorrow.  I don't want to wait forever but I do need to see a 7 day period where at least 5 of the days have a solid chance of rain in the forecast.  


Many hours later.  Went to the court house - there was no parking within a few blocks of the building.  They brought in literally hundreds of people for selection.  I got in there, fast forwarding, judge says these things are disqualifying, one of them applied to me, I got up, went before the judge, explained the situation from 42 years ago, he said it doesn't matter but asked if it happened in Texas? No, he immediately dismissed me.  He said better safe than sorry.  Left the court room, got my $20 for showing up and went to IHOP for breakfast.  

I sort of wanted to be on a jury, but at the same time, I didn't want some "thing" to pop up and have a judge asking me why I didn't disclose it.  So whatever. Had an egg-white veggie omelette, it was quite delicious actually.  No cheese, no yellows, no meat, trying to keep the fat and cholesterol down.  Over to the park, fired up the truck, watered down the interior of the tanker then over to the bank, and then home. I was going to stop at Starbucks but decided it a waste of money.

Now? I'm sitting in my bedroom about to start clicking pics of receipts and get caught up on that and then dig into what I did wrong (very much unintentionally) last year and try to fix that.  Those errors are actually existent now, it's just that now it doesn't matter, tax time is far enough off.  I am also sort of watching news coverage of the election.  Trump is stumping in PA, MI and NC today, Harris is doing it at 4 locations in Pennsylvania.  

No one has no idea who is going to win this thing because it's such a tight race that all polls are showing within margin of error. I am still predicting Trump wins the electoral college but may not win the popular vote. If that occurs again, the left will call it an illegitimate election and engage in the same s*** that they accused the right of doing.  They've done it many times over in the last several decades, they just don't like admitting it.  Hypocrites. 


A person called and we got into a long conversation.  People have dogs and they want a place to stay that allows them.  Fine. Are they vicious? Aggressive? No and no.  I can bring them by if you like and you can meet them. They are looking for a place to stay for "2 to 3 years".  I dunno if that will pan out or not but I'd put them at the back in end lot away from people as much as possible.  Then there's the nurse moving in in "2 weeks".  And then some other person called plus a person putting in a 3-1/2 week reservation in the system.  

Anyway, this one has gone on long enough.

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...