Wednesday, May 15, 2024


It was relatively quick, driving back to the house for fresh clothing, over to the park to hook up the trailer, down to the washout.  The worker was still there, amazingly, who got up on top of the trailer I was hooking up to after dropping the dirty trailer.  Well, there's some flakes in there.  So, I pulled the trailer over to the washout area and he quickly sprayed that stuff out of there. 

Over to the plant, the got me in quickly and loaded it very fast.  Amazingly fast, indeed, I wasn't in that plant for even an hour.  Out of there, I opted against fueling, have enough to make to a Love's tomorrow morning in Domino.  However. 

The CMV Inspection Station was open.  I marveled at 3 trucks who just blew by it.  I decided to do no such thing.  Those lights are unmistakable, you can't just think, well that isn't for me!  I pulled in there and there was a Trooper sitting on a stool right next to where you drive through it.  He was looking at the weight as I drove axles over the scale.  He finally gave me the thumbs up and let me pass through.  

I was dreading having him do an inspection. Not because I fear he would find something wrong, but because of the hour of the night, being detained for an hour would just blow tomorrow up.  I was so relieved when he gave me the signal to keep on going.  It wasn't shocking to see a Trooper had pulled one of those trucks that blasted by the station over.  I don't know what the fine is, but whatever it is, it isn't good.  

So, I have to take a mandatory 10 hour rest break.  I will be able to depart the Park at around 8:50 am.  Not bad, actually, not for having had been out late.  You see, the whole scenario had changed quite a lot from the post I put up earlier.

Another truck had been repaired and was on the road.  They sent him to fetch the trailer of the other truck that is still broken down in Shreveport.  I'm not sure if he was to load tonight and take it up to Gurdon or what.  The other driver was retrieved by the office employee.  He still hadn't made it to Nac - neither of them did - by the time I went there and no one had been in to load before me.  So they must have still been driving down there.  But, the driver in Shreveport was to deliver the loaded trailer from the washout yard tonight instead of me, I was redirected to drop the dirty trailer, pick up one that was cleaned, load, go back to my place and deliver tomorrow.

You weren't going to get any guff out of me for that decision. It meant going home tonight for sure and much earlier than driving clear up to Gurdon, unloading and then who knows what, drive home? Not enough hours? Too tired?  Probably the "too tired" part.  

So why am I awake and blogging no less? Cause I have that road buzz going, I'm wide awake tho I've been sitting here about 15 minutes and sleepiness is starting to creep up on me.  It is a waste of time to try and go directly to sleep, it won't happen. I'd rather do something that will start getting me into sleep mode.

Anyway, I am done for the day and yes, after I brush my teeth and get ready for bed, I should be able to zonk out quickly.  

 Wednesday - 1:00 pm

After being told it would be done last night, then "around 9 am", then noon, we are now getting well past the noon hour and going into the afternoon hours.  My company has been calling this place but that isn't going to help anything. My manager just called yet again, he has no one else to move loads besides a driver with his truck broken down in Shreveport. They are sending an office worker to pick him up, bring him up there to Eldo, get that old pile of junk truck, drive it down to Lufkin to pick up a load and deliver it tonight. 

There are no OTR drivers in the area.  I am pretty much being forced to get to Nac, get that loaded trailer and deliver it tonight regardless.  Manager is saying this is how we "lose lanes", lanes being contracts with companies to deliver whatever products.  If they lose this lane, I'm out of a job here.  I never refused anyway, I just told him I'd call him whenever they get me rolling out of this place. But, the longer these people keep me here, obviously, the later into the night it's going to be to get this done.

It's times like these the company would be well served to find an outside company or Owner operators and pay them to do some temporary work rather than lose a contract.  But, that's me and my view of it, the previous company I worked for did just that. The other option is just rent a couple of trucks temporarily, I don't understand these people's thinking but it does go to advance my thoughts about this company: They are broke and don't have any money..and who knows if they are on the verge of bankruptcy/insolvency?  

I sympathize with them, I'll do what I can but I am not exactly happy about it.  I am a truck driver, sort of. I kind of departed with the "drive all night and do whatever it takes" philosophy after I got out of it for a year. Your eyes are opened to the abuses of the trucking industry and how they don't give a damn about your personal life or if you even get to have one.  It's not like I'm raking in the dough here and have been given the lime life for the time I've spent working here.  

So, whatever.  These tent people are on the same track as the previous tent lady:  We like the camper (motor coach) and we want to buy it. But it with what money?  They must think the thing is going for pennies on the dollar. I am not desperate and I won't sell it for less than I have in it. Otherwise, it can sit until I get to it.  I certainly didn't offer the thing to them, not at all.  

I'm just getting a little cranky because I've sat here 2 and a half days and no end to it in sight. And when it does end, I will have to drive until however late in the morning to keep the plant workers - working.  They can't make plywood without the glue.  Just isn't a happening event. But as I have stated, this company hasn't done me any favors, not at all. I have no idea how much glue is left in those giant tanks but it must be getting close to empty for the kinds of calls I'm getting and the desperation.  

If I left right now, I could be back up there in ... 6-1/2 to 7 hours, there is a pre-loaded trailer but it's sitting clear down in Nacogdoches, 2-1/2 hours from here not including stopping at my park for the empty and stopping at home for clean clothes, a thermos of coffee, cold water and a couple of sandwiches.  I don't need a shower, I got one at the hotel this morning.  

And IF all of that happens today, I can expect no less of a rat race tomorrow.  It was Saturday I was up there and both tanks were full, at least. But, it's 4 days later and very few loads have been getting up there.  It doesn't help that the driver trainer won't work today.  He said he "can't do it", with no explanation.  He might have legitimate reasons not to do it, at the same time, he might want to consider saving his job if he likes this dedicated run.  

All I can say is I have been looking. Haven't found anything particularly appealing, but I have definitely been looking at other jobs available in the area. 

Well I don't know what else to say here. I'm just contemplating the prospect of a very late night. Wouldn't have been that bad if they had had this truck done this morning at 9 when they said it would be done.

 The service director walked in about an hour before their closing time with a look on his face: I'm sorry but I don't think we're going to be able to finish it today.  He was probably expecting me to get upset.  I'm sure my face lit up and I was in all gleeful land with a wee bit of exuberance and gratefulness that I was all-of-a-sudden not having to drive all night long.  

I informed him of such.  He was kind of on the fence about it until I told him how happy I was to hear that news.  No, you don't have to finish it today if you can't.  I'm not telling you what to do, obviously, but I was facing driving all night long and now I don't have to!  He smiled real big once I told him all of that and said ok!  He estimated tomorrow mid morning the truck would be done. 

I spent another over  6 hours sitting in that little driver's lounge today and no, I was not the only one in there.  There were 6 of us at one point.  If they would have told me this morning that it would be all day, I would have just stayed here and paid for it myself if I had to.  The man knew about it, but he doesn't answer the incoming calls phone.  

Lol, I was going to do laundry, I only came prepared for one night's worth of clothing.  So, the desk sells laundry soap  Is there a coin dispenser up there where the machines are? Yes.  So, I go to my room, get my clothes and go to the laundry room. No coin dispensers.  I go down to the desk, I need some quarters.  

I'm sorry sir, we don't have any here.  Blank look back at her. First she told me there is a coin dispenser up there and now they don't have any cash in a drawer?  You can go to a convenience store!  Ma'am, I'm on foot.  There are no convenience stores around here.  She just shrugged her shoulders and dispensed with me, that was that and nothing she could do.  I have 5 quarters on me, not enough to even start the washing machine.  Whatever. Not like it's days before I get home, I'm not walking to the nearest convenience store which is at least a half mile away. There are restaurants, I don't know if they'll sell me some quarters.  

If they even have any.  I think we're heading to a cashless society....

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...