Friday, December 9, 2022

 Lmao @ the forecasters saying there was a 57% chance of rain this morning.  How about a 99% chance they are wrong. They are always wrong.  Even if it does rain, they are way off by when it will start and when it will end.  Well, there's no rain. The sky continues to be overcast, something that has been that way a lot lately.  

But, it's good news for working.  Let's keep moving forward with this, shall we? I have 2 stops to make this morning before I can get to the property and since I have the trailer, I want to get there early so Marc can continue with  his cleanup stuff while I continue with signs, the doggy park, etc.  

The boys replied to an ad I put out for workers.  I had to laugh. No mention of running the ATV into the brand new shed!  I didn't even reply to him.  He is probably too dense to figure out that people that destroy other people's property while working for the other people and don't even fess' up to it? Probably aren't going to be welcomed back with open arms.  

However.  It may come down to me addressing him about it and then seeing if he admits to it and apologizes or not.  I could use the help and if he is under supervision, he'll work. The other one not so much.  I am referring to the 25 and 17 year old brothers.  The 17 year old started out well, but digressed into watching his brother work while he stands there holding a rake or whatever.  

Anyway, I don't get a lot of replies for this kind of work. Why would anyone want to actually work for some money?  Well, at least there is some replies to it now that I had a spare moment to take a look. And lookit that! The rain that was supposed to start in the middle of the night? Just now started! Won't last long, but maybe enough to water the grass/seed.  

Not going to stop me from heading up to Harbor Freight for some drill bits and then over to Lowe's for the remaining blocks for the fire pit.  

Besides gravel, I should be getting down to the point of "I don't think I need anything else but some people to show up in RV's".  

Oh, but that damn Google postcard.  That's just a bit maddening.  Why don't they require that right at the start? You know, while you're setting it up, a prompt comes up and says, "Oh, by the way, we need to verify your address. We will send you a postcard with a code on it, your account will be inactive until this is accomplished".  Yeah, you know, something along those lines?

I'm tired. I need a break, lol.  It's just constant go go go. There is an end in sight, it's just still a bit far away. 

Oh well, sitting here complaining accomplishes nothing. Off to the races!


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...