Monday, January 30, 2023

 So.  The couple that said they were coming in on Thursday are stranded somewhere north of the DFW area.  Ice/sleet - crappy road conditions, accidents everywhere. I encouraged them to hole in somewhere and not even try to navigate through the disaster this storm is leaving behind.  That sleet passed maybe 80 miles west of us, I can't say I am saddened that it didn't hit us. Snow I would have liked, but sleet? No thank you. They said they would be coming in Friday, which is fine by me.  They said they had sought shelter on their brother's farm.  I dunno folks, I just report it as I hear it. I hate to get too inquisitive into people's personal details, as much as it fascinates me, some people or even many are not inclined to be giving out that info. If they are chatty and want to divulge personal info, great!  

The other guy? Coming from Oklahoma? Well there's kind of a story going here. 

I went over there this morning and got busy with cutting the railroad ties with the circular saw - I did all 4 sides of the 9 foot long tie and will have to finish it with a long sawzall blade.  I heard a high pitched, continuous - whining - noise.  It wouldn't stop. I looked around, what is making that noise?!! It got highly annoying after hearing it a while.  Well, anyway, freezing cold outside, I still decided to go up and dig out the post holes for the posts for the highway sign. 

I don't really know if I'm supposed to be asking some person or entity for permission to do that, I just know that there are 2 permanent signs and I'm sandwiching mine in between them. I've had my small sign up in between those 2 for a few months now, no one has said anything and no one tried to take it down. That was my sign to put up a permanent sign. Just a bit leery because that sign I'm putting up? $250. That's just the sign, doesn't include the lumber, paint, concrete, connectors, screws, gas, and use of generator (mine, but still, in the business world everything is a write-off), not to mention my time, to install it. 

I dunno, but if someone really wanted to get a hold of me, they could simply look it up on the internet, the phone number is right there. Or email.  

Whatever the case, getting the holes dug out, I decided to move forward.  Back to the property, hook up the trailer, load the boards, concrete, bucket of water and level back on there and back up there.  This dog. There was a dog - must live around there somewhere - it was barking at me. I mean, it was non-stop barking. I ignored it for a while, but the dog kept getting closer and closer.  Then, it did a sudden move towards me as if it were going to bite me. I threw my hands up in the air and yelled at the dog. GO AWAY!!  I had to do that several times before it disappeared.  

I did my thing with the boards, measuring, leveling, measuring again, pouring in the concrete, tamping it down, pouring water and then final check for level both ways, plus running a loose board across the bottom to make sure they were lined up. It's there, but it won't dry up for days. If not a week or longer.  It's raining again - as forecast. And again tomorrow. And the next day....and the next day... 90% chance of rain range.  

I do want to put the sign up after a couple of days regardless. It's just that I don't want anyone saying gee! Looky there! Boards! or even worse, put up a sign on it using my boards!

I get that done and Taylor is like, I'm going to see RJ. He works at Chili's. I went over there, needed some white out for paperwork anyway. Actually need a lot more than that, but that was Walmart.  So I'm sitting at Chili's and this guy that said he was coming calls.  "I'm over here at the park, I'm on lot 8". I mean...

You know...I specifically asked him to call me when he gets there - that was days ago - not pick and choose a lot and then hope I am ok with it. Crazy.  The trans couple were supposed to take that lot but I haven't heard from them so I just let it go. These is a permanent setup. I left Chili's later on and went over there.  He wasn't there, as he stated he wouldn't be, his travel trailer - a late model thing that looks nice anyway - was all set up. 

And that high pitched whining noise - I noticed that noise again. It's very high-pitched and after you hear it for a while, it starts to get annoying. On purpose, of course. It just sounded like it was coming from everywhere.  Luckily, I glanced over at the septic system and saw the red light on - meaning the system isn't working. 

WHAT?!!! I ran over there and sure enough it was also where that noise was coming from. I hadn't heard that noise before so I didn't know to correlate it with the septic system. I contacted the contractor, rather long, drawn out texting conversation. But he sent someone over there.  Turns out some wiring wasn't set up right. Apparently the unit was never working. There are 4 concrete vaults in that system. He sent a dude over, he fixed it, gave me some instructions and that was that.  I don't touch that system, I know nothing about septic systems beyond what I have read and it's under warranty. If something goes wrong, I'm just calling them. It's not like that system was free.....

Back to the new dude.  I called him after everything else and he said, yes, a company actually wants to pay for the lot rent for me.  Oil field workers get lots of perks - they are gone from home for lengthy periods of time. One of the perks is -usually - to have their living situation paid for.  He asked if it would be okay if the lady called me to use a credit card?  Sure. Well, but I have a co-worker that might want to move there as well? Okay! 

That guy calls me saying he wants to come take a look. Another call back from the lady to pay the bill, she knew nothing about this intended setup.  I haven't heard back from that guy, if he doesn't call back by tomorrow, I will get the credit card info from the lady, charge the one lot and be done with it. He can come if he likes, but I'm not waiting forever to get paid for the dude that already moved in.

That's 4 long term in there now, I had my ad changed.  $30, $175 and $450 - daily/weekly/monthly rates. Still below the average around these parts.  Remember, I just wanted 4 in at that rate to get my monthly bills taken care of to start with. After that, long term is going to pay more and short term a bit more as well.  

It was a long day.  I'm good with it, just the weather is dreary, gloomy, yuck. I have a full slate tomorrow.  If the trans couple shows up, I hope they aren't pissed, I didn't ask that person to take that spot - but I did ask them to keep me apprised of their intent to move over here. Regardless, I am heading 2 towns over for more stuff for the washer/dryer setup Water heater, water heater enclosure, breaker box, breakers, wiring, outlets - I'm going to be over there quite a while. 

Only if I get a call to get yet someone else in there will I change those plans. Even then, there is pipe to be bought over in my town. 

I don't think I will try to place that sign up tomorrow. It's just too wet out, that concrete is going to set that fast.  

The guy doing the 2 week stay paid for the next week today without having to ask him. 

My greatest conundrum right now? Isn't washer/dryer setup, it's internet. It's going to cost me far too much money with this Verizon setup.  I need starlink to give me access or I need to do something else. With  12 days left on the billing cycle,75% of the data has already been used up. I need unlimited wifi. I can't currently justify paying over 7 grand for fidelity to install the line. And I don't want to get into debt for that. Starlink is coming "sometime" this year.  I don't know what else I can do?  

I'm going to be doing even more research, I have to find a solution for this.  I'll eat whatever until I find that solution.  

And then there's trash. Do I get a dumpster?  So far?  No.  

This thing has gone far beyond anything I imagined in expenses.  

Whatever the case, no new short terms coming in.  I don't really expect that in horrid driving conditions.  But you never know, I'm ready to run over there any time if such things occur, just the same with these last minute people saying "I want to move in today".  There was yet another call from some people over in Tyler this afternoon saying they needed somewhere to stay long term today.  They said they would "get back to me", which indicated to me I would never hear from them again. 

Yup, never heard back. I'm ok waiting however long to get people in at higher rate.  I'm not trying to get rich off of these people, I want to pay the bills and make some money per lot. Not greed type of money. 

I can tell ya, after seeing the setup for the pedestals?  If I had the money I'd be planning on 5 more spots.  


 Are any of these people showing up today?

I have no idea.  

But, I intend on getting another box of fire starter logs and going over there and doing some light clean up work.  First a trip to Lowe's - for the logs lol I used the last box up - and possibly a breaker box.  Get that thing installed or at least see where I'm going to put it and what it's going to take to install it and get with the program.  Get that thing in, I can map out where I'm going to put the machines and then run indoor lines through the walls to the locations, install some outlets and be done with that part of it.  That will take some time.

Then the plumbing and drain for the washer.  I don't know if I"m going to buy a quarter vending machine right off the bat.  I suppose I could just carry rolls of quarters with me and sell them to tenants if they so desire.  I'm just not going to give out free laundry, not at the monthly rates I'm giving.  They'll have to pay extra for it.  $3.00 per load - that's wash and dry - sounds reasonable and not attempting to take advantage of anyone.  It will pay for the electricity and water usage and also to build up a fund to fix/replace said machines at whatever point it needs it.  Basically, they are paying for the machines to pay for themselves.  Not sure about any profit in that situation. 

I'll just go to a local coin op - there is a chain of them in this town that has like 5 locations around the city - and see what they're charging.  Whatever it is, that much or less.   

Why am I sitting here at home? Because I just got out of bed, 1, drinking my morning coffee, 2 and looking at the weather, 3.  Real feel of 29 degrees, yuck.  And the likelihood of more rain today! Gag. I knew they had 5 days in a row forecast for rain, but you know, around here?  They get it wrong so often, you just don't believe them, you wait until the day comes and see what happens.  

Oops, I need to cut up boards to take over there before I leave here. Forgot about that.  I used all the boards I cut up yesterday getting those new tenants in. 

It's mid morning, guess I best get moving! 

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...