Tuesday, June 18, 2024

 Tuesday - semi early

I didn't plan on waking up this early today, it just happened, I went to bed early enough last night that I ended up with over 7 hours of sleep anyway, so I just decided to get up and get moving.

I have a late load today, not the day off.  Manager called me yesterday asking what I "want to do" for work coming up, in other words, do I want to work the weekend? without actually asking it. He went immediately on to hinting about the load tomorrow (now today) and I said yes, it's in the tablet I know about it and plan on doing it.  Oh, ok, apparent relief in his voice.  I don't communicate with them about loads I'm doing because they don't communicate much of anything with me.

If they have a question, they are free to text or call.  They do - infrequently.  Mostly, one of the loads I have turned in on the useless tablet will not go through, even tho it says it went through, and they want me to "send it", as if I never had sent it.  No ma'am, I sent that a week ago.  Well, it didn't go through.  Ok.......

That is typical "communication".  I don't envy working in a trucking office, companies put those people under a lot of unwarranted stress.  It's constant this and that.  If it isn't something to do with paperwork, it's a broken down truck. An angry/upset customer (load didn't arrive on time or at all).  A driver calls in sick.  A situation arises where they need another truck and driver but there isn't one readily available, jumping through several hoops to try and arrange it.  It's not a job I would do, just not worth the constant aggravation.

However, those people sometimes get so stressed that they lash out at everyone.  

A newer tenant calls  yesterday, goes straight off on me.  "What's with the grass between the trailers?" apparently trying to intimidate me with a deep, gruff voice.  I had to control my mouth right off the bat, I don't take kindly to people with disrespectful tones right off the bat.  It ended up with "I'll get to it when I get to it".  He had me on speakerphone, I suspect there were tenants standing around egging it all on.  

We can have a face to face about it.  Because every last one of them can leave, I won't tolerate it.  I'll find more people to take their place. Might take a while, but it will happen.  I also told him he can mow his own grass if he so desires.  I was giving it back to him in a "respectful" manner.  I can find fault with every single person in there concerning their living habits in my park.  I don't do it because it is unproductive.  I don't go lording myself over people to do this and that unless it's a direct violation of rules that are intended to keep the place nice and safe.  

But....if someone is going to get in my face, it's going to get ugly.  

Let's move on from that.  People take ridiculous liberties with other people's boundaries and think nothing of it - until the table gets turned and you give them a dose of their own medicine.  I try not to go there for I don't really think it's Christ-like.  I've got my faults, I've been working on how I react to how other people treat me in very negative and frankly, abusive manners for some time now.  There is a line, however and once someone crosses it, I just let loose.  I was a welcome mat for many, many years, thinking that's how Christianity is supposed to be until it got to the point that I was being treated as if I were some kind of piece of machinery to be turned on and off at will.

What else.  Well, we're going to Galveston beach next month for a couple days of fun.  It's their annual vacation where the whole group goes off together to relax and play.  An AirBNB house is being rented to accommodate all 19 people.  Yes, you read that right: 19 people.  It's the group of ladies that met at a pre-school several years ago and started hanging out. It evolved into card nights, going out to eat nights, going to local event days, etc.  I didn't go last year for it was a "family only" thing as it was described to me, I just shrugged it off.  We went back a few weeks later as a single family thing.  

The only people that are "integral" to that group are the ladies, everyone else is expendable, lol.  I'm not dissing them, it's their group, I'm just along for the ride.  I don't mind a couple days on the beach tho, I love the ocean.  I don't like that beach as much as other beaches for the water is very warm and the life guards don't want you going out more than 200 feet.  "We can write you a ticket", a 16 year old lifeguard was telling me last time. There were no signs or any indication that there was some sort of limitation on distance. I was probably 600 feet out when I saw 2 of them frantically waving their arms. 

I wondered what they were doing, lol.  Couldn't hear them, didn't care.  I don't know what's going on when you're that far out. Sharks?  Nah, if there were sharks anywhere near the beach they would just shut the beach down.  Rip tides? Maybe, but the water isn't very deep.  Of course, it doesn't take deep water for a rip tide to carry you out to sea.  People don't understand how to get out of them, hence they end up - dead many times.  You don't try to fight it going straight back into the beach, you swim across it until you're out of it.  They show pics with overlaying red zone where a rip tide is and it really isn't that big, usually.  A few hundred feet across at most, maybe?  

Oh, the property. There was some discussion about using the back 15 acres to build a house.  I think it got a bit ..uncomfortable.  Not for me, I don't care either way. It would be nice to have one back there, not the end of my world if it never happens.  I'm not giving the property away, so that's sort of the point of discomfort. I wouldn't say contention so much, just, hmm, how is this going to work out?  There are other properties around and probably would work out better if they got their own.  It's just that property is expensive now and mine is in the school district they want to stay in, replete with buses going up and down the street.  

It's also right outside of town.  I mean, if someone took you to my property with a blindfold on and you had never been there and then took you down the driveway and to the rear of the property? You would have no idea that there is a city less than 2 miles away.  Well, even if you were exposed to the RV park. Oh, there is an RV park here. Walk you out to the road. You wouldn't see a city scape, you'd see a country set  up with cattle ranches and other things that delineate that it is out in the middle of nowhere.  

That's the appeal of it, at least for me.  That and the lack of noise.  I'm not pushing the idea. They are going to wait until next year to start the hunt for land.  The longer they wait, however, the higher the price of land will go.  I know from experience that once land prices get jacked up, they never come back down. That's what happened in AZ in the mountain properties where you are spending more than the cost of a house just to buy undeveloped land.  It's so high that it is out of reach for most people, you have to be semi-rich to buy the land and then build a cabin on it.  All the good properties are gone and have been gone for many years now.  

I get the idea tho: get out of the city, live out in the country, preferably in a wooded area.  I gave my suggestions. Any property you want to buy, make sure you walk the entire property first.  I found so many great properties, until I got Addler out and we started hiking and found the land under water, usually constantly under water. Useless property.  Then you have to think about water, septic and electricity.  If there is a water line nearby, sure, but even 100 feet away will cost you many thousands of dollars to have it extended.  And internet.  If there's no internet out there you are going to hate living there.  People are reliant on it now, it's just a fact of life. 

Keto. I lost 10 pounds, then up to 7, now to 8 gone.  I don't really think I've lost any fat, but then again, it's only been 9 days.  I'm sticking with it, cut out sugar and carbs almost altogether. Well, definitely no sugar regardless of the fact that there is all kinds of it laying around in various forms around the house.  Just cutting out sugar will likely make a person lose weight in and of itself.  

Tractor.  Just not in a rush to get into the wrong deal.  It's interest rates that I'm balking at.  Everything I've looked at is high.  Even a HELOC at 11.99%? For 30 years?  Are interest rates ever going to come back down? I'm sure they will - eventually.  You look at a loan and it shows how much you are borrowing and how much you will have to pay back. On Creditkarma, it breaks it down.  So, you borrow 31k and and end up paying 24k in interest plus the loan amount?  That's crazy.  

I wanted the park expanded in time for this Interstate construction project.  I just can't see getting into a loan that has that high of an interest rate.  Maybe if it's a short term loan and a smaller amount.  

Who knows.  I do know that this has gone on long enough.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...