Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Why is it not surprising to me that the contractor is now ignoring my text messages again?  That last time we talked, he said he had to check his calendar - he had initially committed to coming out next week but had to confirm that he could come. After all of this time, he should be coming regardless.  There is a chance of rain on Saturday which may screw things up, but if it doesn't, he either needs to come or just say he can't do it and I will find someone else to do this job.

I don't have time to go over there and check, the ground may still be wet. It was 2 days ago but it's been very warm and I suspect it's drying up nicely.  I get that he wants the dirt to be dry, but once it IS dry, it needs to be done. If I'm no priority on his list, he needs to tell me  that.  Regardless, I have determined that if it doesn't rain and the ground is dry AND he doesn't come next week, it's time to move on.  We'll see.

I was going to take my vehicle in to have the gas gauge fixed - the dealer told me 7-10 days just to get to it. Okay, this is a gas gauge, the vehicle is not broken down.  I am not going to have it sitting there for a dozen days - what it will take to actually get it fixed if they can even find the parts.  I can only imagine a $1,200 fee to rent a car that long.  

There are plenty of shops in town, I hope to find on that can do the job in a reasonable amount of time.  

Well that was easy and I will be dropping it off over at a local shop with a man who knows all about it and said it's likely the sending unit. Thanks.

Late load today - 1:30, hence I'm online doing stuff including writing posts lol.  The man that runs the rack is out of commission and the man that took it over has instantly changed everything.  The man that usually runs the rack is going to be back sooner or later, so I heard this morning anyway.  I hate late loads, tho.  I'll make it up to Oklahoma plant around 10:30 tonight if I'm lucky and then if I can stand it, drive back to the casino truck stop and get there around 2:00 am.  Yup, I probably won't do that.  Find somewhere closer to stop for the night and finish it off tomorrow.  

The strange thing is that now, instead of waiting in our trucks to load, we have to go back to sitting in the shack with the operators.  I don't really much care for that, I have gotten used to being able to lay down in the sleeper and nap if I didn't sleep well the night before, or get a bite to eat, or whatever.  Plus I have to put on all of that safety garb which I don't have to do when I'm just sitting in the truck.  Oh well, social hour has come back to the rack lol.

$933 to get to Phoenix and back lol.  I'm afraid I'm going to bow out of this class reunion.  The prices of airfare are completely out of control and I'm not paying that much money for 2-1/2 days of travel.  It just isn't worth it to me.  I'm still taking the days off, but there isn't going to be a trip to Arizona included in that time off.  I can't hardly swallow the idea of paying that much for a week over there, but at least it would have some time to visit people.  I will likely use my credit card points and go to a local hotel and use their pool. In fact, we will all likely go to that pool and have some fun.  

Anyway, we are going to Waffle House for breakfast before I have to leave.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...