Tuesday, February 7, 2023

I was in the dark when I got to Home Depot and realized there is more information that I needed. Can I run aluminum wire to the box?  Well I don't know why not.  But I wanted to be sure, everything was talking about copper on it.  But you aren't mixing the aluminum with the copper. The aluminum clamps into the lugs to supply the box with power.  The store employee running that department knows nothing about electrical, so he wasn't helpful.  Sometimes they have people working there that are previously in the trade and can answer all of your questions.  But I determined that was okay.  Then I was trying to find a dryer outlet, the 4 prong things.  They either didn't have them or they certainly weren't on the shelves in the electrical section.  

Yup, Lowe's it is, I know where they are in that store.  They also didn't have the 8-2 interior Romex wire I needed.  I hope Lowe's has it, otherwise you have to buy an entire roll for hundreds of dollars.  I need maybe 20 feet.  My water heater is going to be 2 feet away from the breaker box.  I will need 8 feet or so for the washer. Wait. I'll need more. Just remembering that I'm running a wire to a switch and then to an overhead light.  It would be a bit ridiculous to have a dark room.  

And an extra outlet - for my use.  The water heater is direct wired, there are no outlets.  You simply run a wire from a 30 amp breaker in the box, through conduit - it's external so I have to use conduit - and wire nut the wires together and walaah.  

This all sounds so easy, right?  It's a good thing the machines aren't showing for at least 10 days, I suspect I will be going crazy trying to figure everything out.  As it stands, I will be watching YouTube videos tonight.  I should say, MORE of them.  What I watched initially wasn't enough information, I'm finding out after today's visit to the store.  It's no big deal, I haven't even started yet.  I will be going to Lowe's tomorrow and then just start on the interior.  There is in the 80-90% range chance of rain.  If I can work outside, then so beit.  I want to get the breaker box installed and I suspect that's going to be an ordeal in itself.  
Many hours later.  I had gone home - it didn't appear Taylor was going to be home in time to get the kids from the bus stop so I went and got them, threw a whole chicken in the oven and then received a few phone calls. One was from the trash service that I had contacted days ago.  The lady said, oh, well it looks like you contacted us a while back, are you still in need of trash service?  

Yes, indeed I am.  I flat told her I'm a business but I don't yet need a dumpster.  Went through yet another account setup - although they certainly didn't want near as much information as T-Mobile - which just sent an email saying my new unit is on it's way. Anyway, we got the nitty gritty of the deal: $30 per month for trash service, once a week pickup.  These are large containers - big enough to possibly last a week.  Well, I'd say definitely it would last at week current usage.  I was expecting more, $30 per month is great!  That will be added to the business account as well.  

The other call was from a lady looking for a place to stay for a couple of weeks.  Sure!  She said that sounds great after telling her the price but at the end it was "we'll probably see you tomorrow".  Meaning, of course, if they find something they like better, they are not going to show up.  It's going to rain tomorrow, but I'll get out there and take care of them - in the rain - to give outstanding customer service.  I want that to stay consistent as long as I'm in business.  

I mean, I could definitely use the money. I haven't had anyone calling about long term. I just can be glad that I have 6 of them in there now and so far, no sign of anyone leaving.  Some short termers would be great, that's what I'm saying.  If I can get the internet under control, I'm going to be pretty happy with everything, get that laundry stuff done and wash my hands of it.  Meaning, it's going to be time to go back to work - but I can hold out longer now that I have transferred a lot of bills to the business checking account.  

I just contacted the web designer to change the rates back down.  I need to get access to everything and see if I can change it myself without messing anything up.  I don't want to have to contact him every time I want to change wording or prices on the website.  I get a little antsy when I want a change but I have to wait sometimes up to 24 hours for him to change it.   

Anyway, I really need to get some good sleep tonight.  

 I wasn't going to write anything before going out to get stuff done this morning - but....

It was a horrible night in terms of sleep.  I got 4 straight hours of sleep, woke up and then half the night laying around trying to get back to sleep. By the time I did get back to sleep, it kept me sleeping til almost 9:30 am!  

This has got to stop.  I'm thinking I just need to get out of bed and do something when this happens - something monotonous and boring.  I have exactly the thing for that: business paperwork.  Spend an hour doing that and something inside of me will be begging  me to go back to sleep.  I'm seriously considering doing that tonight if this nonsense happens again.  I can't be laying around in bed, sleeping until the morning hours are almost over. Ridiculous.   

I've got the first month's bank statements and I want to do that on the ledger.  Quickbooks supposedly will automatically input anything going in or out of my bank account.  Well and fine, but not everything I am doing is going through the bank.  

My personal bank accounts are now, finally, depleting at a much slower pace now that I have diverted a lot of stuff - all business related -over to the business checking account.  About time.  I need more long term tenants.  I've only had one guy saying he's coming "sometime" this week and a lady that was interested but no real commitment.  I have another Facebook ad running.  

My new T Mobile internet box should be here on Thursday. Whenever it arrives, it is going immediately over to the property and getting set up.  If it doesn't work, I'll try it here at home. Fidelity isn't exactly cheap. The "claim" from T mobile is that it is on 5g network, extremely fast speeds and it allegedly doesn't matter how many devices are hooked up to it.  Well, this household has a LOT of devices between us. Laptops, desktops, phones, game systems, Nintendo Switches, I don't really even know the extent of what they have.  We definitely get our money's worth out of the bill I pay, but if it could be more than cut in half with the same results, I'd be down for it. 

Otherwise, the thing will be sent back to them - sorry, this thing didn't perform as advertised.  Still, $50 per month. They claimed it will never go up from there. I wonder how long they'll have that available at that rate?  Unlimited data? There must be something here that isn't telling the whole story.  Like perhaps throttling the speed so it's extremely slow after a certain amount of data is used up.  Or who knows what games they can play?

Alright, even tho a bit late in the day - I haven't left yet because I will sit and drink my obligatory cup/s of coffee before I do anything - I can still get over to Longview and get all that stuff I was thinking to get today.  I also remembered this morning we have an "old" trash can that I can take over to the property. A few years ago, the city's contract with the trash company expired - that trash company didn't want to do it anymore.  We were required to have our own trash receptacles to put out on the curb side.  It was great tho, you could put whatever out there, as long as it was curbside, they would pick it up.  Once Republic took over, they had their own trash cans and they wouldn't allow your own can out there.

Well, one of them is sort of a mini version of the Republic can and my giant trash bags will be big enough to line the thing.  This way, more trash will fit into it with the same sized bag as the 55 gallon thing I have and won't be quite so wasteful on bags.  Anyway, until I get more people in the park, I'm not going to be getting a trash service out there. Too much money for too little trash.  

Well, I guess I'm awake enough now.  Time to get with the program. 

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...