Thursday, November 17, 2022

Thursday, morning. 

I got up early to see Taylor and the kids off. Taylor got a new espresso machine and wasn't sure last night if she would have time to make a cup since she deals with the boys in the morning.  But, she had it going and had her own cuppa before she left.  

Yesterday.  Getting frustrated with this rye grass seed situation and not being able to find any.  I went to Tractor Supply to see for myself if they had any that came in with their weekly shipment. No, the emphatic answer.  Lowe's - nothing but way over-priced 25 pound bags.  I wasn't going to pay that much for grass seed, sorry, but no thanks. 

I had already checked around.  Buchanan's - call them, the thought came into my head. It says it's a "Seed and Feed" store, but what you see going in and out of there are ranchers and farmers.  Stuff related mostly to horses and cows.  There are a lot of horses and cows in this area, lol.

The dude on the other end of the phone said yes, we have 50 pound bags for $37.  What? Did I just hear you wrong? $37 per 50 pound bag?  Yes, but we only have 5 or 6 bags left right now, we're waiting on another shipment.  Yup.  Got the trailer, went over there and bought 6 bags. By the time I got there -several hours later - they had already received their shipment and a lot more of it.

The amazing part? This is the exact same brand and seed that Tractor Supply is selling for $54.95.  The man was shocked.  I agreed, it's just grass seed!  Just another example of corporate greed. When another company can sell it $17 less and still make a profit, there is greed going on there. Lowe's even worse at $65, tho a different brand. 

Well, I've got that going this morning, just taking it  over to the property, putting it in the shed and dropping the trailer.  I've got to go to the other's kid's school this morning.  He also wants McDonald's Happy Meal (versus the tragedy they call a Thanksgiving dinner served at the school), so I will oblige him since I did the same for his older brother on Tuesday.  

Their lunch time is 10:00 am. I asked him this morning, is this your normal lunch time? Yes!  That's early!  That's more like late breakfast or brunch!  

I dunno, but I'm going to check the soil again over there this morning.  It rained a long time on Monday and it really saturated the soil.  I'm afraid that nothing is going to get done until next week - and there is a chance of rain every day next week.  This is going to seriously jeopardize any notion of opening on December 1st.  

No worries, I guess, it will start up when it starts up.  I was originally hoping to get going the middle of this month, but that obviously isn't happening.  I mean, it may actually be that it will not happen until well into December and tho it isn't what I want, it will just have to do.  

I think I am going to make this blog "public", ie: create an actual website for it and drive a few more visitors.  I wouldn't mind getting some minds commenting on some of this stuff, perhaps people that are in business could give some advice.  


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...