Tuesday, August 18, 2020

 Day 5 of all of this, early Tuesday morning.

Sleep was okay, not great but I'll survive the day.

Food hard to find around here, that's an issue.  

Going to have to find a grocery store so I can find some stuff to take with me during the day.  I don't need to eat a whole meal on the road, but I have no idea how long I'm going to be out.  8 hours? 10? 14?  No idea.  The people running this company are minimalists on handing out info and I suppose they do it on purpose, if you knew in advance you'd be driving junk trucks you wouldn't want to go.  

Again, I'd far rather be at the Vermont place even with junk equipment just because I purposed myself to learning what I needed to learn and getting that part over with.  Then I can just do my thing, get the day over with and get closer to getting back home without all the stress of attempting to learn an entirely new process.

I went through oxygen training in orientation almost 3 years ago.  But it was just classroom stuff, not hands on learning how to load or unload.  It can be quite dangerous.  Nitrogen - is very cold, but it's not flammable, that's likely much less involved stuff to deal with.  I'm guessing similar hookups to what I already do, their trailers I noticed are pretty much the same as ours.  

Well, off to the races.  

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...