Wednesday, September 1, 2021

 Thank you fin for that, saw the comment.

Racking my brains attempting to decide whether I really have to have a design group design the park or just wing it. 

This can't possibly be that difficult.  Clear out all the front stuff excepting a couple of giant trees, one of them very much dead.  It needs to go 10 feet beyond the telephone poles near the front.  All of that area will just be a parking space for incoming RV's.  The land isn't totally wasted and there is nothing I can do about that.  So I measure 10 feet in towards the property and then put up ribbone on the trees where you stop taking down trees.

Next. Measure the first 60 foot back in lot.  45 degree angle, 60 degree angle, whatever, get it done.  It's just the straight line part that I can't get past.  How do I know I'm going in a straight line with all those trees in the way?  Sure, a straight line would easily do it, even 800 plus feet long I could run a line, but again, those pesky trees. I don't want to take out any more trees than I have to.  Thank you fin for that, saw the comment.

And, should I leave space for an eventual bath house at the front, middle or rear of the property?  Where does the dog park go? Where does the septic system go?  

I've got a lot of the initial questions I agonized over answered.  70 foot long pull throughs. 60 foot long back in spaces along the western fence line - tho I could legitimately go 65 with all the extra space I have.  

There's two lines right there and I figured today I still have 119 feet linear feet towards the east to use up for more spaces.  I could make ridiculously long spaces.  I could do a row of 60 foot spaces and still have around 59 feet left over.  

Alas, I won't have the money to put in a huge number of spaces to begin with, I think my attention appropriately focused on about 20 spaces to start with. 

One site says it's approximately 40k to put in a septic system, gag.  I hope that's not the case for a smaller setup.  

Hmm, if I eventually put in a bath house in the middle of the park, I wonder how that plays out on the sites next to it and people having to here that noise all day long.  I'm going to have to take some more looks at other park setups. Seems like the space for that should appropriately be placed at one end or the other.  

I think it's time for some tea.  Just started drinking it in the last couple months.  A little better than coffee, I like to sip on a hot drink, especially while contemplating all of this stuff.  

OH, and any opening will still include having the walking trails cleared out and a doggy park at the very least.  Perhaps a - crude - 1 room bath house lol.  Unisex/family style lol.

The long spaces, the trees, the serenity and the walking trails will bring them in.  I can make ample money off of just 20 spaces to begin with.  

Even with only 20 spaces, the big expenses: septic, electric and gravel.  Water - not quite so much.  A bit, but not as much as the other 3.  Unless a few hundred grand falling  out of the sky/becomes available I think my plan to start with 20 spaces is about the best I can do.  

My best guesses: 20k for septic, 25k for gravel - that's just the gravel, not having it spread around,  water, maybe 3k to have a tap into the main line then a couple thousand worth of pipe and fittings, possibly more but not terrible if 2 inch pipe really works; electrical - lol - no clue.  $200 per pedestal, $4 grand right there.  No clue how much to have the power company run lines to a pole.  I've read anywhere from free to thousands of dollars.  Then the underground line, the boxes that underground line feeds into, the line going from the boxes to the pads.  These pedestals already come installed with 20, 30 and 50 amp outlets and breakers, it's just a matter of installing them into the ground and hooking up the wiring.  I could guess 20k for 20 spots and that could be close.  A thousand dollars per pad for the whole set up may be a bit more than it will actually cost.

Beyond that is clearing out the  driveways and lots.  These days off would have been nicer if it occurred after I had closed and figured all of this out and could just go straight to work.  I assume I could have had a lot of it cleared out already.  

I still think the best plan beyond approaching the power company and asking them what I need to do to get power run to the property - not just through the property - and having septic pros come out and tell me where the best location is and how much it's going to cost - is to get all of that cleared up out front, measure out the first back in lot, which would show me where the first driveway will need to be - and run with it.  

The power lines are at least 20 feet above the ground, so that won't be an issue.  I have a friend - James close friend actually - that works in the volunteer fire department that serves the county.  So, if I have any issues I can probably get some favor going there, he's studying to become some sort of assistant to the fire marshall. 

Anyway, I find out today that I am expected to go back to work on Sunday instead of Wednesday.  I have his texts, he specifically stated 14 days, now he's changed it to 12.  I thought I'd have a holiday off, I thought wrong. Labor Day is coming up, I'll apparently be out on the road.

I'm glad I found that out today while it's still several days away It's Wednesday evening, that gives me 3 full days to prepare for the inevitable eventuality of having to go back to that job.  I realized today that it wouldn't matter if I were doing a local job, I'd still hate trucking equally as much, I'd just be home every night.  

Anyway, I'm getting off of here. 

 Amazing how the days seem to fly by.  14 days off is a long time, yes? Yet I only have 6 more days until the 14 days is over and done with and back to the grind of driving - trucks.  I can tell you I needed this time off and didn't even realize it.  Not because I'm sick or anyone else is sick here, but because I was becoming increasingly unhappy doing that job unendingly with no real, lengthy off time to reset.

Yes, we went on a mini vacation recently. That was only 3 days.  I would have never chosen to take 14 days off and I doubt my company would even let me do that without special circumstances.  It was in the back of my head when I texted my manager who then called me after asking what the company policy is.  He clearly was trying to "help me out" in giving answers that would have sufficed for working and I clearly was only interested in seeing how long I could get off time for, even if unpaid.  14 days was a bit surprising.  

So, the text group I'm in with the other drivers had one of them taking a pic of one of our trucks at the loading plant. It was the day cab truck - no sleeper. Pile of junk, I have to assume my truck is being used by someone if they are going so far as to put drivers in that thing.  I'm not going to be particularly happy if whoever may be in it trashed the thing.  

Anyway, I never did get to drawing up those drawings of intended park set up yesterday. Something I intend on doing in a bit - after I go to the store and get a yardstick to make straight lines with. Yup, that's why I didn't do it and didn't feel like going anywhere.  I'd like to draw the whole thing up, not just the first few lots and then just fade off with nothing.  I also want whatever that thing is called that gives you precise angles - things I haven't used since High School, completely forgotten the names of such devices.  I can occupy myself with several hours of going to the store and then coming home and doing that today.  

As for the house - the 6 year old went back to school today, the 4 year old is still wandering around the house, coughing all over the place, I have had a mild case of a cold I guess you'd call it for several days, haven't  really said much about it because it isn't really affecting me that bad, Taylor finally slept last night and not sure about James.  We're getting through it is what I can say and that's good.  


Final closing costs were sent to me. I simply show up with one cashier's check to pay for all of it, the lender distributes it to everyone who is due any funds.  This is much further along than anything else that has happened in any of the other deals I've already attempted.  This means to me that this is actually going to happen.

And, I was pleasantly surprised that the final check I need to get will be 2 plus grand lower than I expected.  I have 2k earnest money down already, but I expected the closing costs for me to be in the 17k to 19k range.  Instead, it's $15,693.47.  That leaves me a lot more cash in my accounts than I expected.  I can get started on this project without even cashing out the 401k - tho I am considering doing that soon for the stock market is pretty volatile right now and my old 401k isn't gaining.  It goes up but then falls right back to where it was or lower.  That's been going on for quite a while now.

Well, I won't be on Facebook for another 30 days. A person in a camping group talking in lewd terms told me to shut up so I informed him to go jump off a cliff into an icy cold lake.  Facebook suspended my account for 30 days for saying that....they informed me I was bullying him. Lol.  This is why I have teetered on the edge of quitting facebook altogether, permanently.  

Anyway, off to the store.  

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...