Thursday, May 5, 2022

 Not so shockingly with all things pertaining to this proposed business, new information came out concerning the original/1st contractor.

That's because I texted him, informing him of the other contractor and his statement that he knows you and that you are backed up "months out".  

Miraculously, he texted back very quickly. Because I also stated my intentions of using him since he said the dirt was dry enough and also that you aren't really able to get to my project any time soon.

I said all of that to elicit a response, yes, intentionally, to find out if there is any truth to the 2cd contractor's statements.  I don't get a lot of input from number 1 and therefore, it was time to speak a bit more directly to the situation.  

Number 1 wrote back and asked who this other guy is?  I responded with his full name and the name of his company.  

He wrote back and said I don't know this guy, :I have never heard of him and I am not "several months out".  Well that's news to me, I thought, since I've repeatedly asked him when he was going to come out and continue on with the project.  

He stood his ground on the dry dirt.  "We know dirt, if it's wet, it makes a mess".  Number 2 may or may not know dirt, he does mulching but apparently also does dirt work.  Number 1 is pretty much all about dirt, so I would have to give his assessment some credence.  He is also highly respected in this area.  

He then stated he -number 1 - could come out the week after next.  This is what I'm talking about. I need dates, intended arrival and work times.  The 10 day forecast shows a small chance of rain on virtually every day between now and then with the notable exception of today. We are under a tornado watch and there is 100% chance of rain. Actually, it's already rained here today, as it was on the way into the yard.

I just got back from Oklahoma. After 4 days off - the first 2 were due to needing a 34 hour reset, Monday was the eye doctor and Tuesday the mechanics were still working on my truck - I got another Oklahoma run instead of something that actually pays anything.  If I say anything to her about it, she gets extremely offended.

But I had an Oklahoma the last run before the 4 days off.  So in 8 days, I've made a grand, lol.  What will she give me for tomorrow? If I even get a run tomorrow? I have no idea.  But it needs to be something better than another Oklahoma run.  I'm going to have to buy a zero-turn riding mower and I don't want to have to spend too much savings on that.  It's a necessity, yes, after whoever gets done with the walking trails.  They will have to be maintained regularly.  Letting them grow would mean having to have someone come out with a bush hog setup and paying them to do so.  

Anyway, Number 1 is allegedly coming out 2 Mondays from now. IF he shows up and IF they get the dirt work done, I'm going to push hard to get the rest of this done post haste.  They don't need perfectly dry ground to dig out trenches and holes and such for all the utilities. 

There are a couple of phone calls I need to make that I don't really want to, I've had enough of confrontation.  The first is to the gas company drawing the gas out of the ground - they need to fix the driveway. The second is to the other easement - to find out what the terms are for having them come out and bush hog all of it.  They didn't even take down the trees last time, they left a bunch of junk up that they should have plowed over. 

Well, Midcoast was easy, I just sent them an email concerning their lack of keeping the easement cut down and also the last time they had whoever out there, that did not mow down all of the trees.  
They are 6 to 8 feet tall and they are on the easement.  

The other phone call I'm going to have to write down my thoughts and collect myself in my demeanor - -keep it professional regardless of how off this man comes across, for I haven't had a phone call with him yet where he didn't start going off the rails.  

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...