Sunday, April 7, 2024

 The local Applebee's typically has horrible service, so it's not a shocking surprise when you wait, 30, 40 50 plus minutes for food.  Today?  I was there an hour and forty-five minutes and never did receive my food and yes, I finally got up and walked out.  It's a long story and I don't feel like going into it right now, but an hour and forty five minutes? And a manager visiting several times and still nothing?  Bad day for them? Every day is a bad day for this particular Applebee's, the place is an anomaly. Most Applebee's are not this bad.  

Learn my lesson? Well, I like their food but I'm not going to go back any time soon.  Try keeping hungry kids from getting irritable for that long amount of time.  Yea, doesn't work out too well. 

The cows are gone. I called the Sheriff, they contacted the owners, the owners must have come and got them.  


Sunday night.  

Tomorrow is rain, which doesn't start until afternoon, but the forecast is calling for "mostly cloudy".  I'll just wait for the eclipse around noon, watch it get partially dark, say wow that was fun! and move on.  Someone will get footage of that 2 horned comet I would like to hope, that's what I really want to see.

More tractor companies pitching their wares. They are mostly in the same price range tho there is a Kubota dealer - the orange tractors - that gave me a quote for 27k. Still pricey, at least in my little world, but not as bad as 35k.  $337 per month.  7 years, of course.  This is where they lose me still, even with a lower payment, they are still quoting for near forever terms.  I'll be 67 years old by the time the thing is paid off. 

I haven't gotten back to the dude at the park about how much I could do for a down payment.  The Kubota place said if I put 3k down I'm at or below $300.  Still 7 years, but that is a little more palatable than the rest of the "offers" I have received.  I'm not in a hurry here, if I need to rent a tractor again, I will.  If I can afford a monthly tractor payment then I can afford to rent a tractor once per month as well?  

I'm not dwelling on tractors, I need one, but not so badly that I can't live without it.  It just means stuff not getting done.  

If it isn't raining in the morning, I'm going over and get some stuff before the rain hits.  Get up around 8ish, get over there 9ish, work 3 hours and then come home and start taking snapshots of receipts, get that into quickbooks.  Quickbooks wants $425 to do my taxes if I have a pro take a look at it after I'm done, less if I just do it myself with no oversight, much more if I want a pro to do all of it.  I'm undecided but it's probably going to be the first one as long as I'm comfortable that I have it right. I don't need the IRS breathing down my neck, I want it right the first time.  It'll be the first time I'm trying to do a return with owning my own business and working a job.  I can say that it's less than 25k earned between the 2 last year, there isn't that much money to have to account for. 

I'm not worried about it, per se, just want it right and get it postmarked/elecrtronically sent before or on the 15th.  

Well that's enough.  It's getting close to 9 and I'd like to vegetate in front of the tv for awhile, go to sleep relatively early.  

 Sunday - late morning

I don't think it's going to be all that great for people wanting to see the eclipse tomorrow. 97% chance of rain here, we're on the outside of the total eclipse but we'll be in the partial range.  However, the I-30 corridor basically has 50% chance of rain and that would likely mean even if it doesn't rain, there is going to be cloud cover.  Not trying to be a party-pooper, but even the forecasters have been throwing a wet blanket on these traveler's desire to spend that kind of money and see- nothing.  It will get dark, but you won't be able to see the actual event.

Anyway, cows on the property this morning. From the looks of it, they've been there at least since yesterday considering the considerable amount of cow pies laying all over the place and a large area in the grass where they were obviously laying down.  There are 14 of them. A bull, heifers and several calves.  

Almost 100% sure they are a neighboring property owner's cattle. I tried going to their house, which is set back about 150 feet from the street. Their security gate was open but if anyone was home, they weren't coming out when I drove up.  I did not get out of the vehicle, this is Texas and the dude is an ex-sheriff who held the position for 40 years.  I'm not taking too much chances getting shot or otherwise confrontation with someone that would obviously be armed and quite well able to defend their property.  

I left a note, but I decided to call the Sheriff's dispatch number (non emergency).  They took down the info and then a lady called back about 30 minutes later.  "I know Tom goes to church on Sundays, he isn't answering his phone".  They had left him a message and asked if I thought the cows would be ok? Oh yes, they're fine, they're on the easement running through my property, eating grass, no water but they'll be ok for now. I've heard nothing since then, but I'm sure he'll be along with a group of people to herd them back to his property. I'm more interested in him finding out where the breach is so he can repair the fence line. I couldn't find anything and still wondering how they got onto my property? So  yea, even if I could force those cows back to his property, I want the owner to see them on my property so he'll be motivated to find wherever it was they made their way through and repair it.  

It happens.  Not a fan of cow pies, but other than that, they were mowing the grass for me.  

So, I have today and Monday off, back to work for 2 days and then Thursday through Sunday off.  I don't know about tomorrow, it's a high chance of rain so getting stuff done over there is questionable, however, it doesn't matter. I am going to spend however many hours inputting receipts into the quickbooks application and getting everything caught up and then start on trying to get my taxes done.  I'll pay them to do it for me if I have to, but I am going to try to do it myself with their system guiding me through it.  

I think I've only written myself $1,500 in owner's draw checks this year and if these paychecks hold up in net amount, I will not have to take any more checks off of the business side, meaning paying on taxes on it at all.  I also didn't make that much money last year, I was living off of loans mostly, so even tho I expect to have to pay some tax money - I have paid some on it and I have payroll taxes going through as well, it really shouldn't be much.  I would be considered in a poverty level status for the amount I took in.  I wasn't living in poverty, of course, but that's what it will look like on the books for income.  

You do a cashout-refi on your house, that cash is non-taxable because it's a loan. The previous year I cashed out the 401k's but the government took their money and I can tell you it was in the tens of thousands of dollars range.  I should be good there as well.  But, the IRS is clued in onto me after having sent me the envelopes and the estimated tax info and stubs to pay it out quarterly.  The only thing I "fear" if I stop taking money for paychecks out of the business account is that the IRS might grow suspicious and wonder why I am not claiming anything.  I can answer that, of course, with paychecks from trucking, but still.  I'll cross that bridge if if/when it comes to it I guess.  Not like this venture is making me right - yet.  Maybe some day if I ever get more lots in there.  

Well, almost time to leave for church. I was wishy-washy about it this morning, sort of didn't feel like going but after taking a shower I feel better.  Just wasn't quite awake and thinking, gee, sitting in church, sleepy and not very well tuned into the message.  

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...