Thursday, March 2, 2023

 So I got over to the property today and before I got there, I was notified by the old couple that the shed had been blown over and that they had picked it back up. Thank you.

Getting over there? It was damaged.  Nothing I can't fix but a bit disappointing.  I worked out some of the kinks in it, put the piece of plywood on the ground where I intended to have the water heater, leveled it and then moved the shed onto the wood. I then screwed the shed down to the wood.

I might need to weigh the floor down with something, that plywood is fairly heavy but there are tornadic conditions to hit us tonight.  

I dunno, but I went into the shed, sat down on a chair I finally remembered to bring with me - brought a box fan too - sat down and started figuring out plumbing and wiring.  Getting up frequently to measure things out.  After a lot of time thinking, writing, measuring and going over my notes, I headed to Lowe's. 

My feet are aching from standing on that concrete floor in that place. I can't imagine working there, you'd have to have some pretty comfy shoes with inserts to be able to stand all day on that hard floor surface.

Yes, I was there over 3 hours.Plumbing, then a different part of plumbing, over to water heaters, appliances, back to plumbing, over to roofing, electrical and plumbing again.  Much of it was plumbing, trying to figure out exactly what I needed and = just trying to find the fittings! It takes forever. There are a LOT of fittings in that store and on 2 particular aisles, there are hundreds and hundreds of them.  People go through them and put stuff back where it doesn't belong, it's just very tedious. 

Plus, trying to find stuff I had no idea where to find it.  An employee there took up my plight to an extent and started telling me where he thinks certain things would be at.  The vent stack to go on the roof was stumping me. I was in several different places all over the store looking for what I needed and could find it. I found other types of vent stacks, but not the one I needed.

This guy started looking all over the place for me.  He eventually came back with the right one. I was almost shocked. He spent a lot of time looking for it, but sure enough, he had the thing I needed. It just went on forever.  I don't need to be making 20 trips to Lowe's.  If it's 3 hours, it's 3 hours.  A pro could probably be in and out of there in 30 minutes - I'm not a pro! lol 

Everything I got today doesn't actually finish the shed.  It should be enough to run conduit from the ground to the box, conduit from the box to the water heater shed, conduit to inside the shed.  It is all kinds of fittings and different sizes of pipe for the water heater both coming into and going out of it and to the washer hookup. It is also the drain line, the T, the P trap and the pipe for the drain line plus the drain vent.  It is all the electrical connections I will need for the AC, dryer, water heater, general 110 outlets, light switch, light and the range/oven - which I don't have and that will have to be another day.  In fact, that will be last.  I also got more 4 inch SDR35 sewer pipe, 1 inch shc40 pvc, 3/4 CVPC and 1/2 inch CVPC pipe.  A ground rod for the breaker box as well.

I did not get the wire or the clamp for the ground rod - I was done by the time I got to that. I was ready to go home, actually.  I will have to go back to Lowe's for that but I figure by the time i get to that, I will have other things I either forgot or missed or just plain didn't know about that I will need.  

It is inevitable. 

That's my day so far.  I doubt I will go back out there. The trash is turning into a problem out there nad I guess I'm going to just have to bite the bullet and get a dumpster. $160 per month it's just really expensive.  It's emptied once a week, I guess I can't really complain about it, I just don't want to keep adding on expenditures.  But my new residential can is already filled to the top, the smaller one I have is full and there is a 55 gallon can that is empty. But it's only Thursday, the trash man doesn't come until Monday morning.  

To that end, I have contacted the other company - I just need this dealt with.  Trash is not something I want to have to deal with every single day.  I am getting a new quote on a dumpster - if it's higher than before I will simply try to get them to bring it back down.  I guess $40 per week isn't terrible for so much trash.  I'm not really complaining, I just want it dealt with even if it costs me more money.  Almost 3 times as much money, but I have no choice. Republic is the only player in my area that does dumpsters, no one else does them. I've looked.

Well, tomorrow I will be over there attempting to get this stuff done. At least starting on it. It will be preceded by a trip to Harbor Freight - I need a hole saw and I don't want to pay Lowe's prices for on. Basically a one-time use and I will likely never need to use it again.  

Ohhhh myyyy - the thunder finally arrived.  It's been raining on and off all day, but they've been telling us about heavy storms all day - that never materialized. And a level 4 threat of tornadoes.  Tonight, apparently, that threat is going to be real - according to them. It was supposed to be real earlier today, fortunately that never materialized.  

The brain power needed to think through all of that both at the property and at Lowe's has done me in for today.  I am not doing any more work and besides, it's almost 4: 00 pm.  


This'll light another fire under my feet: the washer/dryer payments start on the 7th.  $214 per month, doesn't sound like much but tack that on to everything else.  I'll need an average of 3 loads per day being washed to make it pay for itself.  That's not a lofty goal.  Actually, it's a fractional amount less than 2-1/2 loads per day at $3 per load including washer and dryer.  That's my initial thought for charging per load, I need to get to a laundromat and see what the real, current pricing is for a regular machine. It's probably around there somewhere.  I won't charge more than the laundromat - but if it's $3.50 per load even better. 

 Thursday. Morning.

Rained half the night, expected but it will be muddy in the area I am trying to work in over there.  The shed is finished excepting getting a piece of plywood for the flooring - I think we have some here at the house.  It took me around 3-1/2 hours to finish that shed yesterday.  I got over there and carefully examined the thing - once again - trying to figure out what I had done wrong in the assembly of it.

I hadn't done anything wrong, it turns out.  I always, carefully, follow instructions on things like this because if you get one little thing wrong, it usually affects the entire setup. What was actually wrong?

There are 3 piece of angle iron that come with the kit.  When you look at the various pics they have to show you how to assemble everything, the angle is facing outwards.  There are multiple pics with it showing these pieces all facing outwards, yes I had my glasses on! lmao

Well, I started thinking, if those were turned nwards, I wonder if the holes would line up? So, I took one off - lots of screws of course holding it in there, turned it around and put a couple of screws in to hold it in place. Walaah. The instructions were wrong..  I ended up turning all 3 around and after that, the assembly worked perfectly and yes, I will take the time to contact the manufacturer and tell them that their instruction booklet is wrong and will lead people far astray. 

That roof will simply not go on there with those 3 pieces assembled the way the instructions show it.  I will be interested to see if the other identical shed will also have the same, faulted instructions in it? One would assume so.

As I stated previously, this whole project seems to be easy enough from the surface.  But complications invariably arise and usually take up way too much time for the imposition provided from whatever that complication may be.  I suspect there will be more.  

Anyway, today I can cut a piece of plywood, get it over there, level off the area, put the plywood down, bring the shed and put it on top of it,  screw it onto the wood and then hopefully, put the water heater in there and get busy with the tasks of putting the rest of this stuff together.  I'm simply going to drill a hole in the side of the shed, get some flexible conduit and run it to the breaker box.  I don't need to worry about the shed moving from wind or something, a 40 gallon heater will hold that thing down quite nicely.

BUT, just in case, I want the flexible stuff.  Actually, I probably should plumb it first.  It will probably need moved around to do that and I don't need to be disconnecting wiring that I just installed.....and yes, I have the wiring, more than I needed for it.  I didn't know how far it would be and I wanted extra, as stated above, for flexibility.  

Even after paying $700 for gravel and other expenditures, my business account is moving up, ,not down.  Yesterday was $1,700 and change worth of deposits.  The next few weeks, there will be more.  I intend on paying myself after I get everyone's rent and get the electric bill paid up - it's $500.  If you think that is high, wait until it shows around $1,700 for one month.  That will be a typical summertime bill if not higher.  Around 3 grand more receipts to be collected and then I'm going to take around 2 grand out of it.  That will keep me floating for a while longer.  Yes, it will be reported, it will show it as a paycheck to myself on quickbooks and a note in the checking account.  I'm not trying to evade the tax man here.  That's a really bad idea....

And I will pay the accountant whatever fee out of the business account as well. Plus, I have quite a bit of money coming in this month beyond the lot rents in terms of people staying for several nights at a time. The campground software only collects the first night's stay, the rest is collected when they show up. I simply go in the system and prompt it to charge the card for the rest of it.  

Which reminds me. HipCamp wants me to post a pic of the tent camping site before they will show it as an option.  They want a pic of each individual site to go with each lot listed.  And this one needs a pic, definitely. It's in the woods and it's a nice area.  Actually a couple of pics.  I put a fire ring there and some firewood for the incoming guest tomorrow. Looks like the rain will be gone by then - but - the severity factor for today has been raised from 1 to 4 - it's a 1-5 scale. Now they are predicting severe storms and tornadoes are "likely".  Wonderful!  We always just love those forecasts!  Gag. 

I'm not in a hurry to go over there today. Not with this weather.  I'm going to go, yes, just not a big hurry. I need to cut that piece of plywood out back before I leave here.  I actually can go over and start installing the electrical boxes if nothing else. I keep saying that - yes - and I keep finding myself bogged down with other stuff.  It's okay, tho. I continue to add outlets.  If I'm going to wire up surveillance cameras, where are they going to get their power from?  An outlet that wouldn't exist, of course, if I hadn't thought about it now.  2 of those indoors and I want an outdoor outlet that I can lock up next to the shed.  That's for my use - only.  That shed is actually going to be loaded up with outlets now that I have thought of everything - or I hope everything anyway.  

2 outlets near the ceiling, an outlet up high were the AC is going to go, an outlet for washing machine, 2 outlets for dryers (future use if needed, an extra one), an oven outlet, a 110 outlet near the oven, an outdoor outlet,  2 switches and wiring to the ceiling for lights, a hidden outlet in case I change my mind about having one in the bathroom. Is that all of it? I feel like I'm forgetting something. There's the outdoor stuff for Hipcampers but I wasn't including that or the hookup for the water heater - that's direct wired from the heater to the box/circuit breaker. 

I guess the day isn't getting any younger, it's that tornado watch with threat level 4 that is sort of making me wonder if I really want to go over there, lol.  I'm in a "hurry" to get this done, but not that much of a hurry.  I don't live in an RV and I can stay in the house if a tornado pops up.  We have had them in the area recently, but none here in town or even right outside of town -where my park is.  One could continue to pray in that direction - please Lord, keep us all safe! Thank you Jesus!

Yes, there will be a "major" trip to Lowe's coming up here, but I want to figure out most everything I need and get rid of these endless trip over there.  It's about 6 or 7 miles each way - just wasting gas.  My vehicle isn't exactly a fuel economical SUV. In fact, it's what these climate change people are targeting in letting out the air in the tires in major cities.  You come out to go to work - your tires are flat.  They allegedly don't damage the tire by puncturing it with something, they "just" let the air out.  These people don't think too much, apparently, about the potential consequences of their actions. Certainly in Texas, where homeowners tend to shoot intruders first and then ask questions later - and mostly get away with it. 

In fact, there's a lot going on in the news now that I watched a bit of it yesterday, that is interesting. Good riddance to mayor Lightfoot!  She is blaming her black skin color for the loss in the primary.  No, ma'am, your incompetence is what go you fired. But these people always have to pull out the race card. They can't possibly admit that they were ineffective leaders.  Democrats in that city primarried her out of the democrat side and of course republicans also got rid of her.  Now there is a democrat who is allegedly a "defund the police" idiot and a Republican running.  

These people apparently haven't quite figured out that defunding the police isn't the answer. Get rid of the police and see a huge uptick in crime.  Get rid of cash bail - same effect. It's these woke people - there aren't really that many of them compared to the rest of the populace - that are given huge platforms by stupid media types to broadcast their delusions to everyone. You are to agree with them without any objections.  The pinnacle of totalitarianism, if they could get rid of the Constitution and gun owners, we would be just another CCP, NK, Cuba, etc.  I feel alot of these people are being controlled by foreign entities - a lot of it being the Chinese Communist Party.  They're buying up our farms, land, businesses, etc.  And we are just letting them do it.  

I am resolved that at some point, this nation is either going to go full Commie or there is going to be a huge civil war and who knows what will happen. In my view, unless God intervenes, it is inevitable.  Biden is again declaring a ban to "assault weapons" "come hell or high water".  I'm afraid you are definitely in for hell if you think you are going to be attempting to take away tens of millions of legally purchased and owned guns from citizens.  The declaration always begs the question: WHO, exactly, is going to come get them?  

I won't go into that again, it just sits there as a roadblock to their intentions. Even if they could get such laws passed or somehow make it an EO, they still have the formidable task of forcing Americans to give up their guns.  

Well, the rain has stopped, actually, even tho the radar shows the entire region covered with rain and severe storms, I'm going over to the property and see if I can get anything done over there. Well, cut that wood first, but you know, try to get something done.


 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...