Friday, December 2, 2022

 Sign posts in.  The 4x4 was clear at the back of the property so I cleaned most of the mess up back there while I was at it and had the trailer back there.

Of course, the trailer popped off the ball hitch - again - and it's not because I don't have the ball locked in.  It's just  bad hitch needs to be replaced.  Yeah, not right now, that thing can stay on the property for now.

Fires started.  Still smoldering.  Will have to take a chain saw, cut some stuff and repile it and relight it after it's all done smoldering.  

It's very lightly raining.  Not terribly much, but enough to cancel having to water grass seed today - thank God.

Oh, I moved all the stuff that was on the trailer into the shed before going back to the rear of the property to get the 4x4.  Just no reason to leave it out there, I have to keep it covered and it's just a pain. I am not going to be turning the shed into a laundromat until I have more money.  I'd like to get that done but it just isn't in the cards right now.

I then started on the fencing.  It's a pain, to put it mildly.  I'm probably 2/3'rds done with that setup, I'll work on it again later today.  

I had to come home, get some ice water, get some food and take a break.  I just don't have the stamina or energy I used to have before I got Covid for the - 4th time I think it was.  Something happened that time and it seems like I am slowly - ever so slowly - getting back to normal but definitely not there yet.  I just lose energy so fast now, it sucks.  

It's a really good thing I don't have to drive trucks right now, I'm not sure I could last 12-16 hour shifts.  Hopefully by January I'll have more of my energy back. I dunno.  Life offers no guarantees on anything excepting the fact that some day, you will die.

Anyway, I"m getting stuff done.  The grass seed will hopefully shoot up early next week.  If it's enough, I'm going with it.  I did buy even more seed, but I'm waiting on dumping that until all of this other stuff decides what to do.

OH, and I did find picnic tables at Lowe's today. They have 2 pallets of 10. They raised the price yet again, from $165 to $169.  Yup, they just keep raising the prices on them - and everything else.  I only want to get 2 of them for now, the rest will have to wait.  5 of the 8 fire rings have arrived, the rest are supposed to come in next week. 

Those are not preassembled and I won't be seeing what's up with them until I get the doggy park done.  I just want that doggy park over and done with, thanks. I have the second roll of wire fence out. I will hook up a strap to the 4 wheeler, strap the fencing tight and then I clamp it to the fence post.  I'll have 2 more rolls to go after I get the one I"m working on done today, with the first one over and done with.  

Well, no, it's not.  It's just temporarily hooked to the posts, I need to put a lot more clamps on all of them.  I"m getting the fencing up first and then I"ll deal with that and the proposed gate.  That's the other thing. I need all the fencing up so I can install the gate, the gate will need 2 posts cemented into the ground. Yea, I want to get that cement in and have a few days for it to dry out. 

Well whatever.  I'm take a short nap and get back out there.  

 I'm just over here doing my thing.

You know, as the country is in political turmoil and seemingly being rocked about by every piece of minutia that comes along and magnified by the media.  I read some of that this morning, then I just said to myself: Nope, not going to fill my head with all of that nonsense today, I have things to do.  

It's still early, lol.  There was a slim chance of rain and the forecast still says "rain will continue to 7:45 am".  Well, sorry folks, but it isn't raining here and the radar isn't showing its' raining here.  I want a job as  a forecaster.  I can just make things up and then portray them as fact. ...... .  ..... .  ...... and get paid for it, lol.

I am starting to force myself to get up early.  Whenever I go back to work, it is rest assured it will include early rise and being thrust back into that without giving my system a chance to "work through it" is not a wise decision, IMO.  I haven't been sleeping that well is the reason I have been sleeping in later. It seems that once it hits around 5:00 am, I can sleep like a little baby in a fantasy land of dreams and - well the dream that woke me up last night wasn't so great.  

I was being accused by a person I don't know and presumably have never seen before of taking a pickup truck that I "wasn't supposed to take". That person was angry for some reason, there was no context in the dream to understand why they were angry.  I responded that I haven't driven that pickup since I came back...came back to where, I have no idea, lol.  I just know that I became agitated with these person's insistence that I had taken the truck to the point that I, in turn, got angry and then - I woke up.  It was strange, yes.

Presuming no rain today, I am going to continue on with the doggy park fencing.  I need something to pull it tight. Well, we have tie down straps and I am going to see if putting a couple of those on the end of a roll of fencing will work to pull it tight enough to go ahead and clamp it down to the fence posts.  

Oh, and watering the grass seed, gag. That takes hours.  Literally, hours and you don't take a break from it.  You start on one side, get one positioned, then walk over to the other side, get that positioned.  By the time you get back to the first one, it's time to move it.  So and and so forth until all of the area in between and behind the pads is watered.  It's a lot of work. It's worth it, I hope anyway, but it's a lot of time and energy.  I get little of nothing else done while I'm doing that, but it takes precedence over everything right now.  

There is grass growing now, but it's not near thick enough to call it good.  All the 300 pounds of seed I put down is what is getting watered now.  If most of that will grow, I will be good to go.  No pun intended.

That's probably about all I will get done over there today.  Well, I take that back. I'm going to Lowe's before I go over there this morning to get some ether. I cannot get that 4 wheeler to start, it's totally cold blooded.  I need to use it to trample down dead weeds around one of the burn piles.  I also need to unload the tools on it included the generator and get to cleaning up all the sticks laying all over the place.  

I figure a small shot of ether should help jump it back to life. Foregone conclusion that I am going to need a newer 4 wheeler or something to pull a trailer around, but presumable an ATV.  I can't afford that right now, it isn't in the cards, I just have to try and work with the one I've got.  Whatever the case, I need to get all of this stuff done and get that park opened, my finances are running out quickly.  At least get the park paying for itself and then some. I have high hopes, at least remaining optimistic about getting it filled up and generating cash.  There is no sense in wondering if the place is going to be empty or not have that much business for "a while" while it gets up in the Google ranks and such.

So why am I sitting here at home, doing nothing? I got up early today, I'm still trying to adjust to that and I'm drinking my morning coffee. If you don't have any coffee, you might as well just go back to bed lmao.

What else is there to do? Well, I could go into the list, but it's just not a good time for that.  It's days and days worth of work I still need to do.  The guy came out yesterday and dug out a big hole for a fire pit, at least that got done.  I'll finish that as soon as I get the doggy park fencing and gate up.  I'm still reeling at the costs of just a plain old gate. $89 for something that cost in the 50's range a year ago? What the Hercules helpings is that all about?  

I bet if I could have started building this park say...2 years ago, I would have spent a little more than half of what I have spent now buying the same exact things.  I'm very much motivated, even pressured, to get all of this done quickly and get this thing rolling, that is what I can say. 

With that, off to the races!


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...