Another interesting day and a blow-up free weekend to boot. Well there were fires but nothing like what has been the last - however many - weekends in a row.
Church was great. Youth that had gone to a church camp were all called up by the pastor and they were asked to keep the fire going that they had received and pray for whosoever would. But before that, the worship service and seeing Josiah holding his hands up to heaven and Jacob and mom praying with each other was pretty cool.
That was the entire service. Kids praying for adults, the pastor put it that way and that was the way it was. I decided near the end of it, what the hey, I'll go up and get prayed for. Intense, kid praying loves the Lord, I could tell that right off and he went on and on and on, lol. But it was cool excepting by the time we were done? Everyone else had left the altar - there were at least 50 people up there when I went up there - and we were the only ones left. But I can deal with that.
After there, we were heading to GNC - she wanted to get some kind of supplements until she received a call. An older gentleman had planned with her to come and sell her some gold and silver, she apparently forgot. So, we derailed and headed to a church parking lot some distance away, got that done and over with. Well, interjecting here that 2 older boys were making fun of the 13 year old's - private part. I'll get back to that in a minute. Off to Mickey D's for junk food cause' that's what they wanted - off the dollar menu yes I insisted on that or nothing - back home.
Back to her place. I'm sitting down to eat and she comes and tells me the 13 year old came up to her crying and saying something about me. I went up to his room, doors locked, knocked, he wouldn't open. She came up after I went back down, made him open the door - I didn't try I just knocked if he doesn't want ot talk he doesn't want to talk - she left and I went and talked with him a great length. He thought I was a part of that fun making which I definitely was not. But I apologized anyway and had the older boys come up and apologize to him too. Fortunately for him and I, when we went down stairs to eat, there was food left. His mood got considerably better.
Ate, then departed to the gym with Josiah to work out. I got my $10.91 per month membership and yes, I am going to use it. We worked out for an hour and a half and went back to the house to find everyone gone. So, back out again to Sonic to get a drink and then off to the mall to meet up with m'lady and the rest of the clan. Things went a little sour there, nothing worth going into and nothing with me, her and the kids.
If there was a "bad" part of today, it was the house and the kid's attitude towards it. I asked them to start cleaning up stuff and there was a very slow response. I continued to state that bedrooms need cleaned and their bathroom and the living room and kitchen at the very least. When I sat down at the Dish Network DVR and started unhooking it, that was when they got my attention. Well, I'm taking this thing home with me. You are going to ignore me and just sit around doing nothing, you can go without tv, thanks, have a nice evening.
It started slow but kicked into high gear and here we go. I extended my departure time to let them get it done, because if it wasn't? Yup, I was taking that thing home with me and it would sit at my place, useless to them and me, until next weekend. My point today? I refused to just start cleaning up and doing it for or with them. Yes I did some stuff because there is something in me that cannot stand that type of living, but I refrained for the most part and let them do all of it.
That's it. Weekend over.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
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