A search through Google found that it's widely accepted that Swepco has a 30 foot easement for it's power lines. A bit ridiculous on much of the application where it's just power lines supported by power poles. I went over there with the measurer this time and came up with approximately 60 feet into the property before any structures or lots could be placed.
It's not that much, in reality. A large parking lot in the front will assure campers have a place to park to come in and get their paperwork at the office building when they first pull in. I'll clear out approximately 110 feet from the edge of the road back, the width of the property for the parking lot and building/s and then the sites can be constructed beyond that.
In the density of the woods, at the front, didn't seem like so much trees and a lot of ugly shrubbery that would need to come down. It's also sloped so it's not really that desirable to put lots there anyway. I will probably be dealing with a slight slop further back but nothing like what's near the front. So that works out regardless.
Oh, and the giant, dead tree? Looks like it's far enough from the power lines that I can cut it so it falls towards the west with a wee bit of angling towards the north. I don't want to pay anyone to take that giant tree down, they charge a fortune for that around here. I can tie a rope up to it to keep it from falling into the lines in case my cuts are - off. In fact, I can rent a telescoping forklift and cut the limbs off of it first and that way I'm not only assured that it won't hit the power lines, it also won't be going on the roadway.
Some of those trees near the front can stay up tho. In fact, all of the bigger ones on the front line will stay up initially to see if I can incorporate them into the design instead of wasting nice trees. If some of them have to come down after getting the shrubbery cut out of there and seeing what's left, then so beit.
Interestingly, while I was stuck in the woods area and no fast way out, a person in a pickup truck went roaring down the driveway entrance. It sounded like he opened up the gate and want to the back. By the time I got back out, he was roaring back out of the driveway, glared at me on the side of the road and continued on without slowing down. There were no company names on the side of the pickup which had me wondering who this person is and what they were doing there.
All the pickups I have seen going back there have the name of the company on the side of the truck. Could it be they think I was the one that left that gate open the other day? I can assure them I did not and have no idea who did, but no one has asked me. At some point down the line there will be security cameras on the front of the property including all 3 driveways and then, anything that happens will be recorded.
In fact, the Nest system we have at the house is nice and its cheap at $5 per month per camera with 24 hour recording.
Taylor went to the store. I dunno if she's clear of Covid but her friend, that lives a block away, who told Taylor she would help us out anytime considering the sick state of the house - wouldn't actually do that today. Lol. Ok, if you're going to make an offer, make sure it's genuine and that you actually mean it. If you don't, just don't say anything.
Well that was the extent of my energies being exerted today. It's time for a Sunday afternoon nap.