Monday, May 20, 2019

4th consecutive Oklahoma run over.  Started feeling really bad a few hours out from the yard yesterday tho. I mean, like pull over in a rest area and sleep for 35 minutes bad.  Even after that it was a chore to make it back, get the end game paperwork done for the run and get home.  But I made it home, dogs in tow, and went to bed at 6:00 pm.  On the way into my bedroom, tho, I was informed that there was stomach bug going around.  That kinda of spoke to why I wasn't hungry.  12 hours of sleep later and I feel much better. 

Hopefully this passes completely before the day is over.  Tho, the schedule  - which is allegedly for the plant employees only to see (sitting in plain view of drivers that have to go in there and wait) - and now is sitting on the table on our office -shows not much work available for the next couple of days.  Of course, there are Barnsdall, Oklahoma runs on there, but there are always the Brownsville runs as well.  I'm still questioning this idea that it's "first in first out" nonsense and even if true, it's ridiculous that one person or even more than one could get stuck on runs that don't pay anything. 

Either way, the process is totally flawed. 

An idea that has been floating around in the back of my head for  a while now is simply to switch over to the fuel division of this company. But that would mean driving to Shreveport back and forth everyday - which I used to do with the old job - I don't miss that kind of wasted driving just to get to and from work.  And another idea - drive for Gemini, who supplies the Love's travel centers with fuel.  They run a class act from what I've seen and the drivers are making around 75k per year.  And, they're home every day.  I dunno if they'll hire without specific experience in fuel hauling tho.  They're also pretty far away for a daily commute type of thing. 

Much of the rest of the local stuff around here doesn't pay enough money to make it worth switching over to. Such as the oil job that pays $13.00 per hour!  Lmao, they guy tried to convince me that I could make "good money" simply by doing a LOT of overtime!  SCREW THAT. But, that's a taste of what the local jobs are paying around here. The really lucrative business of hauling for fracking operations means you are automatically out for 3 weeks at a time.  Staring out at 120k was temping until I found out that little piece of info.

Today? no plans whatsoever.  Sit around and get better. 

Look at boats lol.  Lots of them on there, all of the ones that catch my interest well out of my price range.  Plenty of stuff to do - always - no interest in any of it. 

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...