Sunday, August 4, 2024

 Sunday -night

No work tomorrow, didn't do much today.  Church, clean the kitchen, help make dinner, mostly just hang out. Well, I did get quite a bit of laundry done today.  

The tractor is confirmed.  Allegedly coming next weekend, I will use the thing after work until I get everything I need done or they want the thing back. I don't really know what size they boy is bringing - I call him a boy, he's 18 years old and legally defined a man, however...well he does have a good work ethic and isn't a mooch.  So, I guess I can call him a man by that metric.  He will get partial or full month worth of rent for free.  No restrictions on not being able to use it in brush like the local rental company does and I don't have to transport it to the Park or back.  That's a pretty good deal, especially if I can get use of it for several days.  Or even a week? 

I asked Allen about that, he just paused and said, well, as long as we need it?  I'm kind of psyched about that, it's still one of those don't count your chickens before they hatch deals.  I'll believe it when I see it...but he must have asked his parents about using it?  

Lot 1 is open again, I dunno if I want to leave it open or rent it back out. I'd like to leave it open for overnight stuff, but right now, there isnt a lot of that coming in. One last night and I think it was a week ago before that.  

Tomorrow I'm getting some gas and putting it in the coach and then will attempt to fire it up.  I should have taken the battery out and put it on the charger now that I think of it.  Well, if I can't get it jump started, I'll just have to do that.  Since Allen's wife still says she wants to refurbish that thing, I'm all for getting it moved back into position. Meaning, being able to plug it in and have electrical service available.  She'll need it for power tools and also to be able to turn on the AC. 

I have nothing else. Went to church today and it was pretty good, actually.  The pastor has been on a sabbatical or something - he's disappeared I'll put it that way - for a while now.  The man preaching today said he's fine, he isn't retiring but they are going to start the process of finding someone to eventually take his place. At 75 years old, I can see why the pastor would want to slow down the work schedule and hand over some responsibilities. 

I'm not going to take the situation with the friend of the family to heart against the church. There are 2 sides to every story.  I don't even want to go there, for I don't see it as anything major, at least not from my perch.  I kind of like the church, I just think it's too big for my tastes but I've gotten used to it.  I like the level of interaction you get with other people in small churches.  It's hard to hide somewhere in a church of only, say 50 people.  Pastors typically find out about you as well and get involved to some degree in your life. It's more personal.  I will have to start going to adult group meetings to actually start forging new friendships and so far? I have resisted it. 

Just my experiences with other churches.  

Anyway, it's getting late and I'm going to go to sleep.  Nice to not have to get up at any particular time in the morning for work.

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...