Sunday - morning
Heading to the zoo in a few minutes. I'm sort of glad to have the days off, sort of not. No idea what they're paying me for break down pay and staying in a hotel overnight. If it's like everything else, probably not that much. I'm itching to get that loan and get out of this endless cycle of trucking nonsense. You just really have no concrete schedule to work with, you are stuck wondering week to week or even day to day what your schedule will be.
I often just get a couple of loads in the tablet and then they wait to see what's next. If they are waiting, I am waiting. Meaning, who knows what hours I will work.
I figure i made the manager mad by not taking the other truck and also not working today. As I said previously, I don't care. I'm going to get some time off here and there and if they don't like, whoopdee doo. September of this year will mark 2 years at this miserable place and all that I committed to.
A 20 plus year driver quit a few weeks ago. Junk trucks being the reason for him, break downs galore. His wasn't that bad, at least not comparatively speaking, but as soon as another certain driver got into the thing, he trashed the transmission. This particular person has now trashed 2 transmission and 1 differential. I know they have trouble getting help, but keeping people like this around is not helping them either. The only reason they like him is he'll stay out and just do one load after another after another instead of going home like I do.
This trucking work life sucks, to be more pointed about it and is driving me to reconsider yet again attempting to get a business loan and just go for it. If I can get one, it will be a huge risk, at least as far as I'm concerned, for the only way it pays for itself and pays me is to stay mostly full. The park that is. People keep telling me to go for it and maybe I will, but I have huge reservations. Yes, I have turned a couple of dozen people away, but what if that doesn't happen if/when I get a loan with 3 to 4k per month payments? Lost my life savings and have nothing to show for it, at all, that's what.
That's what really keeps me reserved about getting into a huge loan. I was thinking maybe just get a smaller loan and do the work myself, only paying contractors to install a new septic system, the rest I would have to do myself. But it's still 68k worth of gravel, 21k for the septic system, another 20k worth of electrical and 15k worth of pipe. There's 124k right there and add 5k for good measure. Then there's equipment rentals and whether I can even get a dozer on site without having any dozer experience. However, to pay the contractor, we're closer to 300k. I figure add 15k for equipment rentals. Saving over 100k doing it myself, but where do I find the time if I still have to do a trucking job?
I can tell ya, my energy ain't what it used to be. Growing old has several disadvantages and the energy levels going down is one of them.
Meh, we are leaving.