Thursday, March 16, 2023

 I'm hardly getting anything done at the property with the extracurricular things going on elsewhere.  Although I'm not really regretting it, certainly not for going and getting those shower stalls.  I'll have to go to Karnack again today to get the other shower stall, buy parts to fix the situation with the cracked adapter in the shed and then hopefully get to work before it starts raining.  

Yup, it's supposed to start raining this afternoon and go well into the night.  The adapter thing is going to be cutting the whole thing out of there and starting with new 90's, the adapter and a reducer.  The reducer is rather expensive, no choice in the matter.  I would very much like to get that fixed and hope to the High Heavens that there are no more leaks and I can move on with this.  It's not as bad as it sounds.  Cutting those lines and replacing everything is more a  matter of time than aggravation.  

You simply put one piece on at a time, give it a bit of time to dry and start curing, then move to the next piece.  I can get the flexible hose and work on the water heater while that's doing it's drying thing.  And half inch hose has to be installed back to the laundry box.  

Well, yesterday's excursion into the wild blue yonder ended up with me getting sunburnt on my face. Hadn't been burned in so long, it was a bit surprising to see that in the mirror last night.

I am also down another pound.  It's just a pound - but it is going down, now up, that's a very good thing.  11 pounds from 200.  Fat bulges are noticeably receding.  

And a complaint about a tenant at the park, replete with a pic.  They left a plastic bag out with household trash in it, something had gotten into it and it was strewn all over their grassy area.  These people owe lot rent today, I will be discussing this situation with them.  It's just intolerable and I won't just let such situation continue on.  

Whatever.  Just stuff that I expect I will have to deal with on and off.  It's human nature and some people have no respect for their living area or anyone else's. At least, so far anyway, the beer bottle situation has changed. They are no longer dumping trash into the can by the shed. That is a huge step in the right direction.  But leaving trash out by your door? Even if it's in a trash bag? Animals smell right through that stuff and will come straight for it.  

Actually, I haven't seen the people in lot 6, 8 and 9 since I left that notice.  Their trailers are still there, but I do wonder if they are planning on moving.  No worries, I am getting calls on a daily basis and have several people on a waiting list.  They can move to wherever a park allows such squalid living conditions.  

Of course, the people complaining about the bones and trash aren't any better.  Their dogs are getting loose and running directly down there to eat them. Pet are supposed to be leashed at all times - clearly written in my rules.  No one is perfect. 

No new reservations in many days now.  What to do?  Finish the shed, lmao.  

If reservations don't start picking up, I'm going to rent out lot 11 after the end of next week. I have a couple of stays coming up, but after that there is nothing.  I mean, it can change quickly, it has a few times now when I was thinking, gee, I want to rent out that lot long term.  And then within a week's time it gets filled up with enough reservations to cancel that thought.  

Anyway, the day is moving along without me. Time to get busy.  

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...