Friday, August 2, 2013

So, Caleb is home.
I got a call this afternoon: "Can you come pick me up around 7:15?"
Uhhh, sure thing.  I wanted to go to the pastor's get-together at his house, I decided I would do both.
But before that happened, I took a nap.  I fell into a deep sleep and woke up a quarter after 6, 15 minutes before the party was supposed to start.
Bolted upright, but was definitely a bit out of it after coming out of a sleep like that.
Hit up the party for about 50 minutes and then and went to near downtown Phoenix - actually, the notorious intersection of Van Buren and 24th street.  Notorious - for decades now - because of the mental hospital right there on the corner and also because of the large number of hookers/prostitutes/whores (pick the word the best suits you for the kind of descriptor).  I had no idea that the Salvation Army also has a HUGE facility a block down the street from there.

I can only say that Caleb is a well-loved and like person.  He seems to have the Midas touch when it comes to affecting other people's lives and the impact he has on them.  He looked really good - healthy and in very good spirits.  It was good to see him and good to get my arms around him and get a big hug. He was having trouble getting out of there with the number of people that kept stopping him.

But no biggies.  We got home and visited a while, but it was obvious he wanted to get to his bedroom and - do whatever - I think he wants to sleep, lol.  Likely on the internet since apparently, internet access up there kept going out most of the time he was up there.

Meanwhile, I confirmed the dates to go to San Diego - he doesn't care, after he gets back from CA with the SA, he will go whenever I want to, he's all over it.  This frees me up to make the hotel reservations and book the spots on the boat.  I just haven't quite decided which day, exactly, during the week, we are going to go.

I dunno, but I'm not going to obsess over this too much.  I decided on San Diego (versus other cities with same-said sport fishing ports); use the same company; found what I hope will turn out to be a decent enough hotel and that's all I really need.

Whatever the case, I am very tired and it's time to go to bed.



Fortnite - My View Of Things

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