Sunday, March 6, 2022

Now. there are talks about sending US fighter jets to Poland to send over to Ukraine.  Note I didn't say US military personnel.  Russia is making threats about any nation taking such an action.  Also making threats about any nation whose airports are going to be used for the Ukrainian military to operate airborne military excursions from.  I tend to believe Putin is evil enough to start bombing everyone and ultimately, start a world war.  I also believe he is capable of using his vast array of nuclear weapons. 

So, what will happen if Poland sends fighter jets to Ukraine?  I have no clue. Poland IS a member of NATO and as such, NATO is tasked with protecting it's member nations.  What the limitations of that are I have no idea.   Would Putin actually invade a neighboring country and potentially drag NATO into this warfare and ultimately, dragging the US into it?  I'm sure Putin isn't dumb enough to not understand what such an action could take.  

No crystal ball here, just going to continue to follow what's going on.

Addler isn't bleeding anymore, therefore I'm not going to get another cone.  He's still got leakage coming out - poop to be more specific - but not near as much as previous nights.  Still, I'm washing everything, every day until he's past this - if ever.  

I went over to the property earlier, a bit perplexed.  Because of the shift of the layout of the park, I decided to measure out the first 14 lots and see what kind of room I will have left on the west side.  If I don't move the driveway over to the east, I have 20 feet of contested property and 33 feet beyond that of - property I'm not sure what I'm going to do with.  The contested property bothers me a bit.  The most current survey saying it's mine, a 12 year old survey saying it's not - who to believe.  It isn't a battle I'm going to engage in anytime soon, I'm just working around it.  That property could house tents or small cabin setups.  

I was thinking of shortening the lots - pull throughs from 70 to 65 feet and back ins from 65 to 60 feet.  Then I thought, but anything I do to shift it is for future reference. And for future reference, I could have the first 14 lots all pull throughs by adding another driveway on the west side.  The rest of the park can be designed for 3 rows of RV's, the center being pull throughs.   

I have to work through this in my mind and come up with a solution.  Likely, the solution is just keep them at 70 and 65 and expand out to the 3 rows previously mentioned further south and shorten the rest of the lots.  50, 40 and 40 length lots. Wide enough a person could take their trailer off and park beside the RV if need be.  Mostly, tho, still having wider lots but the lengths shorter and still be able to have up to 60 lots without sacrificing the land for the rest of the amenities.  In reality, I would still have 500 linear feet of room for everything else.  There's lots of room to work with here and I don't want 100 plus lots.  Not this park, anyway.  

I'm actually not able to accurately measure anything yet, at least not with a wheel measurer.  I could with the tape measure, gonna have to go out there again. I'm guessing it's off by enough to make a different with the wheel going up and down hills and over things, adding length that it shouldn't be.  I would like to dream that they will start tomorrow, Monday, with the bulldozer work, but so far, they took out both of their excavators and haven't brought them back or a dozer.  They will need both. They are going to dig a hole at the very rear of the RV lot and bury the rest of the junk in it. I had no idea that is their modus operandi.  Apparently it's much easier to just bury the stuff with all the tree stems and twigs then to try to sort it out.  Meaning they also have to bring in a dump truck to move back and forth from one end of the lot to the other.  Hence the cost to have this portion of the project done.  And I'm only having 400 linear feet of the lot done. The rest will have to be at a later date. 

That's going to cost another - approximately - 20 grand.  I will reiterate here that I am not waiting forever to get the rest of this project going.  I want the initial phase up and running and see what happens. If it looks good, let's get with it.  46 more lots, more amenities, etc.  

So that's it. It's Sunday, no word from my dispatcher. However, one of the drivers reported loading this morning.  Out of some tank, not out of any freshly made product.  Yeah, that's bs. That guy worked on Monday, he should be in the very rear of the line.  I'm going to discuss this with my manager next time I see him. I am next in line, allegedly, for a load. I had the 6:00 am load for yesterday before they shut it down once again.  I can't imagine they have much or any product left?  Maybe they are saving some for the plants that don't use that much product. At least 3 I can think of only get one load per month.  


So I contact this rather worthless dispatcher.  Any word?  She comes back and says, oh no, your Monday load isn't canceled.  ???Well THANKS FOR TELLING ME.  The last I heard from you you said my loads were canceled.  Ohh, nooo, not your Monday load, I was waiting to hear confirmation but - blah blah blah - and found out this morning that it was a go. I just sat there reading this stuff in awe.  Like, really? I just decided to shut my mouth, I'll take this up with the manager.  I was not prepared at all to go anywhere tomorrow.  Now, I have to get my mind into that mode -- that hasn't been in that mode for 12 days.  

Whatever. It's time to go back to work, that's a fact.  I just have to sit in wonder with a dispatcher that clearly has no clue what she is doing and after all this time, still hasn't learned much of anything.  It is not my position to have to contact her about loads, it's definitely the other way around.  Yet, here it is, I had to do the confirming.

I was talking to another driver about all of this.   He directed the conversation to those Lytx cameras.  He said he had heard that a driver had been fired for having a hooker in his truck.  Okay, folks, I don't do hookers, but if a driver wants to do that, it isn't my place to judge them.  He was making this statement because I had said that the claim was that the inward facing microphone isn't turned on. But, I also said, I don't trust it or them and I have it covered up anyway. 

He then said another driver, an owner operator who's been with the company forever, told the manager he is quitting. If they put one of those cameras in his truck, he's bye bye.  I understand, it's an invasion of a person's privacy and in this case, it is not the company's truck. But even if it is, most people have a fundamental problem with a company wanting to hear what's going on in side of a truck.  IMO it's just wrong.  I don't care what anyone else thinks of it, either, you aren't subjected to such nonsense. I am not subjected to it because I covered the thing up with gorilla duct tape and I flat told my manager to his face that I had done so. Just so we're clear and there is no ambiguity, I am not going to tolerate it either and now I'm hearing even more about other drivers quitting. 

They can sit there and claim that they can't hear what we're saying all they want, but that thing is equipped with a microphone and we have NO idea whether they are turned on or not, there is not way to tell.  What I'm saying on the phone or whatever I'm  doing isn't any of their damned business, period.

Anyway, off to Oklahoma tomorrow, so a low paying run to start after 2 weeks off.  yayyyy!

That's it, I'm outta here. 

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...