Wednesday - night
What a hoot New Years Eve was! I took one of the boys to the Piney Park place - the other one is still sick and didn't want to do anything. He's still coughing his lungs out and we're finding out this can last months. It's a good thing he doesn't have to go to school until next week, but what if this thing goes into next week? We're talking a good 2 plus weeks of this already! I just hope and pray he gets better before then, because right now? He doesn't nothing but sleep all day long, won't eat much, coughing all the time, etc.
In other sad news, their dog has torn an ACL, it costs 5k plus to fix it and they're going to have to put her down.
And even more unbelievably sad news, a former pastor's wife from AZ that was a really sweet, loving and kind person passed away. I didn't know anything about it until today, actually. Well, she apparently passed away today. I wasn't keeping up with them so I don't know if this was out of the blue or some illness or disease type of thing. The pastor and her such wonderful people. She will be missed by a lot of people.
2 people moved in today. Behind the shed. I wouldn't have them in the regular part of the park. Their pictures made the thing look better than it is. But, the door is good, the windows aren't broken, it's just old. I gave them a list of thing to do to make me happy with the place. She wasn't particularly pleased with my decrees, shrugs shoulders. It may be out of sight for the most part, but I want it looking as good as it possibly can be. Which means painting some things and just tidying it up.
I don't really have much time here. 25 more pushups to go today, that doesn't take long but we stayed up until 2 am last night, I slept in this morning but I'm still tired. Really didn't do much of anything today. ]
I couldn't figure out what's wrong with the bank of lights that went out and the fuse box keeps blowing fuses. I had Trey look at it, he said he couldn't really pin it down but thinks there is a short in or behind the fuse box itself. That's too much. I completely forgot about that until today. I wish I would have thought of it sooner, I could have taken it to a shop, perhaps. I'm afraid they'll want me to bring it to the yard and that's going to be a sucky day, I haven't even told them about it yet. It isn't actually illegal, it's just a bunch of running lights for looks, not for legality. But, if they're on there, most cops are going to say they have to work.
It isn't going to fix itself. I won't even bother telling them until tomorrow after I get back to the yard. Then they can tell me what they want to do. Tomorrow will be the first day back at work after 3 days off, sitting at a shop for hours isn't on my list of things I will want to do. It won't even be visible excepting in the dark and that is only for maybe 40 minutes tomorrow morning. After the sun comes up, I can turn the lights off and I won't attract attention. I don't figure I'm "due" for another Trooper inspection for a while, only meaning that I just had one done recently, hopefully that means I won't get pulled in again any time soon.
Yeah, I have to get off of here.
It's 9:15 pm and it's almost time to go to bed.