Well that wasn't easy. I don't even know how to input stuff on half of that website.
I'm going to need some help tomorrow with the setup, for I have no idea how you get some of the fields to allow you to input info in them.
I can tell ya, I tried lol. That's the campsite software and it's got some quirks. I'll learn it eventually. There are seemingly endless videos one can watch to learn the stuff. All well and fine, but I want the initial setup up and running tomorrow. I don't want people to be able to use it - yet - I am not open. I won't even allow future reservations. I definitely intend on opening up, but I really don't know if we're doing a December 1 start.
The reason being - and it's really all down to this right now - is the lack of grass. It's all just gravel and dirt with a bit of grass thrown in. I don't wonder if it'll take a month to get a nice covering of it. I mean, I could open up with dirt, but I suspect people wouldn't much care for it and since it's the rainy season, it's going to get muddy.
There are some things I won't have for the start up, but I think grass and first impressions are pretty important. It's why I want all of those weeds mowed down regardless of what I have to do to make that happen.
I'm working on this stuff, one day at a time and usually more than one project at a time.
I'm going to set a date for finishing the doggy park and get it done - on that date. Tomorrow won't be it, I'm supposed to be on the phone at 9:00 am and then the developer is going to link into my computer - he can actually go through my computer and set it all up. It's cloud based so I am allegedly able to access what's on this computer from other devices.
We shall find out.
I think I will get everything situated in the back of the house including moving the boat and attempt to start on those benches tomorrow. The kid is still sick - tho mommy only has one appointment in the morning tomorrow and that's it.
Anyway, I feel like I've accomplished quite a bit today in reality.