Monday, August 28, 2023

Monday morning - early

I dunno what woke me up, probably the kids making noise, but since the sun was just showing, might as well get up.

Not that I feel very good.  Constant - stuff coming out my nose, to be a little less gross about it.  Coughing, hacking like the last time I had bronchitis.  Covid is going around in waves in this region, I wouldn't be surprised if I had it again.  Not going to waste my time or money getting checked for it, if I have it, there is little a person can do about it but ride it out.  Unless things go south and you end up in a hospital.  

The electrical contractor said to text him tomorrow, yesterday, about whether he has an extra pedestal laying around he could sell me.  But I found the same pedestal from the manufacturer's web page and it's $200 cheaper than anyone else is offering it for.  I just don't know how long a wait it would be to get it shipped here.  I will be calling them a little later this morning and making that inquiry.  I'll wait a few extra days if it means saving hundreds of dollars. I have other lots available right now.  2 of them are taken for 3 days concurrently at the beginning of the month. 

Having a lot unusable doesn't set well with me, I will take whatever route that can get that lot back to being functional while not costing a fortune.  

Even with prescription cough medicine, still coughing like crazy.  I don't know where this junk came from.  I am guessing a person that was at the wedding who ended up having Covid.  He didn't know it and likely spreading it around all over the place, especially the job he has which is personal contact with people.  So, I suspect I have Covid and at this point, I don't care about it.  Apparently Covid is here to stay with us, thanks in part to the US federal government and specifically, Anthony Fauci for funding "gain of function research" that has been unequivocally been verified as a true report.  

Why are we trying to find out ways to infect humans with animal diseases in the first place?  There can be only one realistic answer to that question.  I can't just go into hiding.  Actually, trucking kept me away from this nonsense more than anything. Being home equals being exposed to kids who go to public schools. Kids that age spread their germs between each other quite freely. 

I don't really have the wherewithal in me to be digging out a pedestal right now.  

Well, they are saying they have good stock going now.  I called the manufacturer.  That is a marked change from what was going on a year ago when the supply chain was messed up and ordering pedestals was up to a 3 month stay on a waiting list and they were exacting much higher prices.  He said a week or less.  I wish it was more like " a few days" which it apparently could be.  


Pedestal ordered.  No idea yet, it says on the website they call with delivery information before shipping. Well, let's get this call and get this thing shipped - today if possible. The sooner it's in a truck, the sooner it will get here.  Amazing that it's "only" $270 compared to all of these middle-man places charging hundreds more. Even more amazing they don't require you to be a sales outlet in order to qualify to buy from them.  

I'm not feeling particularly well atm and getting off of here.  

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...