Sunday, October 20, 2024

 Sunday - evening

I'm both looking forward to and not looking forward to work tomorrow. Get the mind back into the daily grind and get with it, get it over with.  Get back and possibly do some stuff on the driveway.  

We did go to church today sans the youngest who opted out for unknown reasons and I'm not into forcing anyone to go to church, especially kids.  I was forced to church when I was that age. I don't hold it against my parents at all, but they had to carry me out to the car to get to church.  And once at church, this was an absolutely enormous building - I would run all over the place after the worship service and mostly not go to the class I was "supposed" to go to.  So, it's whatever to me. Neither one of them has to go, the oldest loves it, I doubt he'll stop going.

After church, we went to the surprise birthday party at the local mom and pop restaurant.  Had an enjoyable time there, I knew all the people there and was glad to be among friends.  I even opted for the senior menu - "60 plus ONLY" the menu stated. People informed me their seniors meals came with a ton of food and I was not let down.  I'm slowly drifting into the idea of just taking the cheaper menu, what do I need with all the food on the regular menu anyway? It's the same food just smaller portions and lower cost. 

After that, I ran over to the park.  Checked the tanker, it was quite clean inside that thing, no visible flakes at all, good to go, wrote that one off.  That trailer is in better shape than the one I just let go before I went on vacation. I did not think that was possible, but they had replaced almost all of the brake components on all 4 wheels and all 8 tires are in good condition.  All the lights work, what's the problem? Nothing I guess, I was stuck on the other trailer because so many of them I have gotten under have so many issues that previous drivers apparently don't report OR deal with. 

Now? Well, the day is basically over.  I mean, it's 3 hours til' bedtime but it's late enough I have no plans to do anything else.  Actually I may go to the courthouse tomorrow and get the new plates, title and registration for the truck.  OHH!! I NEED to go to the insurance agency and sign off on whatever. I was going to do that yesterday but they are closed on the weekends. JUST before they charge my account $408 and then have to wait however long to get that money back. 

I'm putting a note in my notes folder on my phone to remind me.  

I've found several hot tubs, large ones in allegedly good condition, for cheap.  I dunno, people just get rid of the things when they are moving or don't want them anymore for whatever reasons.  It is highly likely I'm going to pull the trigger on all of that and get it done.  

What I've been doing for many days now is looking at roofing for a covered RV pad.  I want the cheapest option to be frank and through all of it, actual asphalt roofing shingles come up as the cheapest option. I don't know how much that stuff weighs and what kind of support system I would have to build out to hold all that weight up there, that is my next search mission on the internet.

Very compelling sermon today, btw.  I was totally lost in thought after thinking about scripture I hadn't read in quite a while. Old Testament stuff, still as relevant today as it was then. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  It was actually the toughest sermon I've heard this guy put forth and he undoubtedly got some feathers ruffled with it.  I was glad to hear it, I wonder what his bible studies are like on Wednesday mornings?? Probably won't find out this week for I intend on working as much as they will keep me working, but the next time I have a Wednesday freed up I'd like to go and find out.  Perhaps his church version and his more intimate settings are different.

He does refer to deeper things after one gets saved.  But his message is consistently about salvation - which is great, wonderful and Biblical - but - there are people coming that are hungry for the Word.  For a fresh message that the Lord has compelled on the preacher to speak forth.  I'm not judging the man at all, I just need more depth.  I can get that on my own of course, but there is the idea of believers pushing each other on in the faith.  There are people that are gifted with the 5-fold ministry - that is also biblical and who God uses to speak forth fresh revelation.  

I'm really ready to get myself back into the flow of things in church - I think I am anyway.  I guess I'll find out.  I have to force myself to put down the offenses of the past, of which I could go into great detail and write 10,000 words about, but why?  I have already done that. I have been trying to let it go and I keep running into the roadblock. I think, I want to get involved with church! Then this "thing" rises up in my mind and says, look at what happened before! And so many times!  I almost feel like the enemy is speaking that stuff into my mind.  Like it's a temptation: DON'T GO TO CHURCH AND CERTAINLY DON'T GET INVOLVED.    

I'm tired of all of it, wherever it originates and I can also remember ample times of serving in ministry and having the joy of the Lord and the feeling of contentment.  I still give and help people, that never left me because that came from the Lord, not from man.  

There is nothing like losing your bank debit card.  You panic, then you start searching, then you start thinking: where was the last time I saw it?  I went through all of this and couldn't find it. Then I went onto my account, did anyone use it?  No, everything on there was my stuff.  So, at wit's end, I called the bank,  cancelled the card and having them send me a new one.  Actually, it was due anyway. They don't last forever and Chase ended the policy to make a new one while sitting there waiting, at least around here.  

So there it is. I"m not going to bed early, it will be 8 hours before I need to get up and if I don't sleep well, oh well, if I do, great!

 Sunday - mid morning

I was just informed that today is Saturday.  This came about because I had just taken a shower and I said I didn't want to go to church smelling like dirt, such as you (the kid I'm talking to) do.  Well church isn't until tomorrow why are you doing that now?  Today is Saturday!

I'm thinking, am I in the Twilight Zone? Because I'm 100% sure today is Sunday and yesterday was definitely Saturday. "uhh, how could it be Saturday? You spend the entire day laying around on your butt playing games, literally all day long. If today was Saturday, that means you stayed home from school yesterday to play your Switch".  I then looked at my phone and showed him it clearly stating it is Sunday.

Oh, I guess I was wrong about the days then.  Now he is all upset because we aren't going to Applebee's after churh today.  It's just a thing we do that he absolutely loves.  He had this look on his face and I dug it out of him. Yeah, we're going somewhere else to eat, it's someone's birthday and it's a surprise party for him.  Oh.  That didn't help him, so I just had to tell him sometimes life throws us curveballs and we have to learn to adapt and adjust. Then...he was banging on the keyboard.  What are you doing?  This is what you do when you're sitting here!  Yes, but I'm actually typing out words, you are just putting up a bunch of gibberish lmao.  I informed him he could learn how to type like that in - I dunno when they teach that now? Seems important enough they would start teaching the keyboard in middle school?  I said high school and that I had taken 4 years  of it.  

It's actually quite late in the morning, I didn't go to sleep until midnight last night. I have been treating these 3 days off as if it were a staycation, sort of anyway.  Just binge watching shows on Netflix and doing the minimal amount of things necessary to keep things rolling. The only new thing was an overnighter calling yesterday asking about a place to stay overnight. Yes, so and so forth, they actually showed up, paid cash to the park host and I have no idea if they're still there or not.  

So that's pretty much it.  Church, party, might stop at the park and home. Correction, definitely stop at the park.  Gonna get up on the trailer and make sure there are no flakes laying in there.  It happens even after they wash them out. If there is, I can just sprinkle water inside, get the flakes down into the drain pipe and done.  

That write up for expanding the park isn't done yet.  It's a lot of work, yes, but it's been quite a while since we met and they said they'd come up with a price.  Perhaps it doesn't matter, the park isn't even full right now?  I'm feeling a bit - not sure the word. Not really pressured, my expenses are easily covered by the lots filled in there and even if the place were completely empty, everything is paid for excepting the land itself and that payment is quite low atm.  

Just want the place to be full,  I guess.  I really should have gotten out there yesterday with all the free time and filled a few holes up in the driveway. You do the things you can do.  I've watched a lot of episodes of Bar Rescue and one of the most common things you see at the beginning of the show when Taffer is walking in there to give the bar owner/s heck is the bar is quite disgustingly filthy.  Like, cockroaches, black filth, dust, dirt everywhere.  Even if you don't have the money to do serious upgrades to the bar, you can definitely get off your lazy @$$ and clean the place up.  I personally don't care if a place is a dive bar but it has to be a clean place that doesn't look and smell like a landfill or sewage treatment plant.  

My park is not dirty but there are some things in the driveway I could temporarily fix. The real fix would be getting a dozer in there, blading the entire driveway and then bringing in 6-8 truckloads of fresh gravel.  I don't have the money for that, well I could cover a couple of truckloads, but what's the point when the surface of the driveway itself needs a blade taken to it, smooth it all out and get it even.  Then dump gravel on it. I can't rent a dozer for I don't have the credentials, ie: experience, to operate one.  It figures the company would rent one out to someone that has no idea what they're doing, that customer destroys the engine and walaah. Tens of thousands of dollars to rebuild a cat engine. Ruin it for everyone, in other words. I would definitely have the thing delivered and get it done.  I can learn any earth moving equipment, I already know how to operate trackhoes, backhoes and graders.  And bobcats.  

The other thing I will definitely be doing is dumping copious amounts of rye grass whenever we get a good stretch of rain.  We're in such a dry spell that the county has imposed a burn ban.  No fires of any kind excepting in grills.  Not even barrel fires are allowed right now.  The grass is brown, a good indicator of the dry conditions and I'm not about to start watering it, it would cost far too much money.  

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...