Thursday, July 9, 2020

Well I get a day off. Whether I go back out tomorrow remains to be seen. Right now? I/d be happy for a couple of days off, even if it means I work the entire weekend.  I've driven over 4,000 miles in the last 8 days, that's enough for me to have a few days of rest and relaxation at home.  Of course, work may not think so, lol, I have no choice if they send me a run for tomorrow.

The world of politics drones on.  Locally, a bunch of people showed up yesterday - some heavily armed - and stood off against each other while there was a county commissioner meeting about a confederate statue that stands in the main square next to the old courthouse in this town.  No decision was made for it was a public commenting meeting.  I don't care either way about old statues. This one has sat there for 115 years, but now all of a sudden people are offended by it!

Did any of these people even know that statue was there before some person locally decided to start a petition concerning it? Did they pay any attention to it at all if/when they drove by the courthouse?  Probably not.  They declare that it must be put in a museum!  Now, I wouldn't care about that, either, if there is a vote on it.  That's what should happen, the community should decide whether that statue stays or goes.

But if it did end up in a museum, what do you think all of these people that are calling these statues racially motivated and are demanding that they be put in museums will do after they are actually placed in those museums?  You guessed it - they'll play cancel culture with the museums, call the curators of the museums racists and demand these museums be defunded. 

Defunded. An ugly word, but is it even a real word?  I don't actually think so. It's something dreamed up in left think tanks to produce to the American public that is gullible enough to follow these edicts.  I'm not falling for any of this s***..  Defunding the police is not only a terrible idea, but it's likely just another ploy. Who in their right mind doesn't want the protection of police? 3 of the council members in Minneapolis that voted to defund the police there requested private security to protect them. No kidding!  Hypocrites.  This is nothing more than a power grab and a method to see how many people will just fall in line and follow blindly without questioning their illustrious leaders who know everything, the public be damned.

Who is asking the general public in  making all of these decrees? BLM makes demands and governments bow the knee and succumb to them.  Where is the rest of the public in all of this?  Nowhere to be found, we must just blindly follow and submit.  No thanks. As it stands, a bunch of citizens showed up to that meeting yesterday defying these people.  I'd defy them just to make a stand that one small group of people shouldn't get to decide for everyone what should happen with that statue. It should be put up for a vote.  I was called a racist on a local Facebook yesterday because I dared suggest that it be put to public vote. 

That's why I have no current information on my employment anywhere online, at least that I know of. I may just pay for the service that goes through all of your online info and make sure I didn't put anything on there, but I'm pretty sure I have nothing stating my current employer anywhere on there. I have my former employer on there - the cancel culture can call them all they want, I'll never be going back to them for employment anyway.  But that's the point - if I make any statements contrary, online, to these cancel culture people, the first thing they are going to do is try to find your employer and get you fired. 

These people cannot stand differing viewpoints. Whining little babies, most of them are "kids" - if you look at a lot of these protests, yes there are older adults there but a vast majority of them appear to be late teens/early 20's.  They know nothing but what they were taught.  If you don't get your way, demonize the person/people that are rejecting your stance.  If that doesn't work, tear everything down and burn it up! 

My trip today - in town - included driving by the town square. There were two people out there - and was confirmed they are there to stop anyone from toppling the statue. After that, a coffee shop stop, a trip to Taylor's work to deliver her a Macchiatto, over to chili's for lunch - of which Taylor and James joined me - then off to Kroger/s for dinner fixings.  I was going to stop at the pawn shop at Jame's suggestion, but I forgot on the way back.  There for ammo.  Just enough to have some extra in the house. 

I'm off to Mapleton tomorrow. That's the plant that has blown up 3 times.  The chemical plant ended up doing an inspection of the plant before they would allow us to start hauling loads up there.  I still haven't heard anything about if anyone was hurt in that last explosion.  It isn't a very comfortable feeling to know you are entering an area that has exploded into flames in the past, but I won't turn it down.  I would have liked 2 days off tho.  After this trip, they'll have to give me a 34 hour reset at least.  And as usual, I say nothing about my desire for time off.  I will only ask that if it's absolutely necessary. Which it will this month when we have to move from one house to another.

Provided, of course, that we find another house.  The owner finally sent a registered letter - but too late. We could legally stay another month since he didn't send the notice until well after the first. 

But I want out of there now.  That guy is a jerk. Amazing he's a Catholic Priest.  You'd expect a bit more moral standards from a person like that. 

Well whatever the case, I have very little prep work to do for tomorrow's trip.  I'm making dinner tonight and that will include extra for the trip. I have sandwich makings and I might make something else. 

With that, this post? Is ended. 

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...