Tuesday, March 30, 2021

 Well unfortunately the land owner has some pretty outrageous terms, so I had to decline.  He came down in his price - but only 10k.  He wants to charge me 8% financing, which isn't even anything I would consider getting involved with considering I have excellent credit. 

His length of the loan is too short, making the payments higher.  I could pay a house payment for the money he wants for a monthly payment.  It was a bit of a let down - however - I am applying for my own loan through a Texas land bank.  No guarantees there, they may say he's asking too much per acre - or to compensate - ask for a huge down payment.  

It will take a couple of days to get any kind of reply from the bank, but I'm absolutely not going to pay this guy's price. Even the realtor agreed that his terms were ridiculously high.  The property might be worth what he's asking, so that's why I'm going to try to see if I can get a loan. If I give them 20% down maybe they'll be motivated, considering I make good money, verifiable, annually.  

Meanwhile, I found a house out in the county on 20 acres.  High priced, yes, they want 150k for a 3 bedroom house, a 20 acre property with a pond and a couple of "barns" they described them as.  The house, however, is a "handyman's special".  The property is probably worth around 60k, I don't know what the house is actually worth since I haven't seen it, but probably not 90k.  Plenty of houses go cheap in this area - rent doesn't go cheap here but if you have the credit for a house - you can get one pretty cheap price.  

But, I don't know what banks are wanting for down payment right now or what interest rate. I'll be looking at that - soon I guess.  I wasn't even looking for houses but this one showed up on a search for land - a house like that would fetch a grand a month in rental payments and pay the entire amount for the land.  

I guess my real turn off to the 8 acres is the fact that this dude only paid around 11 grand for it.  He's rich, I've seen him at the auctions.  He can wait however long it takes for a person to come along and pay his price, I get that.  I don't hold it against him, I was just hoping he would go at least down into the 40's range.  The property has been on the market going on 80 days, if it sits around long enough perhaps he'll have a change of heart. Or not, that's up to him.  There is a reason it's sitting around so long - no one wants to pay that much for raw, undeveloped property.  It's the same all over this region, people wanting too much money for their land - it sits for half a year, a year, 2 years, in a couple of cases around 10 years.  

Well, I got back from Brownsville this afternoon, I haven't been home that long actually. 3 days, excellent paying run with 2 days worth of detention pay.  This is why this run is coveted and it sucks that dispatch/management bow to the demands of a few people and it doesn't get handed out equally to everyone..... Just before I got back, I got a text for my next load.  I had no idea I would be going out again tomorrow. 

Illinois.  I don't even remember the last time I went up there, this one is in Morris. It's the longer Illinois run.  It's also high potential for detention pay, sometimes a ridiculous amount of it.  It's 3 days.  I got a 34 hour reset in Brownsville, which sucks, I should have asked for a free hotel last night.  Well maybe not, I got up at 3:45 am, it's a bit harder to wake up out of a slumber at the early am to have to leave a hotel versus just get up in a truck, get dressed and go.

The bad part of this next run is limited time to make any food.  I got lucky - the catering lady said she would make me 3 keto meals in time to get here tonight, no problem.  Well great! but I'm cooking a whole chicken regardless.  


Almost done. It's been constant this and that since I got home.  Socks left to go, they are in the dryer.  No day off here, I started at 3:45 am and I've been going the entire day. Tomorrow will not be fun getting up at 3:45 am.  It's already a quarter after 8.  I'll have to drive to St Louis tomorrow.  Then up to the plant - stay for however long, always a mystery on that one usually at least 4 hours - and then try to get back far enough to get home the 3rd day.  

But tomorrow will be the long @$$ day that will seem like an eternity because I won't have enough sleep.  

The boys wouldn't leave me alone when I got home, Addler was shoving his head into my side and trying to get all of this stuff done lol.  Not that I mind, a little loving from humans or animals isn't a bad thing.  

So now what.  Well, I'm going to dig out W-2's because the bank wants them.  If I can find them without spending too much time looking. Otherwise, it will have to wait until I get back.  I'm not going to panic over the dude lowering the price for all to see. It's still pretty high priced.  If it's meant to be, it will happen. If it isn't, oh well, move on.  The 20 acres with the house is looking pretty appealing right now anyway.  It's more land, a pond - big attraction I am finding out - not terribly far off the beaten path, a huge like across the street and I could make this a destination park, not a parking lot.  

Anyway, I need to finish up and go to bed.


Fortnite - My View Of Things

 I will first say here that I am new to the game having only had played it about 9 weeks now.  Compared to most other players I have been en...