Saturday, October 3, 2009


Ahhh, yes, I found the energy after a full day's work and yes, I fired up that BBQ.\\

It did not, however, want to cooperate. I turned the valves on and - nothing.

Got me a little stick and hit the regulator - yes hard enough to free it up - and yes, gas started flowing.

Pork chops and chicken.

I'm only writing because I'm ecstatic that the weather has changed so dramatically and it's actually NICE to be outside again.

I have only been in the house today to write a couple of posts - though I posted a bunch of pics on my other journal and that took QUITE some time.

If I remember correctly, posting pics here is MUCH easier, simply copy and paste.

Okay, so I did it. I posted the pics. I did not give the explanations here as I did on the other blog - if you have questions about any one or more pics, simply ask or - go to the other blog and explanations are given under each photo.

I will say that this my property - a lot of it but not all of it. Especially cool were the plantings of the flowers today into the pots - shown in some of the pics, of course!

Dang, I forgot, this blog cuts the pics in half. I'm serious, you look at those pics, there is half the view on there. To see the whole version of any pic, just click on the pic. To see a bigger version, click on the pic that shows up after you clicked on the pic the first time.
























400th Post

I can hardly imagine that I have put up 400 posts on this site including this one, especially considering this is not really my main blog right now. Well - perhaps it's really a close mix of half and half. A little more than half on the other blog, just a little less here.

No biggies.

Grass cut. Fertilizer applied. Watered. Fence posts and fencing put up. Grass seed applied. Watering now.

That's consumed several hours of this day - that on top of everything else I have already done.

I look around the INSIDE of my house and figure a cleaning rampage is in-cue. But I am running out of steam, it's gonna have to be tomorrow morning when I start that - though I intend on at least cleaning my bathroom today.

In fact, really, I don't plan on doing anything else outside today. I was going to BBQ, but unless I get really worked up for it - which I am just drained out of energy - I doubt that's going to happen either. Although it would be cool to BBQ the package of center cup pork chops I have in the fridge. I have BBQ'ed in a couple of months. I was grilling outside well into the summer but got incredibly sick of the heat and wanted nothing to do with it, not even cooking out there.

It's no surprise, as I may have mentioned on here before, that this is the second hottest summer ON RECORD. Well, folks, they have been keeping records for a long, long time here.

BTW, how do you "work" thousands of grass seeds 1/4 inch into the ground? That is what the directions on the bag say to do, yet give no comprehension whatsoever on exactly HOW a person is supposed to accomplish this feat? I was going around just taking the steel rake and puncturing holes everywhere, but - I need to water more in areas where it's not quite soft enough to easily go into the ground yet.

I do know they make a device that puts holes into the ground - I am hardly spending that kind of money on this little patch of grass. I'm going to have to do some internet scouring and see if I can find some tips about that little gem. I fully intend on planting the seed on the east side of the house - I have a LOT of seed left over. I think I could plant grass EVERYWHERE if I really wanted to.

I don't really want to : )

Okay, I think I am going to go back outside and admire my handiwork out front. Heck, I might just take some pics and post them up for everyone to see!



After doing all the work this morning - would have to see other blog to find out about that, but in a nutshell I bought perennials today and planted them along with starting the groundwork to plant winter/rye grass and a lot of other stuff - I took a break.

But - it's time to start grilling outdoors again. I went and filled up my propane bottle which has been empty for quite some time in anticipation of grilling at least one package of the bone-in chicken breast I bought at Safeway yesterday (99 cents per pound).

2 tenants have paid up and my dad sent what is becoming his 'usual' amount to help me out during these tough economic times. The non-paying tenant - well it's really getting to me. He promised to pay this week yet he walks through here and produces nothing. Not even excuses, there is literally nothing. I will be thinking about writing up another 5-day notice tomorrow. I say another - as I have had to do with other tenants who didn't pay such as Mary and Justine.

I still can't believe this guy is doing this to me. He NEVER withheld rent money in the past when he lived here before. Seriously, he always paid on time and it wasn't an issue. I truly hope I don't have to take him to eviction court - it would be a waste of my money in filing the suit and then if I wanted that money and rent money back, I would have to go for a wage garnishment.

MUCH easier if he would either pay or get the heck OUT of here. At this point, I don't care which, just do something - I can fill that room up pretty quickly I would like to hope.

Well, anyway, I have just short of a grand in checks right now to be deposited, with at least $200 from him, I would be doing fairly well. Not perfect, but good enough. I am definitely going to push for whatever extra hours I can get at work, every bit helps.

So anyway, this is just a short update. Caleb's Rifle Team competition ends in 15 minutes - but his mother is going to bring him home and I have made as many outings as I care to do for today, I am going to spend another several hours outside working and then come back in and "kick-it" as the kids like to put it. I figure to stop working in the hottest hours of the day - though it's only going to get up to 92 degrees today, hardly call that hot unless the humidity is going to shoot up as well.

I also have PLENTY of cleaning to do in the house this weekend, tomorrow morning I'll hit that one hard and try to get it knocked out in a couple of hours.

That's it. That's my life, really, I don't really do much in terms of getting out - but then again - I really don't WANT to. I have a certain amount of need that continues to build to find a member of the opposite sex and start a relationship - but that always kind of nixes itself when the ex starts all of her stuff and I start thinking: Do I REALLY want to start another relationship? It takes a while, but I end up saying yes - even though I'm not really doing that much about the situation.

Have a great Saturday.

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...