Friday, February 9, 2024

 Friday - mid-afternoon

Yes I have had a drought in posts the last 5 days, Fin I will call you back whne I am not so tired and cranky.  I was driving when you called and that truck is very noisy, I pretty much do not talk on the phone in that thing.  Good thing I don't have to be out on the road all the time and the longest stretch is 2 hours and 15 minutes, the drive up to Gurdon.  

The crankiness is because of one of the cats here.  It is constantly in heat, apparently, and it makes these very loud calls all night long.  Not in front of anyone else's door but mine, for my door is right next to the kitchen, where these animals apparently hang out all night long.  The noise started at midnight and was on and off all night long until I got up at 5:30 am, very unhappy, grumpy and moody. 3 hours of sleep is not enough sleep for anyone.  

After the first time, I went back to sleep, after the second time, it took longer to get back to sleep and after the third time? There was no getting back to sleep.  If you wanted my honest feeling at the time, I wanted to take that cat and smash it up against the wall. No, I did not do that, I didn't do anything to the cat, but obviously something has to be done about this for this goes on every night.  Basically, if they are put in the very large pantry, that cat can make all the noise it wants to and I will either not here it or the noise level will be inconsequential and I will sleep through it.

As it stands, I got back from Lufkin today and had to spend an hour and a half fixing lights on the tractor.  Some of the wiring is corroded and the light connectors as well. I had to rewire 3 lights worth and then realized I needed to go up to the auto parts store and buy some new lights as well.  Lights are a Trooper attractant, if they aren't working, they are inclined to pull you over and tell you about it.  I don't need something as simple as lights to signal a state police officer to pull me over, so I fixed them.  There are more that need new push on connectors with new wiring, but for now, they are working and I was not in the mood, really, to do any  of it.  I will get to them when I get to them.

I have been working since Sunday, I had Saturday off and worked 4 days? I think before that.  I have this load on the truck that I need to get up to Gurdon tomorrow and then I can come home, relax and have Sunday off. I have no idea what they are having me do next week, they haven't sent me anything yet.  I'd like 2 days off in a row, actually, Monday would be great.  

Actually, isn't Sunday the Superbowl? I sort of watched a few games - something I haven't done in years now - just because.  I didn't see anyone kneeling and I haven't heard of their political rants - NFL players that is - in quite a while.  Have they stopped doing that? This is why I quit watching some 4 years ago, maybe 5 now.  I got sick of hearing it. I don't tune into an NFL game to be preached to by some person that has a rap sheet that is 5 pages long or some person that thinks they are better than everyone else and therefore has the right and privilege to tell everyone what they should believe and how they should live their lives.

I may watch the Superbowl, I may not.  I even stopped watching the hilarious ads, tho I heard last year that most of them were pretty lame.

The driveway is still in a shambles and tho I have tried to get the contractor out there, he hasn't shown up, even tho he's given his assurances that he would, indeed, do so.  I am blowing him off at this point and waiting for a day off during the week where I can get the rental tractor from the local rental place and hope that the box attachment with no teeth will work. Probably, going over it many times over will loosen the soil and the gravel underneath the soil up and perhaps I can work it to basically redo the entire area that is very, very bad right now.  

The tent lady's brother apparently got the revelation that I am none too happy with them, if they can't pay, DO SOMETHING around the park.  So, I spotted him on the surveillance camera mowing the doggy park. That IS something better than nothing at all.  The lady that has been mowing it got disgusted with the dog poop situation and decided she wouldn't clean it up anymore (I don't really blame her, it's not her job and the situation shouldn't exist anyway) and apparently has decided not to mow it anymore either.  

That's all fine and dandy, but her discount on lot rent also went away after I found this out. She has come into some money - disability that a judge ruled in her favor and the state/feds/whoever has to not only begin paying her but has to give her over 2 years of back payments. So, she isn't broke anymore and she has decided she needs to find her own land and put a mobile on it. 

More power to her.  I don't begrudge her that, either.  These people living in my park, however, that are mooching off of me is coming to an end as I have had several conversations with her, the tent lady, about money.   I am not going to have them living there for free forever, especially considering the fact they wouldn't lift a finger to help me out with anything.  You know, like mowing? or cleaning the bathroom? 

I've been watching the news with great interest.  "Biden is an elderly man with a poor memory" is on Hur's report after investigating him for months now, noting that he had willfully taken classified documents when he was VP AND he disclosed them, apparently to some sort of "ghost writer".  They declined to press charges because they didn't think they could convince a jury to convict him because of his age and memory issues.  They had no problem indicting Trump for the same thing, we are living under a two-tiered justice system and I have no idea what it would take to dismantle it and start fresh.  Nothing, probably, short of a civil war.  I don't want a civil war, let's just make that clear, tho you'd think Texas does with the stand off at Shelby Park with Border Patrol agents and not allowing them to come in.

So, if the man is too senile, old and can't remember most things he says or even writes, what makes him fit to be the President of the United States? But we have been saying this for a while now and it should be painfully obvious to any citizen that he cannot possibly last another 4 years after this term is up serving in the same capacity.  He's a feeble old man, like all of us will probably be some day, in his 80's, he needs to be on a fishing boat eating ice cream cones, not making decisions about this nation both internally and externally that will affect citizens for years or even decades to come.

I do love the left's reaction, they automatically invoke Trump's name and go off on how he does the exact same thing! However, Trump is not the sitting President of the United States, Biden is and the subject matter is whether he is fit to continue on as President.  The person that would take his place, Kamala Harris, would be the worst disaster this nation has ever seen.  We are screwed either way and so, what difference does it make?  I dunno, but at least she isn't 81 years old and half her mind is gone to senility, she is just a fruitcake with quackery clothing.

Back to working, since I have been doing so much of it, I do hope next paycheck on the 22cd is "very good", at least by this job's parameters. The last one on the 7th wasn't horrible, not great but not horrible.  

And with that, I think I will get off of here.  I am tired and I want to take a nap. 

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...