Sunday, November 19, 2023

 Sunday - night

The latest revision to the work schedule is to go to the loading plant tomorrow - to be there at 7:00 pm.  Yes, I said pm, not am.  Allegedly, that's when they will be ready to start loading trucks.  I have my doubts but we'll see.  I said yes, tho it will make for an awfully late night.  Up to 2 hours to load, 2 hours back plus fuel.  

Talking midnight arrival.

I still have my doubts.  I think they will try to push it up and get loading started earlier.  I'll be ready tomorrow, that's all I can say.  Go over in the morning, fire the truck up again and make sure it's good to go.  If it IS a go, it's leave at 4:00 pm to go to Nacogdoches for a trailer and then over to Lufkin to load. If I show up too early, I'll stop for fuel before going to the plant.  

The RV guest said he had a nice sized buck in his sights today.  Went to fire the gun and plunk.  He forgot about firing it off the other day and nothing happened when he pulled the trigger, lol.  I haven't even seen these alleged bucks except quite a while back when I pulled in to the gas rigging area to make a U turn and there were 2 of them out there.  

The guest confirmed my suspicions about yesterday. I went out to sit and see if I could get one, but shortly after I got started, a loud banging noise started very close by.  Somewhere on the east side of my property - well maybe not ON  my property, who knows, but close by. Sounded like a metal pot being clanged with a metal serving spoon.  It went on the entire 45 minutes I was out there. After I was sufficiently annoyed and wondering who is doing that and also wondering if it was being done on purpose, I got up, got the camera off the tree and walked out of the woods. 

The clanging stopped. That's when I figured this is someone doing it on purpose to stop me from bagging a deer.  My hunting buddy said the same thing without my hinting at it. I just said there was a loud clanging noise with the spoon/pot sound. He went into a long explanation of how he figures these people have probably been living there forever and likely think that those are their deer and we can't and wont' have them.  Well, next time I hear that noise I'm just going to start heading straight towards it.  

The 2 night stay just showed up.  I called them to ensure it was them - another couple called earlier wanting a space, I told them I have an "alternate" space available (where the NJ people were) with 30 amp hookup and sewer and water.  Give it to them cheaper price since it's not exactly ideal, but they said they just need electricity for the night. Whether they show up is another story entirely.  If they do, according to their story almost 3 hours ago, they should be showing up in the next 10-20 minutes.  

The  NJ lady claims she is getting another trailer - I assume when she gets her money near the end of the month. But if she does that, she does that leave her for the rest of the month? Or if she wants to bring it to my place, is there any lot rent money?  Just a charity case that sometimes gives money to try and "appease" me.  The tent lady is getting around with one of those 4 wheeled - scooters or whatever you call them.  I saw video of her going into the amenities shed last night.  

It is definitely her dog that is dumping in the doggy park and her brother is not cleaning up after it.  I was getting complaints. I should have thought about it 2 seconds, she can't take the dog out of the camper, he is lazy, unmotivated and doesn't care about much of anything.  I will be dealing with him directly.  Take the dog to the park and then?  Use the dog poop bags provided free of charge to pick it up and throw it into the trash can that is sitting right there.  I will threaten to evict them if he refuses or gives lip service saying yes but doesn't actually do it.  

Anyway, the trials and tribulations of owning an RV park with people that are poor and broke.  I've got the live camera going on my phone, if those other people show up, I will have to go over there to show them where to park.  I will also be looking for more bottles. Apparently someone is drinking Dos Equis and throwing the bottles all over the place.  I have a few people that look out for the park.  They picked up the bottles and then informed me about the situation.  Hard to do anything about something when you don't know who the perpetrator is.  I have zero problems confronting people who are acting like pigs.  

In other news? The grandma is acting out just as everyone thought she would. To the point her son - James - had to get all over her case. She was sitting there trying to spoon feed one of the boys - he's 8 years old.  He already had a mouth full of food.  1. An 8 year old doesn't need help eating and 2, you don't try to shove food into a mouth that is already full.  And other things.  I think she has been drinking, she's certainly acting like it.   Whatever the case, she isn't respecting the parents in the house and they are not happy.  They came in Friday night, so they've been here all of 2 days and are here for another 7? 

They left, the parents that is.  I am assuming they are discussing how to deal with this.  Grandma set up camp in the living room, took that over and basically has taken over everything that has anything to do with the kids.  I don't think James or Taylor cares until she crosses the line of contradicting their rules or just common sense and respect with the kids.  Now the whole house is at odds and I am sitting in my bedroom, thank you, I'll just wait this thing out.     I am hopefully going to be working, at least, to set off some of this time to not be at home.   But, I can always go to the property and hang out there or work or hunt or whatever, really.  

I'm more focused on this job than what's going on in the house.  This house situation will work itself out one way or the other.  Work?  So far, not so much.      I have no confidence that I will actually be going there at 7:00 pm tomorrow night. It will either be earlier than that or it will be put off yet again.  As of today, I should have just gotten home from the second run on the first stage of the trip to take it up to the receiving plant tomorrow.  Instead, I have done nothing.  I'm just hoping this situation will change so I don't have to go looking for another job.  

I'm not seeing these people.  That doesn't mean they aren't coming, they just haven't arrived - yet. It's 10 after 8, I don't want to have to be going out there at 10 pm to deal with this, it isn't worth $20 to do that. I'll charge them more if they don't show up soon but do show up late.  

Anyway, that's the current drama.  Went to church this morning, it was good. I"m still surprised the pastor remembers my name. It's at least 500 people at that church if not a thousand. A huge auditorium that has 2 services and both of them are full usually.                                                       

Uhh, that's it. These other people showed up, I described how to set up, they had it good to go by the time I got there to collect money.  I don't have that lot officially on the campground software. It's something where I would want the buyer to understand that it's behind a shed, next to another camper, an "alternative spot". I'm just not comfortable putting it on  there, if someone calls I can offer it to them and if they want it, great, if they don't, that's fine as well, probably more hassle than it's worth. However.

By the time people are calling me, they are usually calling out of desperation. That or they are calling hours ahead trying to find the cheapest spot.  In this case, these people called about 4 hours ahead of their arrival.  It's how some of them do it. Try to find a spot as they are heading to wherever their final destination is.  Kind of risky, I think, but maybe not so much now that we're at the end of the traveling season for most of them. They are going home or to wherever they park for the winter.  People are coming through from the north and heading further south. I wouldn't recommend my area as a winter location if you are looking for warm.

It's nice a lot of the time, but we definitely get the cold air and sometimes even snow, things those people are looking to flee from.  None of my long term people are snow birds.  They're here for a specific purpose - school, family, work - not because they are trying to find a place to camp for the winter simply because they can.

Maybe I can put on the website "alternative parking site, call for availability" and put the price, which will be cheaper.  I can do that now that the park is full, I won't do it if the park has even 2 spots empty. Just not willing to sacrifice money for someone that wants to save a few bucks when I can get a few more dollars for the regular spots.  The only exception is if it's a much smaller rig or a truck camper.  Or one of those popup campers.  I'll give lower prices to them.  

Anyway, I collected my money, the situation around here is calming down, the kids are in bed and I'm heading to bed myself. 

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...