Thursday, November 4, 2021

 This nonsense started yesterday in Brownsville.  When they finally showed up with a trailer, they came running up to my truck, telling me there is something wrong with it. Okkkkkaaayyyyy.  

I get over to it after they had just dropped it, got underneath it and then went to see what they were talking about.  The landing gear on the passenger side. It wouldn't crank up.  They cranked on it, it'd go up a few inches and then drop - like, drop drop.  I'm looking  at them repeatedly trying to get it to go up and wondering why they just dropped this trailer like they just had with this gear doing this - and they knew about this problem before they dropped.  

What would have happened if the thing had just let go and gone down? I can tell you exactly what would have happened, the whole trailer would have fell over onto it's side and right on top of us, that's what would have happened.

So they get two guys with long metal bars to lift up on the bottom of the gear while another guy was cranking and eventually they got it to go up.  After a certain amount of cranking, it was fine.  I texted my manager, mechanics and 2 dispatchers in one group text. Told them what was going on with it and that I would not be dropping the trailer in the yard when I get back.  There is no way I'm going to have a catastrophe like that - a trailer tipping over on it's side and costing tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage and possibly getting hurt or even killed in the process.  

So last night, late, I got back to the yard, left the truck hooked to the trailer. I had already been given a run for today, but it wasn't until noon, apparently the mechanics figured they could replace the gear before then.  

This morning. Woke up earlier than I needed to but I was rested.  Got in the shower, got back out saw a missed call from the dispatcher.  Called her back, she was telling me that the plant wanted me to show up at the 10:30 spot instead of noon and that my truck was still indisposed because the mechanics were not well inclined to be dropping that trailer in that condition, either, and were in the middle of replacing the gear on the trailer.  So, I had to rush to work, get into someone else's truck - a total slob, I must add, nasty inside that thing - go to the plant, load, come back to the yard, drop the trailer, park his truck and get into my truck and hook up to the loaded trailer.

Yes, they had fixed the trailer, the thing was sitting in the yard when I got back.  So I got my stuff, got in and drove off.  I had this nagging feeling that I had forgotten something, but oh well, it's only an overnight or even a day trip to Oklahoma.  It was 130 miles later when I stopped to get a sugar free candy bar out of my clothes bag that I realized that my clothes bag? Is still in my SUV at the yard.  No biggies, right? Just have to wear the same clothes the next day, not the end of the world.  

Fast forward to the highway that leads you up to the plant.  It's highway 11, you turn right off of highway 20 near Skiatook.  Well, there was a big state highway truck parked in the middle of the street when you turn, lights flashing, no one is going through there.  Gag.  I pulled up to him and he jumped up on the steps.  What's going on?  Well, there's been an accident.  Oh, do you have any idea how long it will take for them to clear the road?  Well, I can tell you, the coroner just showed up less than 30 minutes ago, it's probably going to be a while.

The coroner?!! At least one fatality, that's going to be a while.  It's always said to find such accidents and see people dead, I've seen it several times in my trucking career.  Come up on an accident before first responders have arrived and see - bodies.  And in at least a couple of cases, they were obviously dead. The lady's head that was crushed into the steering wheel - and I mean the steering wheel was a part of her head - she was dead - dead.  

Anyway, that eliminated any hope of making it back today and I didn't really care at that point.  I had to go all the way back to 75, head north up to Bartlesville, back over to 123, and then back to 11 and the to the plant.  Dude at the plant looked at me wide eyed when I told him about having to go around and the fatality.  "You haven't heard anything about it?". He looked at me funny and said no, but I'm sure I'l hear about it before the night is over....

Out of there, I drove to Oklmulgee, I usually stop at the Love's Travel Center there to refuel, get some ice water and a guac burger, lettuce wrapped. Did all of those things and then headed out of the parking lot to the street......

I got to the turn to go up to the street - it's an L turn and there are trucks parked everywhere here, including along the entrance/exit.  A truck was coming in just as I was about to make the turn, so I pushed the clutch in to get into neutral.  The clutch made a cracking noise and then? Wouldn't push in! I'm starting to panic, I'm headed straight at this truck and I can't get it out of gear to stop it!

Under normal circumstances, I could have just pushed in the accelerate, sped up a bit and it would have allowed me to float it back into neutral. But I needed to stop, not accelerate.  I ended up hitting the brakes and killing the engine by forcing it off through braking it down to the point it died on it's own. 

I am now stuck here, partially out into the lane and there is nothing I can do. The clutch will not push in. This truck isn't moving unless it's either fixed or it's towed. I'll guess it ends up getting towed, who knows. I was on hold for 45 minutes with the repair line for our company - no one answered, hung up and tried again.  I'm over 8 minutes now.  Annoying.  Everyone complains about this company our company uses to get roadside help in event of breakdowns but it falls on deaf ears.  

And here we go again.  After well over an hour, a lady finally answered the phone, got all the info, said they would have someone come try to fix it - just like last time not that long ago - and do that instead of having it towed. Last time, it was pretty obvious that the truck would have to be towed. This time? I have no clue what's wrong with this thing, none whatsoever. I don't know why the clutch won't push in and the engine compartment is so filled up with engine and related junk all around it, you can't even see the linkage for the clutch pedal.

And I can tell ya, I'm not getting on my back on the asphalt in this dirty truck stop to look.  I don't care that much, this isn't my problem. I am paid to drive the truck, not repair it. I will fix minor stuff if I can, yes, but something like this? Nope.  They want us to drive trucks with mega miles on it, they are obviously also enamored with the idea that they are going to break down and they are going to be dishing out money for repairs on the road.  It's already 11:13 pm - this is going to be another long night.  Excepting for one thing: If the mechanic isn't going to be able to get here for hours, don't bother.  I'll take my 10 hour break so I can get on the clock and they can pay me my breakdown pay versus them attempting to tell me that "you were off duty" so they won't pay me.  

I'm more unhappy with myself for forgetting my gear.  It figures that I would have to go through this when I don't have anything with me but one set of dirty clothes besides what I'm wearing.  But who knows, maybe a mechanic can come out here and magically fix it! lol!  

Well, fatigue is setting in. I'm going to try to catch a few winks before this ordeal starts. It will be a mechanic, showing up at 2 am or something, wanting to know what's wrong, trying to figure out what's wrong and then telling me whether he can fix it - or not.  And if not, then I will be waiting for a tow truck.  And then, it will be towed to Tulsa, the closest Peterbilt shop to me.  Actually probably only like 50 or 60 miles away, and then a hotel, take the dirty clothes, wash them at the hotel and at least have some clean clothes to wear : )

Or whatever happens, lol.  

Editing: Was about to post this and then the repair lady called back. Everyone telling her at repair shops that that is a dealer issue, have it towed.  How would I know?  I don't, I have no clue what's wrong with this thing.  So now, wait for them to find a tow truck, come here, hook up and haul it back up to Tulsa peterbilt.  If I recall correctly, there is a hotel right across the street from it.  And if it's going to take more than a day? My manager will find a way to get me back without the truck, even if it means renting a car.  


 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...