Saturday, August 14, 2021

 Day finally done at 11:20 pm

I've been to Brownsville, dropped the loaded trailer at a "new" yard and then picked up an empty at the old yard.  Contacted my dispatcher, told her I would be in Raymondville tonight, please get me a room at La Quinta.  Drove the 50 miles back north to get up here and walaah, in a hotel room, sitting here just winding down.  

I spent a lot of time contemplating this property situation today and the idea that I seem to get doors closed at every turn.  

It could just be coincidence.  It could be the Lord saying this isn't my plan for you.  It could be the enemy attempting to thwart these plans for unknown purposes.  

Whatever the case, I just let it go.  Into God's hands that is.  If it's meant to be, it will happen, if it isn't, it won't.  I can't sit around getting excited about property and then having the let down every time.  

I'm not going to continue to allow this title company to mess with my life.  If they do, indeed, come up with a date to close, I'm going to demand a written guarantee that it will happen or they can pay a fine.  No, they probably won't go for that, but it will send the message that I'm tired of their games and I am at the end of the line here.  Get it done or I'm moving on.  

This seller can find someone else to buy the property - which was on the market for a long time - or they can find another title company - which there is a much better one in town. Better by customer service standards anyway. I'm not currently looking at any other properties online.  I only have looked at my listing for the little property I am selling in town. By now it should say under contract or contingent or something similar on the ads.

I'm just tired of this property searching. It is going to be over. Either with or without actually acquiring property, I am done with it.  

So that's it.  The realtor can deal with this nonsense, I'm just going to kick back and wait and see what happens on Monday. I canceled the Tuesday day off because of the title company dropping out again and hopefully I will have another run, even if it's just an Oklahoma run, I want more work.

Strike that, I need more work, wanting is a stretch lol.  

I guess there's lots going on - lots of people I know have been dying lately and sadly.  One of them had his whole body stricken with cancer. Another also had cancer and my cousin died of a heart attack.  I hope that's the end of it for a while.  

There's all the politics going on, which I am definitely not going to go into right now.

There are good things going on everywhere as well. My pond seems to be doing well and my aquarium is staying nice and clean now that I got most of the fish out of there and into the pond.  It was getting dirty quick, I was replacing filters at least once a week, they are supposed to last a month lol.

Tomorrow is Sunday, I won't be able to start driving until 9:20 am, which is fine, I'm quite tired and one of those beds sitting behind me is looking pretty inviting right about now.  Not to mention the fact it's 12:30 am, much later than my normal bed time.

Hope everyone is doing well.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...