Wednesday, April 10, 2024


It is giving me red flags telling me that maintenance and business expenses "seem high".  Yes, it is a new business and there were many expenses for a start up that I incurred.

However, I am going to go back through all of it and find what title I should have given it, there must be something for new start up expenses or something that will more adequately explain what the expense is for. I just put it under supplies, but perhaps that isn't correct.  

I can tell ya, I have no idea what I'm doing here.  I will be paying for the return to be reviewed, for so far, with all of the expenses, I owe nothing to the IRS.  I feel like that isn't right for some reason. 


Night time, many hours  later. 

I got tired of tax work and went up to Lowe's for supplies I needed - chain saw oil and gas, a bag of concrete and paper towels.  Oh, and a hair cut up the street.  And met up with Taylor/oldest child at Cici's for lunch - sort of a buffet pizza place.

Went over to the property later on, the driveway is totally trashed again.  I kind of expected it, but it's worse now than the last time and there if far more water coming down the driveway, draining off neighboring property, than last time.  The destructive powers of moving water.  I have no plans to fix that this week, it will happen after the next round of rain comes and goes next week.  I don't really want to be renting an expensive machine every month, but then again, we don't normally get rain the lasts for 3 days at a time.  

So, this round is over.  

I have a lot more work to do on taxes and it's just going to have to wait until tomorrow. It takes precedence over renting machines and other stuff, I need it done, over with and get it behind me. And right now? I don't know that it will be done before or on Monday if I don't just continue working on it as I have today and yesterday.  

I'm going to have to go over a few hundred receipts from last year and probably reassign them, that will take hours.  I want it labeled under construction, not supplies  That makes it look like what it is: supplies for new construction. It's 60k worth which is why it was flagged, I guess.

That's it. It's almost 9, I'm going to bed soon.  

 Tuesday late-morning

Well, yesterday was a unmitigated horror flick on real life. OK, it wasn't that bad, but it was seriously bad driving conditions.  I got on the road and felt the truck hydroplaning at only 55 mph.  I was driving slow in very heavy rainfall for a long distance.  When I got near the trailer washout place in Nacogdoches, guess what happened?

Work texted me: Your load cancelled for today.  I drove an hour and a half, got soaking wet to get into the truck, etc etc, for this? The worst part about it is that they had received that email from the company last night, no one bothered to read it until after I was already well down the road.  That kind of got me going a little bit.  I was almost to the washout place, so I went anyway, at least get that over with.  

Drove back in rain, but it wasn't as bad. When I got home, I started working on inputting all of these receipts.  Oh, well the manager called me and didn't exactly apologize for having me driving in that s*** for no good reason at all. He instead asked about my schedule, which he already knew but was about to make a point: we are really short handed for weekend drivers.  He made it known in no uncertain terms that he needed drivers for this weekend. 

I replied that since it was scheduled off - something I didn't ask for btw - I was going to be finishing up my taxes. It might take a while to do them since I've never done a business tax before coupled with a regular job taxes.  

I have, in fact, started on that after spending many hours this morning reviewing endless receipts and assigning them to their proper account designation and how it was paid for.  In fact, I am on Turbotax now but I needed a break from this nonsense.  It asking me endless questions and I am stuck at the W-2 part.  I don't remember getting a W-2 from my employer, I'm about to look through where it "should" be if I did.  If not, I will be asking them to email it to me so I don't have to wait for it in the mail.  No rush, it's only Wednesday, I will try to take care of it today but this office work really is not my cup of tea.  Or coffee. Or anything else for that matter.  

Actually, I'm fixing to leave here and go to the park and see if these people took the spot or not.  They reserved it yesterday, I did accept the reservation but I included in that email that the spot where it's at is quite wet and potentially muddy, you may want to find other accommodations.  So they call me and start yada yadaing and I just reminded them what I had written.  In no uncertain terms, I wasn't recommending this spot, at all.  

We have had ongoing rain for a couple of days now. It has stopped but only for a few hours, it is going to start again around 1:30 pm it's saying on the forecast. That's enough time to get over there, take look, get over to Lowe's and get some bar chain oil and gas for the chainsaw.  There is a tree that needs to be cut back along the driveway and some brush that has come down along it as well.  It's sort of impeding the flow of traffic through there.

Needless to say, there is a stream (and not a small one either) of water traveling down the driveway and of course destroying my driveway again.  I will be renting that machine again, I guess, to fix it.  But first, I need the mini ex and get that stuff done.  I can use the mini to dig up some pothole areas, loosen up the soil and then just use the blade on the mini to go over it and smooth it out. That way, those potholes are no longer an issue, the area around them will be completely loosened and the holes will be gone.  

When am I doing that? Well, tomorrow isn't showing any rain, so maybe tomorrow, maybe Friday, not sure.  Taxes really take precedence but right now, I just remembered my hair has grown out quite a bit and I need a haircut, need to get to Lowe's for the chainsaw stuff and another bag of concrete for that pole and then over to the park to see if those people decided to stay, they owe money if they did, but I'm guessing they moved on.  Who knows.

Then I can come back home and look for that W-2 and request ...cancel that, found the W-2 looking where I figured I would have dumped it and lo and behold, there it was.  So, that takes a big worry off, the next thing is finding how much I sent in last year for estimated taxes.  I wrote it down on my big pad - somewhere, lol.  I never said I was a businessman, tho by default I am one.  I'm referring to the paperwork part of it, I hate that stuff and I have Quickbooks to thanks for saving me from an otherwise dreadful existence trying to figure that stuff out.  

Anyway, I have a 3 hour window to get some stuff done before we get another deluge. And I really would like to help the manager out if possible, I hate working weekends but working every other weekend was part of the deal. However. I did work 2 weekends in a row....still, it's going to be too long between runs, I need the money.  

One thing that is making me very happy, however, is the fact that after paying the property taxes and the electric bill, I still have almost 3k in the business account.  And most of this month's business bills are paid. 

The only thing of concern right now is a person that has disappeared but their trailer is still sitting on one of my lots. They aren't responding to my attempts to ask them their intentions. Staying, going, if staying, when do you plan on paying?  They are currently 8 days behind on their rent.  Not the end of my world, but if they are moving, take the damn thing out of there so I can re-rent it. I have been turning people away left and right......Anyway, if I go into summer with at least 3 or 4k in that account, I won't have to worry about summer electric bills. Really took me by surprise last year the incredible amount those bills were.

This year will be different in that I have a trucking job so I shouldn't need money from the business to pay for my personal bills.  

Yup, I still have some stuff to do for this tax return. I have to see how much I paid myself as well, that will take some time going through all of that. Or will it? I will be looking in quickbooks to see if it delineated owner draw checks, I put that on them to ensure I knew what was what.  It's pretty easy, tho, they are even amounts and usually around 1k.  I would be surprised if I had any huge tax burden from last year considering I didn't really get paid that much.  I'll be finding out soon enough. 

As for now? I want to get stuff done before the next round of rain.

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...