Saturday, June 17, 2023

 Saturday - 10:45 pm. 

Figured to go out late and find fuel. 2 stops. 1st, the lights were all on inside and outside of the facility.  So, I parked at a pump and walked up to the door which had a sign that read: WE ARE CLOSED, THE POWER IS OUT!!!".  Oh? How can your power be out and you still have all of those light on all over the place?  Weird. 

A mile away is a Chevron near downtown. It is always closed at this time of night but you can still get gas as long as you are using a card. I pulled up, saw the "OUT" signs on every pump, inserted card, pumped out 10 gallons of premium into the gas cans and another 15 into the vehicle.  James wants to use premium because it stops a lot of the problems you get with generators and using lower octane gas. 

Ethanol free would probably get rid of the problem as well.  There aren't many stations around selling ethanol free, but it's what they recommend in using for small engines such as lawn mowers and weed eaters and such.  No, I wasn't looking for ethanol free, I was looking for gas. Any gas.  I really didn't care if it was lower octane, just get something to dump into those generators, the heat indexes remain high and aren't going down any time soon.  

I don't think I even spent 15 minutes on that trip. Now we have enough to last through tomorrow.  It's getting expensive tho.  Still much cheaper and convenient than hotels and frankly, there aren't any hotels that are opened or if they are, they don't have electricity.  The Marriott Fairfield has an empty parking lot.  The Holiday Inn apparently has guests staying but they out and out stated they don't have power. I don't know about the Hilton brand hotel down there, not really paying much attention to it, but IF there ARE any hotels that have power in this town, they are going to be full.  

The 2 bedrooms with window ac are nicely cooled, we will all sleep fine tonight.  That's what I can say about that.  I have other focuses of attention tomorrow, but it won't be gee, we need to go get gas first thing in the morning.  I didn't do the whole house hookup, James seemed to think I should wait.  Okay...but...we could have whole house ac and have lighting.  The down side is it would load that generator down and make it use even more fuel in the process.  It's a matter of what do we want.  

No stove or range or microwave.  Air fryer, yes.  Crockpot, yes.  Grill, yes.  I'm opting for crockpot stuff. You can make extremely delicious meals in a crockpot.  Oh and we have an electric frying pan as well.  

Just a couple hours short of 48 hours since the power went out and potentially facing another 120 or more hours of no power.  This is why I would want to just power up the house.  

I'm going to have to back myself off from looking at all the news about this and everything related to it.  Kind of consuming my mind at the moment.  Definitely don't have to think about people coming to stay at the park, who wants to come to a place with no power? The people that reserved a spot called and said they were making other arrangements.  I told them I would refund their money.  

It's really unfortunate, the timing of this outage. We would have had that shed finished by now.  Easily would have had all the drywall up and probably the tape/mud done as well.  James was off this week, he isn't off this coming week....Oh well, at least the walls are drywalled in.  I really wanted the ceiling done to help keep out the heat transfer through that thin metal. 

Enough of this. It's after 11 and I'm ready to go to sleep. Hopefully this wicked storm they are predicting coming tonight will fizzle out or go off in another direction.  

 Yesterday, at one of the few restaurants opened (doing a booming business because of it), this family's other kids brought up the subject of age.  These kids are 14 and 18.  I don't know what possessed them to think this, but they were shocked when they found out my real age.  Oh?  You must think I'm older than what I appear.  Well how old are you? 59.  What?!!!  They pointed at their dad and said "we thought you were his age!".  

Dad just turned 40 this week.  Now I was the one in shock. You think I"m in my 40's?!!  I haven't heard that in a long time, lol.  They just sat there staring at me. Umm, you know I have wrinkles on my face, right? Your dad doesn't have any....didn't phase them. 

Anyway, James just went out looking for gas.  Most stations are closed, some are just plain out of fuel - which literally and still makes no sense. I know how gas operations are run from the trucking side.  The stations set up accounts and then the trucks come and babysit the tanks. They don't necessarily fill a tank all the way up if there are other customers needing fuel as well.  But still, to just run out of gas and have nothing coming?  One of the stations has their own fuel trucks. Sitting there.  

Whatever the case, the few stations opened have lines that would make a Venezuela gas waiting line look like  a picnic in the park.  I can't imagine waiting that long to get gas, I'd rather just drive out of town and go 30 miles than wait an hour in a line, wasting gas sitting there idling.  These vehicles are out onto major streets on the shoulder, the lines are that long.  

So, that's exactly what we're doing, going to Longview for more gas after Taylor is done with her appointments over there.  We've got 2 5 gallon cans but I have another one at the property. Might as well fill them all up, we have no idea when the power is coming back on. SWEPCO is saying the end of next week, "but it could be much sooner than that". That doesn't tell us anything, really and we are going to operate off the assumption that we will be needing gas for the next several days.

If we don't, we'll have plenty for the lawnmowers and other gas operated devices.  My riding mower uses some fuel. 

We will probably eat out while over there.  

The grumpy people left about 30 minutes ago. The man was reassigned to some place on a Gulf port somewhere.  She lamented that they were leaving one place without electricity and moving to a place just in time for hurricane season. Sounds about right.  Their grumpiness sort of took a hike in the last week or so.  I dunno why, maybe because they knew they were leaving.  I've got 5 spots open? I think.  That's not good. I didn't hear back from the people allegedly coming in today - I sent them an email detailing the fact there is no power and don't expect any and yes, you can get a full refund. They didn't leave a phone number on their reservation so I can't call them and let them know.  

Shrugs shoulders. I did what I could.  Everyone that called yesterday knew the power is out everywhere, but they were calling me just in case. I"m on the other side of town, maybe it's on over there! Nope.  I wish it was! I wouldn't price gouge anyone, I wouldn't even raise my rates, but I'd make a killing right now off of overnight guests and having the park full.  Anyway, hoping these people understand there is no power.  If they do show up, I will probably give them a partial refund.  Maybe 15 for an overnight stay without power instead of my normal rate.  


We drove clean to Carthage again to get gas.  This time everyone went and we had lunch/dinner at Denny's  Carthage didn't get his like Marshall, everything is normal down there excepting the sweltering heat. It was even worse than Marshall with a heat index of 116 degrees while we were there.

Stopped by the property before going so we could grab my other 5 gallon gas can. Someone had taken it out of the shed!  The first people I saw I asked, did you by chance happen to see anyone with my gas can? "We have it in the back of our truck, we filled up our generator and then we filled it up again to give back to you".  Half the park has generators out there now, thankfully. The bad part is finding gas anywhere.  There are a few places in town but the waits can be hours.  The lines are that long.  

We drove all over the place and the amount of damage was astounding. Houses with roofs torn open, huge trees down everywhere - many had fallen on the power lines and had snapped the telephone poles.  I mean, a LOT of them.  Even more than I saw yesterday.  

I was thankful those people had refilled the gas can. We drove back home, dumped the fuel into the generators and then headed to Carthage for more fuel.  I mean, you have your choice: wait in line for fuel here and hope they have some by the time you get to the pump or just drive 30 miles, fill up, drive back.  We have enough fuel to last until tomorrow now.  I am thinking it best to get up early, refill the generators and get to the gas station here before the lines and eliminate the need to drive 60 plus miles round trip.  Taylor said someone had told her that people were lining up at 5 am for fuel, tho.  

Another tenant called a few minutes ago. He brought a generator but he doesn't have a gas can and he can't find one anywhere. Do you have one I can borrow?  I thought a bit, we can't just let our cans go, we can't find any cans either.  I was about to say, well, you can borrow it long enough to get fuel and dump it into your generator when I remembered the diesel fuel can sitting out by one of the huge burn piles.  I had hid it a while back out there, people are stealing my gas cans, I've had 4 of them stolen since I started this rv park endeavor.  I had it out there to start fires on the piles.  I left it out there but the lid/nozzle is tightly sealed on it.

That was my offer. Go find that, clean it out and walaah. You have a 5 gallon gas can.  Well, do you have any idea what I could use to clean it out? I mean, the answer was obvious? Put some gas in it, swirl it around, dump out the gas, maybe do it again?  Ohh, yeahh! I got you!  Gasoline will clean that sucker right out, you just have to dump it somewhere where you won't get into trouble doing so.  He had been all over town looking for a can.

Unfortunately, SWEPCO has not changed their outlook on a date to have power restored.  We're looking at up to 6 more days of this.  People are getting their power back on randomly all around us. It's still baffling to me how one house can have power and the house across the street not have power.  I don't fully understand the power grid, obviously, just weird how it works.  

Our neighbors are finally jumping on the generator bandwagon. We've had them out there since the morning after the middle-of-the-night weather chaos.  So, those generators have been running about 37 hours now.  Probably be good to check the oil on them, lol.  I've had mine for several years but I haven't used it that much, mostly just a back up for times like this. I did use it to help build that bridge last summer, I wouldn't have been able to do that job without a generator.

I guess I'm just rambling on, it's just everyone is a bit on edge right now. The power outage is getting on people's nerves and they are starting to cast blame on the power companies - who had zero control over the catastrophic weather event. I just now read that the tornado that touched down was a half mile wide!  That is huge!  

We filled up the tanks on the generators a while ago and have a 5 gallon and a 2 gallon can left.  That will last the night and take us into tomorrow morning, where, if the power isn't back on, we'll have to go ahead and buy even more fuel.  But, it's cheaper than a hotel and far easier dealing with 3 adults, 3 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats and fish, not to mention keeping frozen food - frozen.  We would have had to run at least one generator anyway even if we did go to a hotel.  No savings, really and everyone crammed into a room. 

2 of the kids are in and out of the rooms that are nice and cool. Kids - they don't care that much lol.  Sitting in a hot dining room playing games.  More power to them. 

 This town is a hot mess.  All of our friends are suffering miserably.  Trying to sleep in a hot house, you might as well stuff yourself into a warm oven.  We only have bedrooms being cooled or we'd invite them over.  It's a lot of people, I have been watching their posts and I feel for them. But, I determined long ago -I"m talking years now - that I didn't want to suffer in power outages.  We were getting them one after another, close together, at the time I pulled the trigger and said nope, I'm buying a generator.

It's a 10,000 watt CAT and it rocks. James has a welder he's running as well. We've got 2 bedrooms with window AC units and I can tell ya, my room is cold. I turned that sucker down last night so that it would stay cool in here once the sun comes up and starts baking everything.  Our freezers are frozen, our refrigerator is refrigerated. We also have our wifi router on and it finally started working again as of this morning when I checked it.  That will make internet surfing much easier, everyone is using their phones right now because they don't have power to run their routers.  

Yes, lightning speeds, I've never seen the internet zoom so fast as it is right now.  

The only thing I know of to do to help our friends is figure out how to install a 30 amp breaker on the exterior box, run a line out the bottom with a 30 amp male connector that will plug into my CAT generator and plug it in. It will easily run the central AC and then some. This is something I've been wanting to do for a while, I just have never been motivated to do it.  If I can get that going, we can run that generator for whole house cooling and some lights and devices and keep the other generator running the freezers and the fridge.  


Well, that was fun.  Just filled up the generators after running them all night long.  2 5 gallon cans empty yet again, the fun of trying to find a gas station that is open and has gas starts yet again.  

The real fun part? SWEPCO - the main power provider for this area (tho there are others, much smaller) updated their website yesterday to say that they expect power to be restored in various increments - coming back on starting on Wednesday of next week.  This is getting serious here, folks.  Can we deal with it? Of course. We aren't dying over here.  Many people are suffering in heat related misery. The local gossip group has people posting the woes of trying to sleep in a hot house.

Our friends the same. 

So, I have decided to go ahead and get on over to Lowe's and get the setup to hook into the main breaker panel.  It's really not that hard.  Turn off all the breakers, especially the main, hook the wires up to the neutral and ground bars, put the red and black wire into the new circuit breaker running a line out the bottom of the panel.  Hook a male adpater up that fits into my generator and plug the thing in.  It will work, I'm confident of that. 

But, to support my confidence, I did, indeed, do some research.  

So, looking for gas and getting the supplies to run the house off the generator are today's focus.  And just sent off an email to a person that reserved a spot this morning for a stay tonight. They are welcome to come, of course, but there is no power and unless they have a generator, they are going to be miserable in that thing.  I will be going over to the park today to inspect everything.  

Offa here, for now.


 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...